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Tch,MEN Is that All They Think About?
Tetra- yes, it is you little peic eof shit
Yeah, and I suppose you have nothing better to do then come on here and post comments like that, right Tetra?
ewww, guys really are perverts. blechh. don't stare at our sexy boobs.
*sarcastic*oh, geez. that was soooooo funny.
but what is funny is that most (depends on age) girls are just as a big pervs as guys are, there just not open with it as much
hehehe, like me?XD
yeah kinda, but im talking more the "sex" part ^^;
what? you mean dirty minded? That's me
yep, I'm way dirty minded......
 the dark side is strong with this one...
which one?
Lets see, I'm dirty minded, perverted, and annoying.
me too...sort of
... Chah.. Kimi is dirty minded, and a girl... And likes this picture lots... <3 <3 <3 Lovely. Not just for the 'sexy' part either.
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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