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umm Okaaayyyyy
 cute, but wrong couple
NO NOT WROG....its really really GREAT!!!!!!
i agree with naruto's_lover
cute there so cute togther
I totaly disagree with you guys, I don't have a real reson not to like it, I guess it's cause I want him for myself.
i don't care wat pairing it is as long it's drawn well
I love this even though I don't like Gaara/Sakura pairing. The only thing is that Sakura's hairstyle looks more like a pink version of sasuke's then hers
Yeah her hair does look like a pink version of Sasuke's.....
i want gaara for my self
Mononoka...i do to (sniff) ur not alone *goes over and hugs her and starts crying  *
*hugs her to...lets go and says*HE'S ALL MINE ALL MINE MAHAHAHAHAHA so sorry i fell your pain to
I wish i had pjs like them! Yes I am a girl. And yes, I want pajamas like Gaara's.
woah!!! i wunna be sakura!
really cute!!
sakura is sooo lucky don't you think?  being hugged by Gaara like that. its a really cute pic
I look like Sakura *not kidding..* so that might be me! LOL
i luv the matching but i wish Gaara would come to me instead of that pig
Gaara-kun and Sakura-san are sooo cute together!  they're meant for each other
I would love for Gaara to hug me like that  I'm not too mad because I know that that will never happen...THANK GOD
I'm trying to figure out if I like this pairing. It's kinda refreshing to see Sakura in a picture with a guy that's not Sasuke. Ha, if my sister ever sees this picture, she would explode! She loves Gaara and seriously HATES Sakura.
I dispise Sasuke. He has 2 fourth of my hate. 1 to Neji 1 to Lee. And I dispise Sakura. Get away from my totally hot Gaara!!!!!
gaara noooo! come bck here..NOW! sakura can rot in hell.
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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