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So cute.
she is so happy in here
Wow... A pic someone hasn't insulted yet... I think they all go for the pretty ones.. Not that im saying this isn't pretty.
she is so cute
Sakura-chan is so kawaii o^_^o I luv this pic!
She is pretty cute in this picture.
Aww ^^,
She looks pretty in this picture... in all her other ones she looks crazy!
she kinda grows on you =p by the way anyone else jap?
i agree with you waterfade, i don't understand ppl hating on pics. i think it's jealousy!
wow.... shes pretty in this............ but her fighting skills are SO much better in the 2nd series
She's kawai!! ^O^ I love her!! I mean I admire her  ^^;
Uryuulshida you there?
Yep! Im here!
Hey there! Did you see naruto last night?
Hey! Heck yeah! Wouldn't miss it 4 the world!
Oh yeah,got that right! I could kill Kabuto for what he said to Sakura-chan!
Kabuto's gotten really annoying! -_-' Sakura kicks ass!
He shure has,and CHA thats right! Never underestimate Sakura! Underestimaters watch out!
You should have been here last night. I had to deal with NejiLover,and defend Sakura.
Really? I was busy ALL Sat!
Thats stinks,but I think I did ok defending Sakura-chan.If you click last comments,and go back a few pages you'll see the awful things she said.
Her pink hair,and aquamarine eyes makes Sakura the cutest girl in Naruto.
Plus her newfound talents as a medical ninja.
CHA you know it!
I love sakura!! I wanna sakura would be my sister!! ^^
Sakura is my favorite naruto character!
Yea! Met too! I agree at 100% with kagome and Sakura Rule!
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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