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Cool ^^ I was the one who drew this pic, I'm happy that someone likes my art. YAY FOR SASUSAKU!!!
Woo! SasuSaku! I love them.  My sister doesn't think it's possible but I don't listen to her.
OMG! Sasuke's Sakura you are such a talented artist!
Yea but I don't think it will.  I heard that Kishimoto would never let sasusaku happen.
Sasuke's Sakura, since you drew this pic, I'M NOW A HUGE FAN OF YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SASUSAKU!!!!!!!!!!
I'm with SakuraKairiYuna. I fav a lot of her work on DA.
XD don't we all!
lol! Yes, we do!
hello? anybody commenting lately? i guess i'm alone.......sniff.......
I'm here. :waves:
yes! finally u have returned! *waves happily back*
^__^ I've been on DA a lot. I have more stuff to upload!:runs to upload:
i can't uplaod any stuff for some reason....
I can't either. it makes me sad.TT___TT
why can't u upload? u uploaded all this stuff.....
That was before.
well, wat happened?
I mean, It was before I tried loading the next gen stuff.
ah i see.......
 yea. I'm gonna try to clean my gallery up a bit.
 wat do ya mean?
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