Very Nice Image of Lord Sesshomaru
Wow... an excellent image of Sesshoumaru....
OMG he's so freaking cute in this!!!
Whats with the giant fluffy thing?
Lord Sesshoumaru's particular demeanor is set of well in this.
WOOOW Great Picture of Sesshoumaru
wow! HE LOOKS hOtT!
He looks seeeeriouuuus.............
this pic. is way awsome.
Uh... what a beatyful picture... Sesshomaru and the moon, too
Does the moon on his forehead mean something?Cuz hes always standing in front of a moon in a lot of pics
really, what is that fluffy thing hes wearing?
Of course the mortals would think the same......if they are truly fans of master........You can barely see the undeniably stupid name anyways...
 why is "inuyasha" written in the background?!?
I love this pic of sesshomaru he's so CUTE  and the fluffy thing he's wearing is a boa, or so I heard.
He's cute O.o..........really? I was going along the lines of cute sexy handsome.......did I mention sexy
alright......Master Sesshomaru I think you need some rest...
his serious face is why i love him,and ofcourse i love his attitude.
In the manga Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru had a fling. Sesshomaru wasn't always so mean to Inu-Yasha he used to take care of him. But one day Inu-Yasha was kidnapped and Sesshomaru went after him. Sesshomaru fought off the demons whom had kindnapped Inu-Yasha and then Sesshomaru kissed him. The manga hinted to them doing more but didn't actually show it. But after that day Sesshomaru vowed to kill Inu-Yasha cause he thought himself to be tainted by the half demon. But that could be why Inu-yasha's name i...
wow.this pic iz really hot.
wow, what a powerful picture
killing sprees are fun! (goes on one but stoves her toe and cries)  ouchies!
I think I've actually seen the magna rin is talking about. One of my friends has it. It's in japanese and I only looked at it for a minute and didn't bother to translate any of it. Inu/Sess stuff is just..... just so.... wrong. Why don't people get the fact that they are brothers.
I think the one she has was called "Yawaraka no Kaze" either that or it was "Kumoji no Hate" (I think that's how they're spelled) any way if you want to check those would be a good place to start.
Ok Well now I know. I'm still trying to learn Japanese so if there's anything you could recomend it would be much appreciated. I've wanted to learn japanese for a long time (Even before I started to watch stuff like InuYasha and Yu Yu Hakusho).
Actually I'm sure it's part of the real series they sell it where I volunteer I'm not old enough to work yet *tear* so I just help out there. I can look into. I only glanced it over because I didn't like the idea but basically what happens is what I said above. Inu-Yasha gets kidnapped Sesshomaru goes after him saves him all that good junk. And they kiss manga hints to more Sesshomaru finds out Inu-Yasha is a half demon and he's all like I'm tainted. I don't think they knew they were brothers though.
O_O; No need to get violent. Maybe some anger management could help.... Just a suggestion. *Hides behind Youko*
good thing i can't read...wait...(confused)
Yes sir. *salutes Lord Sesshomaru.* I'am sorry I will never speak of your brother again.
~runs in~ Lord sesshomaru! i have news about inuyasha...why are you smiling at me?
We could call him 'he who shall not be named'....... wait.... I think the Harry Potter books already claimed that one. *Sweatdrop*
Ouch, i screw up and mention inu....that one guy and you commit copyright infringment...we are on a roll!
teh stupid asshole halfa how about that hehe jsut a suggestoin....
how about half breed it's true and it's not too mean.
NOOO MEAN come on rin side with us Inuaysha is stupid adn thinks he is all that I bet sesshoumaru is the real hero adn stuff here yep he is cooler, better looking, and is a lot smarter!!!!!! I am now going to chat a sand INUYASHA IS AN ASSHOLE HALFA INUYASHA IS A ASHOL HALFA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! yes I am sugar high yay!!!! sugar heh
Sugar highs are about as bad a cafine highs.
One time I drank a very strong cup of foldgers coffee and was up for almost 40 hours.
But Lord Sesshomaru will not let Rin swear. So it can't be too mean and Inu-Yasha not as bad as Naraku. Is he?
It all depends on who's anwsering your question. Me I'm not really sure who's worse.
yeah Inuyasha is better then Naraku becuase Naraku pretty much killed kagura...and shutting up
you know I really feel like killing Inuyasha but i CAN'T BECUASE OF THIS STORY i AM WRITING WITH MY FRIENDS AND SHE IS MARRIED TO HIM AND of couse I get Kenshin hehe but Ia m such a flirt heeh when Sesshoumaru came in eth story I was all over him *phrase not actully on him T_Tx*
yeah that is my other reason hehe I love fire who else loves fire hehe oh and Lady Sesshomaru's demonic bride I was wondering could I be you and Lord Sesshosoumaru's servent
yes yes Lord Sesshomaru-sama I soo very very sorry I will reedit that post then and yay!!!! can you help me think of a nickname then please
I never had to spell his name right, because he can't get rid of me. and i serve some minor purpose: getting him demon rides ^^ he likes my Demon go round...  oh god i wasnt supposed to mention that!
*hides grin* Demon go round?
I will now og by Kaina becuase I think it is insulting to Lord sesshomaru to have anything to do with someone from another anime hehe but I wanted to fix it I don't want to make lord Sesshomaru upset or his wife
 ok tehn thank you it is my real name hehe
....wait what demon go round what the heck...confused please explain lord sesshoumaru
oh ok then I bet jaken has lots of fun on it too hehe
hey! that's my family you're using!  I happen to be a demonic horse!!! *pouts*
hehe I wasn't going it lord sesshomaru was but don't be mad I don't think he invited it....or did he....
watch everytime sesshomaru rides in on a demon, hes smiling a little. and THAT, ladies and gentleman, is why my lord keeps reviving me...cause im the only one who will replace the horses he kills...oh god the screams, the sad, sad horsie screams!
OOO he looks soo kawaii in this pic!
...ok tehn..well since it is lord sesshomaru killing them it really doesn't bother me at al....
A/67 you are a demon horse??
*nods* a black horse...in true form *beats Jaken into the ground with a pitchfork*
wow a black demon horse  is your mane made of fire??
we should stop being mean to jaken know he hasn't done anything...yet...........hehe
Perhaps *throws Jaken past kaina* but it's so much fun to do it. *thwap echoes*
OMG!! this is the best pic of sesshomaru i have ever seen. this is my aol aim sn so aim me when u want. i love the way he looks so distant and mystirous.
*sweatdrop* ok then......Arghhh (must resist the temping to toture jaken must resist) I can do it...I can do it...breath in breath out breath in breath out...ok tehn I feel really strange saying that...
First, for those that don't know what the big fluffy thing in the picture is, it is his tail. Second,...  don't you guys think we shouldn't fill in with so many comment? I mean, it takes up a lot of space even though i really enjoy the comments and offenses. And last but not least... Sesshoumaru is so cool and good-looking it's official!
surprisingly, as a pyro horse my mane is usually like any horse mane...except when i'm angry. you wouldn't like me when i'm angry. *entire body is engulfed in fire* >:]
the pic is wonderful! ^_^ .....are we Rping in here?
which would be kind of funny lord sesshomaru
Lol! whatever it is...well its cute, but not as cute as my Inu's ears! *tweak tweak* Inu: dammit knock it off!
Inuyasha? DIEEEEE!! *pounces with flamethrower and burns Inuyasha to a crisp* ^_^ Stupid halfer!
ekkk nooo great I am going to die early I don't wanna *hides behind lord sesshomaru."sorry about this chantal will kill me otherwise....."
fine, now we can see tru perfection
nuts! all you peole nuts! (pecks jokens head)nuts!(tiger girl walks in)please dont eat me!!!tiger girl:you dont want to see this.puts raven on grill what?!i am a tiger what do you expect!!?
N0OO! DONT KILL INUYASHA...it should be enough that I make his life a living hell!....thats what wives are for! ^.^
shes is right when you have a wife things go down hill.
i watch wayyyyy to much t.v.
*looks up from dinner* huh? mmm..this Inuyasha roast is delicious! ^_^
(bitch)why do the brothers fight?they are siblings but come on i dont try to kill anyone just for who or what they are.
He is so hot I love him!!!!
another insult lord sesshomaru grrr Inuyasha should die but we can't kill him lord sesshomaru culd chantal wouldn't kill me then heh
ok what is you promblem I never said anything about wanting to KILL Kagome!!!!! ane besides stop with teh caps lock I only caps thing that i want to be noticed that I am yelling adn you are doing it too much it is annoying me now so STOP IT!!!!!
Hah...(burns everyone in the room) you guys bore me..wars..killing Kagome...laughing at wars..where is the FIRE!? Fire is never boring O.o
your the reason im trieing to get more land!!!you have buirnt 90 of my homes and have scared away all my food!!!
i thought you faught i a war befor?? im trying to get food!!tellA/67 to stop burning my homes!!
I can't control the fire...fire is my soul... *burns forest* besides, it'll grow back...someday *malicious grin*
oh god stop with the stupid coments you know it is called small typos a lot of people make then she never took typeing so she makes a lot of them.....I think most of you are being me you are the ones insulting her you expect her to be like whatever when she is in a bad mood....
*shutting up*
bored bored even more bored!!(sees butterfly)ill get you!
has anyone here seen the third movie? I'm in it
no but since your here please through the stick!11111
Okay the fluffy thing (well if you look at him when he's in his real dog demon form) It goes over his shoulder. And sometimes he uses it to tie his victoms with it, well that's what they say anyway. and how can you dorks be bored  oh yeah you guys are saying the smae thing over and over and over again! Come on work with me people! Phsyco Pase Out!
(runs and gets it)again again i say!!!please!!!!
...... hi lord sesshomaru!!!
through it please!!!
*grabs ball flies up itno the air and then throw teh ball as hard as possible* now go get it.....
thank you!!(gets it)now through jaken!!!
Having fun?
Yes!!  !!more fun!!more candy!!!more coffie!!!!
who all hates kagoma
(puts 2 paws in the air)me me!!!
O_o where's Bride. We need some serious order, its like she's gone for a week and all the fangirls go berserk! *deletes stupid comments with her mind*
this oatta be good. maybe i wont be so bored anymore  seeing fan girls go for something way out of their league is funny ecspeacially if they're preps^-^
What's it with you,and Demonic Bride anyway? I'm glad she's gone! She talked funny!
you are not funny!!you know whats funny??feeding fan girls to my pet peronas!!!
u guys suck!!!@@@  onepiece RULES!!!@@@
you know what else is funny? ANARCHY!!! Bwahahahahaha!!! *runs through the forest with a torch*
GRRRRR!!!!! never say you are glad mistressss is gone grrrrr......I MISS DEMINIC BRIDE WAHHHHHHH!!!!....yep I am soooo bored....yay!!! it is my evil sis *chases after younger sis with torches* HAHAHAHA!!! I AM MAKING AN ANGRY MOP ANYONE WANT TO JOIN!!!!
me!!me!!pick me!!can i bring some man eating chikens??or how about my aligators??
I wasn't trying to be funny,collie
yep you can join collie...do you have any REALLY EVIL FANGIRLS and evil insulters' eatting alligators if so I am happy with that heeh
What does everyone have against inuyasha here?
hmmmmm lets see he SUCKS!!! see my sister carrie I think she goes under Kaina's preppy sis or something like that) but she supports him I think she is an idoit though the rest of us like sesshoamru...wait no Billina doesn't I don't think...
ya inuyasha go to hell and fart if you like inuyasha so much go to his pics
yes my aligators really eat anoying people!were do you think all the vilage idiots got to?
no me extra�a si es que el muchacho es muuuuuuuuuuuy guaaaaaapo, o sea que esta para comerselo, semejante bombon, delicioso bollito de crema y lo mejor de todo es su caracter. lo siento chicas pero mucho me temo que su novia soy yo waaaaaaahahahaha!!!!!
AHHHH!!! I don't understand a single thing that person above me just said.....oh and one piece fan please stop with all the smillys please they are kind of annoying me..no evence though......
something about someone being verrrrrryyyyy hhhhooooottttt and i think sumthing about her liking someone more than all of us. Yes i am assuming she is an annoying RFG who wants Sesshomaru for her own. *kills her* mmm..fangirl roast.
oy kaina:NO  !!!@@@MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!@@@
ok then you don't have to....but I must warn you never turn your back on the darkest infront of you.....MUEHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
i need something to keep me busy!im not nearly as odd as my brother.he digs up dead people and takes their jewlry and what not...my pets previde exelent entertainment when you through a fan girl in.
EVERY ONE HERE!!!i found a better site SO THERE KAINA!
ok god calm do2n I wans't even being mean and right now you are getting on my nerves...couldn't you tell I was only joking about the last thing I siad duh...I don't even know you so that isn't really ture...oh and I am glad you found another site go and enjoy it if you are going to have an attitude.
you have a way with words kaina!and im glad shes or he or whatever found some where else she can go.if she has a atitude she needs to bother someone else!
i agree collie! if she wants to go to anouther site good ridens!! the less retards the better
(back round music:all by my self dont want to be all by my self anymore....)brother turn that off before i make you eat it!dont woory you still have us.
kk....but i FOUND LORD SESHOMARU!!!!!!! *still hugging lord sesshomaru* I foubnd him at this one board he doesn't know what happened to his posties....I was sooo happy to see him that I jumped him/ran up to him and hugged him.....
hurray!celabrate good times come on!there a party here a cellabration to celabrate sesshomarus return!!
he isn't anywere eles tho! only on that one picture in the front. Why dosen't he come out here?
I knew where our Lord was, he ran away from all of you guys! Always hanging off of him doing this: =O-----, he just got sick of it and ran away! *sigh* though it is rather dull without him...
i'm not the one whos all over him and what does =O------ mean? cause i don't know
i think it was mostly the fan girls that did that.and i cant find rin,bride eather.....and it is so dul;l with out them!
it is
i was directing my previous comment toward the RFG's not you guys... and if you tilt your head sideways it looks like a person drooling =O----- ^_^
yuck!drulling gross!
i know im just saying it's boring? we have fan girls to kill!!!! yushiho says hi
yes must chase and kill the fan girls!and tell yushiho hi for me!
ohhhh... i see it now
eh it's just less work for me if the fangirls aren't around...*polishing flamethrower*
have you ever noticed that people usually argu with their bothers more than their sisters?but thats only if they have a brother...
Yushiho's not my brother he's my demon friend
yes but like sesshomaru and inu,and my brother and i,my friends brother,drake josh and megan.but it just make it even better to see the look on their faces!
i took this quiz and it said i was just like sesshomaru
Really? I took a quiz that said I was like Hiei. >=] *pulls out sword* *kills a group of RFG's* The only sad thing is that they are so pathetic. It's almost not worth going after them..... Nah.
i was suuprisingly sesshomaru to. though i dont see how i can be like him. it must have been that side of myself i never show.
I'm like sesshomaru! I'm heartless..usually, i like destruction and death, and i like it when i'm better than anybody else!
my other side is sad,angry,and shes like a lost soul..but on the bright side you dont get bord! now where did all the coffie go?
.......... hmmmmmm ...... I still can't belive lord Sesshomaru didn't kill me...... YAY!!!! ok then...... well I never going to do that agian...... but whatever yeah I miss them
i missed you! (wags tail happily) i missed you! im glad your back! a/67 and i were like the only ones besides fan girls who were writing! so happy!(spins in circles) so glad!
I feel like such an over-obsessed geek...-_- guess it's true...*burns a pile of sticks*
he hem! yay im also back! but sesshomaru's not here, as i see he hasn't been here for a while.
.......he has left us all lord sesshoumaru doesn't care abotu us anymore *tear* sooooo sad......... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I missed you all too but I miss my master and mistress too......
You're back! *hugs shintas_darkestgirl* You've been gone longer then me! And yeah lord sesshomaru dissapeared and hasn't been back yet, he's been gone longer then last time
yay(backround music: so happy together!)turn off that music my brother!or else!
gotta love family threats
i have no family...i used to have one...but they mysteriously died..all on the same day...Halloween day to be exact. (dark look) (watching Halloween)
gotta love family threats
(hangs brother by feet over shark pit) now to get rid of your music..
*sigh* Michael is so brave...*
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the brain switching pigwins strike again! curse you pingwins! cuse you!
draws sword: i smell blood....
Well you don't want to know what I smell. *Bbbrrrttt* Ewwww, who keeps doing that? It's so discusting.
not me.
not me eder
*points to Michael* he did it!
sure blame your boyfriend.
shame on u
Whoever smelt it, delt it... and it TOTALLY was no me. *gets tossed out a window because she had her arm around Michael the whole time she was talking*
heee im sorry but what mickle does to you is funny... no offense! i think i spelt that wrong! ah i keep spelling stuff wrong!
I don't care! Pain is always funny when you're not on the recieving end of it. *climbing back up the wall* Now. Michael that was very mean! I am upset now! Windows aren't fun to fall out of! Michael: *pushes her back out the window* A/67: *falling* Curse you and all your hotness!
woW....HE SOOOOOOO hot
Who, Michael? Yeah, he is *swoon* *hugs him* Michael:  *leaves*
i think she meant sesshomaru... do you think i could call sessomaru leader? or maybe just lab? because he looks like a white golden retriver.. i know! white golden!
i think he would kill you. you know how sesshomaru is with pet names.
its a nickname theres a difference..
yeah. a thin line between life and death. just like this one! *has piece of string dividing her from Michael* Michael: *cuts string with knife and stabs A/67*
ill just have to call him sesshoamru but its such a mouthful!
yeah, but you won't die.
Now where did Michael go...? *looks behind her but he isn't there* hmm...
i hope he didnt land in my mutant chiken chamber. *goes to look*
*hears squaking from chicken chamber* yes. i think he did... hope the chickens win.
*fishes michle out* ude you tore my chickens wiong off! oh well *sews it back on*
he must've gotten hungry. I told you i would make you a sandwich in a minute! You need to learn to be more pat-*stab* ient... -_-
dude its ok bobert..*pats chikens head*
Michael: *if he could speak he would be saying... "Shut up and make me a sandwich woman!"* *STAB!* A/67: well somebody is moody today! >=( *stomps off into the kitchen*
*feeds bobert a hobo sandwich*
*throws a sandwich in his face* here! jerk! Michael:  *Picks up sandwich and eats it*
i bet he thinks oh man turkey i wanted ham! knowing how ungreatful he is!
i see major relation ship problems here O.o oh well...HEY! A/67 i want one to!!
me to!
Get your own! >=( Michael dumped me for not making him a HAM sandwich! *goes on cursing spree* he's a jerk. a dead jerk.
I know! *spits on his grave* >=( *eats sandwich*
grrrrrrr michle
grr... but i like Evgeni. He's nice! And he's Russian so he's automatically awesome. Evgeni: *trying to claw through door but failing miserably*
dude if you doint try to run she wont hurt you.
*hugs him* you smell like hockey and axe shower gel. Evgeni: O_o *twitch*
i like cerial.
 okay now that was kinda random but...*goes through backpack* i know it in here somewhere* found it *Hands collie a small bow of cocoapuffs* sorry no milk though
8eats cerial* mmmmmmm coco! (...) cococoocoocococo coocococoo cocoococo cocoococ coococo ococococ ocococooc ccoococococ oco co
hmm...*whacks her* that should do it. I lurve axe showergel *sniffs Evgeni again* mmm.. Evgeni: *a little creeped out*
ow that tickled! anyway, why do you have to....smell him? thats messded up!
'cause he's got the good showergel on! it smells wonderful..*hypnotized by the smell* Evgeni: (in russian) this stuff DOES work. (throws showergel away)
Duck soup!
showergel...O.o Evgeni: (in russian) would you please get off of me? A/67: mmm...=O--- Evgeni: (wipes drool off his face) (in russian) i guess that mean no.
no coment*
*still creeped out*
*still bored**blink* ... zZzzZzzZzz
*rubs eyes sleeply* to tired to be creepd out anymore must go to bed.....bub-bye
*sigh* when are we going to get married...Evgeni: when i'm dead. A/67: that just seems such a long time. Evgeni: by the way things are going now, i don't think it will be that long. O_o.
i know......lets have a i hate kikyo p[arty!
YAY! *starts a mosh pit* Weeee!!! (gets trampled)
*gets a dart bored and tapes a pic of kikyo on it*
*gets darts and ties Kikyo to the wall*
I like Karame's idea better  *throws a couple pyro dart at Kikyo*
Sweet  *throws dart**Kikyo screams*... Hey I wonder if she has any blood cause she's dead... Hm I think I'll find out *throws some more darts*
Burning is soo much better though! *throws fireball but but is off*
To true, to true *pulls out Flame Whip**Hits Kikyo wiht it* >=} *uses fire ability to burn her hair off too* Take that b****
*still in mosh pit* *has Dimmu Borgir blasting* *people getting trampled and there is blood everywhere*
*takes a battle ax* mwahahahhahahahahha!
(throwing spears at people) >=)
to bad i cant pick this up. no thumbs. but.......i can push bombs of cliffs and make them land on people
I like thumbs. (wiggles fingers) ^_^
*pushes eggs of a tall builiding and watches as they land on random people*
Evgeni: O_o that's a long way down. A/67: Looks like fun! ^_^ Weeeeeee! (jumps off the building) Evgeni: O_O. i really hope she has a parachute.
i wonder if shell ddie
Evgeni: (shrugs) probably...(walks down the steps to the ground) A/67: (crushed into cement) that was fun ^_^ Evgeni: yep.
fun to watch!
I want ice cream! (dusts self off and gets up) Evgeni: well...you did entertain me. Okay, let's go A/67: ^_^ (holds his hand and skips) Evgeni: we are not skipping to the ice cream store. A/67: fine. (walks)
HE's MIND BLOWING............
*Glances at Sesshomaru...Sighs.....Sits on the ground and stares at the moon...sigh*
Damn!!!!!!!!! Do you people know it took me 2 hours to read all this!!??!! *go's over and burns everyone who wasn't talkin' about the pic*. Man I'm the only one posting coments now a days... *starts singing "I'm waiting" by The All-American Rejects*
 will you stop singing cry baby i am here  now what do you want to talk about
wow no one has commented in almost a year......anywho this is smexy =P
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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