This picture made him look suspiciously like a goddess...
No, it makes him look hot
*agrees with Always_Right & Sesshomaru*  HOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, its cool, but he doens tlook hot, i dotn think so...
How could u say that Sesshomeru is so totaly hot plus if u dont like him you wont like Inuysha ok  onily because Sesshomeru is way hotter than Inuyasha
Yes. Sesshy is MUCH hotter than Inu-Yasha.
I love this picture. I love it because it is in my favorite Inuyasha ending song- 'Fukai Mori', or 'Deep Forest'. It's the prettiest song in the world and it focuses mainly on my favorite character, Sesshomaru... I really should adress him with a title.
I agree chibikitty5. No offense Inuyasha.LOL.RumikoFan, I absolutely love that song.
he looks so clean, like his fluff just came out of the wash...
:drools: S-sesshou..Sesshoumaru...(faints)
 ... Sesshoumru's knocking down the RFG's now without lifting a finger.
You fools! Don't you see what he's doing? Hes distracting you with all the sexy...sexy hair, er i mean hes trying to capture your minds!...hello? ~waves hand in front of your faces~ oh hell, not again.
I can't speak for everyone here but I know there are at least a few people who aren't doing this: =-O----* .... And Jaken calling Sesshoumaru's hair sexy?  *tries not to barf -- again*
i'm already distracted....
sorry i wasnt reading what are we talking about? O_O
Jaken was calling Sesshoumaru's hair sexy.... Oh no... Must.... not..... barf. @_@
Seriously, like when they first meet and he's like "He's so dashing!"  -thats all i have to say
and jaken seems to always praise him after he does something
The only this I want to know is what A very bored Sesshoumaru will have to say about what Jaken thinks of him.
"our room" ???
*Gets distracted* Me wanna pet fluffy!
*baking Jaken into a cake* huh?
Hold still Jaken! you keep messing up the frosting! *putting chocolate icing on the cake*
It's safe to say that's a piece of cake I won't be asking for.
it's for Ah-un! it's his birthday! ^_^
Oh. Ok. Well happy birthday to you Ah-Un... But I'm going to stay away from him. Just in case.
hey demonic bride...soo many people think sesshy is hott don't you get mad? (don't include me )
i honestly think that jaken has a thing for LS in the show. -.- moving along...
I had a dream that Sesshomaru marked me by biting my shoulder and saying that I was his. Now that's a scary dream!
i thought you like him...why would it be scary??
*points near Sesshoumarus soulmate* But that rabid wolverine over there might just have other ideas.
he is the bset
you guys want some flesh eating fish?you push abutton and the person falls in and gets eaten slowly its very intertaining(dotty:once again i had no clue you were so sinister)hahaaaa (pushes button and fan girl falls in)ha look at her scream!!(dotty:sis your beging to scare me).
he is soo cute, i think he's not going to bite you
Fluffy thingamabob...  Is it a tail? A boa? What is it?!
Just Me no it's not a tail, yes it's a boa. sessygirl...FYI i don't want him to bite me!!!
(stares at picture) So beautiful... Damn... it should be against the law to be that Sexy...
i agree
me 2...i know i'm getting a little carried away wit hthis but, has anyone noticed that all of Sesshomaru's comments are gone? and also Demonic Brides are 2.
........WAHHHH lord seshoamru is still here I think sob....but sesshaomru demonic brides are not WAHHH!!!!!!!!! sob....yes this is kaina I hate my username..how do you change it...
looks like you already did
I'm still here, barely.
hello!...again!what happen to brides comments?!she was cool!you havent happend to see my man eating chikens have you?someone opend their pen up last night...
I have seen no men eating fowl of any kind.
oh dear
yes i think it was my brother...but at least i wont see any hobos for a while!and "a very bored sesshomaru'what happend to all your and brides comments?!i found a imposter of bride but thats all!i mean what the heck happend?!
I dunno, haven't you noticed my old comments have dissapeared too?
*angrily* yes-we-have! sorry evil side doesn't like it very much that it happened, its getting harder and harder to control her. *sighs*
well that side is right we have noticed it and its like you and bride have just picked up and left!you made us worry!so...where were you?can you please tell us?iknow i have had a hard time trying to figure it out.and where the heck is bride?!shes gone to.my head hurts.please tell us!
girl im always right  will you shut up!
maybe the website doesn't like you Sesshomaru..they shall perish! *burns with flamethrower*
*walks to collie with man eating chicken on a rope* here it attacked Yushiho on his face and he caught it. it was funny!
thanks that would be one down and 11 to go...
I don't know where my bride is, I've said before that I was frustrated about having all my comments removed so I left for a while.
Lord Sesshomaru Sama can i have a hug? *hugs sesshomaru*
your going to get killed.just be very very careful my birds can pop up at any moment...
I tried to hug him once and he was all like AHHH... so yeah be careful. Those claws of his are deadly
What is it with hugs?! it's just spreading germs and sickness between people. Not saying Sesshomaru is unclean or anything. Just making a point. Hugs are gross..*shudders*
they burn!and not like fire!they burn your soul!
dude i already know what his nails feel like!!! they hurt!!! *Shows them wrist* *in monking tone* "I wasn't squezing that hard" yeah right
-glares- are you moking me?
*walks away* Sesshomaru will attack us aaaaaalllll!!!!
Weeee!!! *spinning in circles for no reason* I like candy...
you know the real time on my computer is 8:59? this websites scerwed up
hm..me too...*shrug* *watching a person get stabbed in Halloween*
*hands a random DVD to A/67* You should watch this instead ^-^ *has noooo idea what the DVD even is*
uuuh that's how ya get killed by A/67, never tell her to watch anything else
Hey A/67 I put in a few more tvs. Now you can watch all of the Halloween movies at the same time. ^_^
your just incouraging her
But horror movies are good. ^_^
O_o Michael...*rolls round on the floor muttering* Need...8 tv's...*michael randomly walks up and stabs her in the head* ^_^ I never knew how much you cared! *swoon*
god a/67 is love struck! last guy i liked died. any way when i say it burns i ment hugs. they burn!!!!!!!! and ya pritty much, all together, im bored.
love is stupid.
for once i agree with the new girl
choke and gag me!now you i dont agree with! *sticks toung out*
I can't believe it works again! It used to not let me post but now it does and im happy and want to dance! *dances* okay im done...fire...*blows up entire forest in celebration*
do you wanna know mi opinion inuyasha is cuter but lord sesshomarou is the sexyest of all
How could you think InuYasha is cuter? Are you nuts? Maybe you don't know this but Inu means dog Yasha means female demon so InuYasha means female dog demon  *thinks* You know what I think I'll leave the Yasha fan slaying to A/67. She hasn't been around for a while and seeing as how she's back I'm sure she'll want some practice. >=]
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (rampage) (slits fangirl's throat with an ice skate blade) ^_^ i learned that one from Michael! *hugs Michael* Michael: *pushes her out of a conveniently placed 2 story building*
you ok?
lol actualy the only thing thats cute on inu yasha is is ear sorry did not mean to get you all work up
^_^ S'ok I'm not mad at all. I was just wondering why you liked InuYasha. That's all ^_^ .... Of course you might have not ment me ^_^;;;;
I'm okay...*snaps broken leg back into place and sits in fire* cool girl would be a very un-cool girl if she liked Inutrasha ^_^
you guy are so funny lol
yes we are! glad you are ok a/67! ^_^
Yeah. No A/67 killing here..... Well that is if your name isn't Michael. For some reason she hasn't tried to flame his butt... Oh well I guess that's what love will do to a person ^_^
yes it does or did the brain switching pingwins do it?
it's a mistery
*standing very close to Michael* Michael: *suddenly freaks out and shoves her through a wall* A/67: Karame...why do you provoke me with ideas...*faints*
heres my friend who wants to write!yukis killer (to be):hiya oops i just steped on a rat oops!
Uh ok that was random. Of course pretty much everyone here is like that. Weird and random ^_^ .... Oh and sorry to A/67. I wasn't trying to get you plastered into a wall ^_^;;;;
*dusts self off and turns to Michael* It was just a tiny feel! No need to get hostile. Michael: ...
my friend if really radom..
darn! i just missed you collie! this time is messed up
He looks so freaking HOT!!!!!
I don't care what anyone else says, no one can LOVE Seeshomaru more than I.  HAHAHA. And yes, he is sooooooooo sexy, more than words can describe.
bitch! *tries to bite head off of songo impersonater but misses* you ******** lil @******* no one in hell impersonates songo!
go collie *cheers from the side line*
*sitting in fire laughing* *eating melted chocolate* sticky...
i want a peace of chocolate
i don't think there are anymore pieces...just goo, but goo is nice ^_^ *covered in melted chocolate* Here Mikey! Have some! *throws a giant puddle of melted chocolate at him* Michael: *covered in melted chocolate* A/67: oops...*giggle* Mikey is sticky! ^_^
*stilll going mad with killing songo impersonater* die go to hell! marry jaken! bwahhhhh
em... a little help maybe? Someone? *a very brown and sticky Michael is sitting on top of her, grabbing her by the hair and smacking her head agianst the floor* x_x...
*fallls on top of the sticky michle* oh so you want me to hurt you! *starts to hit his head on the flooor like he did to a/67) no one will chalange me! *gets reallly reallly realllllly pissed off)
OUCH!!! *collie is smacking Michael's head off of her own head and when her head is hit by Michael's it also smacks against the floor* O_o *knocked out*
*stops smaking his head* *drags him over to clear spot on the floor and starts to smack his head again**
*thinks about saving Michael from being pounded to death but then decides she is hungry and leaves to go buy some chocolate at the random vending machine*
*stilll smaking michles head*
Hmmm...*watches collie* Michael: *looks at A/67 like "I'll be good! I promise!!!"* A/67: hmm... *bends down to Michael's face* You owe me lots of hugs and snuggles for saving you. *shoves collie off* Thanks for beating some sense into him ^_^ Michael: *latches onto her* A/67:  Yay! I am so happy! *whispers to collie* i might ask you to do this again
ok. *grabs brother and starts to smack him*
Ack! too...much...squeezing!!!! can't breathe!!!! *Michael holding onto her tightly* *turns blue* i luve you...*passes out from lack of air*
Great a very board seshomaru has disappeared again and i wanted to ask him a question too so does any one know how to reach him???
go to members and look for a very bored sesshomarus name
*coloring in a coloring book but the crayons are melting* stupid cheap crayons! *sitting in a burning tree*
sory fel a sleepy what did missed
*green crayon falls on cool_girl's head as a puddle of wax* *still sitting in the tree* sorry! damn crayons keep melting.
now thats what i a weck up call lol
you cant draw whith crans
yeah but i can color with them! although, now i can't. because they MELTED! yes i'm yelling at the crayons! Stupid things! Can't hold up in a decent fire! *grumbles*
Next time, i'm totally buying colored pencils. Stupid cheap lumps of wax. Crayons are a lame excuse for an art tool. *grumble*
no the colord pnecles are made of wood that will burn. try chalk
jeez ive missed alot hu? ^_^ hey guys
Not if you cover the colored pencils in sheet metal! *holding white hot colored pencils* ^_^ *melted crayon falls right on Michael's head* A/67: *laughs* oops.
ya oooooooooooooops
 You wouldn't hit a girl would you? Michael: *attacks* A/67: nevermind...*screams of pain*
i tink he would and he's able lol *crying because of the bad day i add*
*dust settles* A/67: *completely mangled*
I love Sesshomaru he is so beauitful *sigh*
fan girl *walks away wil sworing*
em...you die! *throws Sword queen into a room with Michael* *4 seconds later* Michael: *breaks the door down and hides behind a couch* A/67: okay...*storm of fangirls come flying out* *gets trampled* AAAAHHH!!! quick! Someone hand me my flamethrower!!!
Sesshomaru is hotter than InuYasha!  Sooo sexy...
Uh-oh. Missed one *surrounded by fangirl corpses* *blasts fangirl with flamethrower*
Yeah? Well I think you're a dead-man! *rips head off with bare hands and punts it into inferno* ^_^ I feel better now.
we will we will rock you go a/67
What the hell kind of an idiot says girly-girl any way  To think she tries to call us idiots.  now something like that is funny. *looks at guide*... Hm... *brings hanyou_shion back to life* Hey Michael I could use your help for one minute *stab* -_-; not me ... *stabs hanyou_shion* thanks ^_^ ...... *stab* O_o ~sigh~ oh well... *hangs her from a tree* *the sent of blood attracts wild animals* cool *watches as the rabbid wolverines start eating her face* >=}
^_^ Michael lurves to help others in need. *stab* *bleeding*
*in the wolverine pack atacking corpse*
*still fighting to kill the corpse
YOU BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR ALL JUST LIKE SESSHOMARU GIRLY GIRLS!!!  :-hang on*looks back at the picture*  he look's like hes ever about to either cry at my comments( if he did i would laugh my head off) or piss his pant's if he did any one of them i would crack up laugh-*snaps out of it* DON'LISTEN IT'S MY YAMI SIDE!!!!*turns back into yami* sorry about that that side is in the shadow realm
go to hell you a hole
how dare you say that now you can never see the good side of me
i was ticked off im not a girly girl
Hm...do i even have a good side? *ponders* Nope! So i don't care about seeing anyone else's! *kills hanyou_shion* ^_^
i can never be killed* spell wher's off* nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo *changes back to normle* huh what's being* looks at Aaron.w*YOU ASSHOLE IM SO GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* kills Aaron with a sword* barstedit seems that my classmate puted a spell on me to be crule beacouse i dont fight and forgive evoryone no mater wat happens.* looks at Aaron jumping out the window* shit
killing bad... mutating animals goooood!
Everyone can be killed. I just have to try harder. >=) *bares fangs*
no rin stay alive good...
*goes on rampage and blows up everything within a mile of her* AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
good thing my animals are zombies
*hyperventalating with rage in the center of a 1 mile long crater* phew. that was quite a random anger splurge. ^_^ im better now! *skips into the woods with her flamethrower* Michael:
la la la la la! *BOOM!* la la la la la!!!! *obnoxious singing* skipping in the forest Weeeee!!! *BOOM!*
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh loud sound hurt the ears of collie!
Die trees! BWAHAHAHA!!
What hapen i fell asleep biend that tree that is now on fired*yan*
Yay my boyfriend!!! He's soooooo sexy! Come on Sesshy *takes him away*
Who is Sesshy? Must be some ugly guy that is that fangirl's boyfriend. *kills her*
he so beter not clean out th coments. i like to read them to figure out what the hell goes on when i am gone!
too bad he is evil... i like inuyasha better. he is soo hot! but kakashi is my man! *grabs kakashi, & drags him away....*
*playing hockey with fangirl's head as the puck* huh? did somebody say my name? *shrug* *slapshots head into bonfire* SCOREEE!!!!
*just sits there with her eyes glazed over*
*starts poking burning head with hockey stick* ^_^
*ducks as boulder goes flying over head*
*eyes are still glazed over* grave robber:dude. *pokes collie with a stick*
Is she going to..........okay
Evgeni: can i have my hockey stick back? A/67: no. >=) Evgeni: okay then. (watches tv)
*breaks out of mental hospital* *takes out list* Ok that's another one that needs to be burned to the ground... Nah explosions are so much better *pulls out rocket launcher**fires it but nothing happens* >=$ ~note to self: Buy more ammo for rocket launcher~
Uh here * offers rocket amo* I was going to blow up ex-boyfriends house but your idea is much better
*uses Evgeni's hockey stick to beat people over the head with* *stick breaks in half* oops. O_o. *tapes it together* I'm done! *gives stick to Evgeni* Evgeni: (takes stick and it falls apart)  A/67: (Gasp!) What did you do?! You broke your hockey stick! O_O
 that sucks
Evgeni: i didn't do anything to it! What did YOU do?! >=( A/67: i don't know! YOU broke it! Evgeni: It's got duct tape on it! A/67: Why did you put duct tape on it? Evgeni: I didn't!!!
Ok here an easy solutions *hands Evgeni a new hockey stick* there problem solved
chiken pot pie is madee of chiken, hence the name bannana cream pie
Evgeni: (takes stick) thanks. (death glares at A/67) A/67: I didn't do it! (starts laughing) okay...okay, maybe i dented it...a little. (laughs harder) Evgeni: >=( (hits her over the head with his new hockey stick)
 Okay then
I lurve you eventhough you want to beat me into the ground right now ^_^ (hugs Evgeni) Evgeni: (twitch) I'm using all of my strength not to hit you again..(rage)
no coment
My doctor says when im angry, to take 10 deep breaths and then punch myself in the face and hopefully the shock will kill me. ^_^
Sesshomaru_The Dark Being
i know iam *stares at a very bored sessh*
Okay, screw the 10 breaths. AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! (kills them both) DIE YOU FANGIRL AND IMPOSTER!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!! (blasts them with flamethrower)...^_^ i'm okay now. (sits next to Evgeni) Evgeni: O_o.
 Wow when she gets mad she gets mad  I'm just glad i wasn't them  *pokes ashes with a stick*
Evgeni: (uncomfortable sitting next to her) O_O A/67: I lurve you! (hugs him)
im scary when i get pissed off but thats oly at sango imposters! sango is so cool! i like her. kikyo is a bitch. kagomes okay my friend will kill me if kagome dies. akitos a bitch.
akito? I don't get mad all that often but when I do yoou really don't want to be around cause things can get pretty ugly
*still poking ashes* I'm bored
(sees Kagome walk by) (deep breath) 1...(deep breath) 2... Evgeni: I'm gonna go.um.eat. (runs off into kitchen)
*turns into a posinous snake and ites Kagome* Oops  >:}
3...(deep breath) 4...(deep breath) Evgeni: Hey! I found a fish sandwich! YES! (eating sandwich in the kitchen)
When were you a jerk..? (scrolls up through comments) Ah. I've seen worse. But since you apologized, i won't have to kill you now! ^_^ Evgeni: Mmm...this is a good fish sandwich. A/67: you're gross.
lemons? ewwwwwww gross in bolth ways! i go on quizzila to see if im crazzy!
Evgeni: mmm (still eating fish sandwich) A/67: no. sick!!! (sits in bonfire and glares at Evgeni eating the sandwich)
i hate fish samwitch it sounds distusting
tuna t-u-n-a! like yoda y-o-d-a yoda!
(still sitting in bonfire glaring at Evgeni) Evgeni: will you stop looking at me like that? A/67: no. >=(
*throws a tuna sandwhich at engvi*
Evgeni: thanks! (eats tuna sandwich) A/67: (throws rocks at Evgeni) >=(
tuna t-u-n-a tuna! like potatoes! p-o-t-a-o-s otatatoes!
Evgeni: that's it! Im sick of you people throwing things at me! >=( (throws hockey pucks at collie and A/67) A/67: DUCK AND COVERRR!!! (jumps behind a random pile of sandbags)
8throws a bloody body of a fat person at engvi*
Evgeni: (ducks and the body misses him) (hits A/67 right between the eyes with a puck and gets collie as well) AAAAAHHHHH!!! A/67: woah! O_O he's Cwazzzzyyyyyyyy!!!! (ducks)
*steals the puck*mine
... Evgeni i miss youuu!!! (10 feet away from him) We've been separated for like, 15 minutes! I'm so lonely... Evgeni: -_-. coming. (mutters complaints in russian)
okay... *hied hockey puck*
(latches onto Evgeni) ^_^ Evgeni: i hate you. so much. A/67: i know (snuggle)
Wow i've missed alot  D*** those AOL morons
AOHELL! I hate them! >=( (stabs all the people who invented AOL) Evgeni: well, at least she's occupied with that. I get some room to breathe! (stretches out on the couch)
u are all funny and crazy but need a life
(still attacking AOHELL) DIE YOU FILTHY SCUM!!!  Make a better internet!!!
what a loser. A/67 is nuts
I have no shame in being a loser! (sigh) but i'll win someday...(hopeful stare)
Of course she nuts that what makes her interesting  Now get lost your annoying
^_^ you're awesome! SEE! You and your other two names may hate me but other people don't. I win!
 *can't stop laughing at haters*
want some nachos? (eating a box of nachos) mmm...extra spicy cheese.
 Did you just say nachos? thats one of my fave foods  *has bowl of cheesy nachos in hand*
Yep! Nachos is my favorite food EVERRRRR! Evgeni: they're not THAT great. A/67: O_O HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE NACHOS!!! GARRRR! (tackles him)
 Nachos are the best food ever  I'm totally addicted to them and i swear i can smell; them a mile away  Oh and btw I'm new so...umm...Hi everybody:!: I would just like to say that I'm a pyro and proud of it
Yay! ^_^ fun-ness! You're my new feind..um friend! (hands her complimentary lighter). well gotta go! I can smell the nachos! (runs off) NACHOSSSSS!!!
(dives into a giant box of nachos) Weeeee!!! wait...something is wrong.  WHERE'S THE CHEESE!?!! NOOOOO!!!!! I can't have nachos without cheese!!! AAAAAAH!!! (tear)
*Runs off to find cheese*1 hour later* I'm back and i found the cheese! *logging huge cart of it*
YAYYYYYYY!!!! (dives into the cart of cheese) Weeee! (swims in cheese) Dump some nachos in!!! Evgeni: that's just disgusting... A/67: (splashes him with cheese)
*goes off to get own nachos*
when i first saw him i thought he was a chick
HOW COULD YOU MISTAKE HIM FOR A girl......... he kinda does ..... but still ...came on
 that idea is messed up  *twiching* He['s a man.....man
long time no see..... and YES he IS MAN... >:0......... I hate when ppl say that
HE IS MAN >>>>>>>> BECAUSE HE IS TOO HOT TO BE A GIRL and he doesnt have boobs LOL ^_^
if he was a man and had boobs...that would be kinda scary. O_o. Evgeni: umm...okay this conversation just got a shade too wierd for me (leaves) A/67: (sitting in the cart of cheese dumping nachos on herself)
 I agree with Evgeni for once *runs off to torture RFGs*
Where'd everyone go? (looks around) oh well, more for meeeee!!! (swimming in giant cart of cheesy nachos) ^.^
*looks aroud carefully* 0.o having fun A/67
AM HERE TO ... and those are my nachos
OUUUUUUUU...it be a long way to bottom of nacho land...*guys try to dive down to catch D...butts wiggle trying to get under nacho pile*
Why yes young pedestrian! I am having a marvelous time! Evgeni: young pedestrian?  A/67: ^_^ (doing cartwheels in the cheesy nachos)
*eats down to the bottom of the nacho cart adding hot sauce to the nachos* done......*comes back up only to be stepped on by A/67* Nick: *laughs at pheonix*
oh how good it is to be back! how long has it been people?????? i missed u guys so much*hugs everyone here* ive been picking up computer typing skills
You ate all the nachos!!! GARRRR! (steps on pheonix again) i guess i'll go get more... (snaps fingers and the cart fills back up with nachos) Weeeeee! (swims in nachos again)
XD * eats nachoes* im so evil XD
mmm..(eating nachos as well) (pours extra cheese on the cart and all over herself) Evgeni: i can't imagine how bad that is for your skin. you'll get so much acne your face will just be one giant zit.
*stares A/67 and pours freezing water on her* well that takes care of that problem now on to the next thing*pulls out a nuclear bomb*
my nachos!!!  YARRRRR!!! (attacks hanyou_shion) Evgeni: i'm not restraining her... (watches tv)
*blocks her attacks* u so suck.....ummm ur nachoes*points to the nachoes going down the drain*hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe*has hand on the nuclear bomb* i wont reframe in using it.......if it's a complete nesessary thing to use
(throws a hazmat suit on Evgeni and then tackles hanyou_shion and throws the bomb on her) YARRRRRRRR!!!! YOU DARE INSULT MY NACHOS!!!!? (bomb explodes on hanyou) ... ^_^ okay more nachos! (skips off to get more nachos) Evgeni: this hazmat suit is rather form-fitting. A/67: i know >=)
YARRRRRRR!!! (in viking outfit) I shall now pilliage the lands and take their nachos! BWAAAHAHAHA YARRRRR!!! (runs off swinging a large axe)
sesshy sad =(
*watching A/67 destroy villages* Way cool! This should be on TV
(comes back with huge sack full of stolen nachos) YARRRRRR!!!! Evgeni: sweet! (eats nachos) A/67: YAR! off to pillage some more!!! (runs off with axe)
*grabs spiked bat and runs off after A/67* I wanna pilage too
You need a viking helmet too! And a furry manskirt! (hands extra clothing over) Evgeni: hmm..manskirt? A/67: you want one? Evgeni: ...yeah. A/67: (gives him one) ^_^
*storming around in new outfit* I look awsome now on to destroying things
Evgeni: (wearing the manskirt) hmm...i feel so free! A/67: you look like Koga now. (bursts into laughter) Evgeni: hmm.. i like this. strange. (looking at self in a mirror)
*busy destroying village*
My laughter time is over. For now i must return to PILLAGE!!!! YARRRRRR!!! (swings axe and runs off) Evgeni: (still at mirror) does this skirt make my butt look big?
sesshy looks shmexxy
sesshomaru!!  *drools*
bleh!he always acts cool!I hate Sesshomaru
seshomaru sama iz the only reyzel i whatched that crappy show inuyasha gozaru  i waz all like KYA!!!!! ITS SESHOMARU SAMA!!!!!!!!!! (O/////////O)
 I won't lie Sesshomaru is hthe hottest man/demon...eh...being ALIVE!!! (for me that is) I mean Inuyasha is cute and all for girls who want a dramatic relationship BUT Sesshomaru is the type of guy you would want if you want a real relatioship. If you ask me Kagome should have met Sesshomaru first then they might have ended together...or =.=' He would've chopped her head off. lol. And yes I am A big
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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