Itachi..your so beautiful!.....i know you dont like me to brag, but im so lucky to be with you! ^.^
That was only a little creepy...
Someone's bout to get scrapped up in herre...Itachi's mine!!So, bite me bitches!!
Fangirls, pft. I go above and beyond you wannabe cheerleading fangirls. I'm an obsesser. Itachi is one of my favourites of Naruto. He's a great character. :B
calm down ppl its not real man
Well, he does have a point!
He looks sort of older than 17. . . maybe he has seen so much death it took almost every childish feacher out of him. . . poor itachi . . . From: Icantspell
You guys are morons. Fighting over a guy who loves no one. He killed his whole family and Clan! Do you think he has a heart?
LOL @angels_of_the_blade lol... true VERY true! lol. but... Itachi-sama would learn to love somebody... though the reltionship would take time... for example: The Haku and Zabuza... Itachi uses the woman as a tool but in the end when it's too late hopefuly he learned to lover her... but hry... that's just what I think would happen  ph and aslo.... ITACHI IS NO ONES! first he belongs to the creator of Naruto... He belongs to the creator of naruto! Fan girls scare me... they obbsess to much over somethin...
I agree with angel of the blade. He is hot but seriously,he isn't real and if he was real ppl don't belong to anyone
omg... he.. he. HE LOOKS LIKE SASUKE!!!!  i cannot ever truly care for him, but, hes... dare i say it... HOT!
CLARE from valprazo indiana tell me you are here
hey ppl
. . . . . . . thou shall never here that from thee again. . . . . .
why? art though afraid of thine power or dost ye just not know his true heart
Itachi doesn't kill everyone (or did Kisame died because Itachi killed him?)
mmeeehh he tortures people, ggeeerrrr
whose the woman that itachi uses and what happened to her
-is going to stop being evil like so she can get on with her life- i am sorry if in the past i have hurt anyones feelings i will no longer act the way i have and become more happy in my posts or i will at least try....thank u for listening...-smiles at people-
He looks a Hell of a lot better than Sasuke
those wrinkles make him look older
aaah!! you'r gonna do that Kinasha_Uchiha?? Then forget what I wrote a couple pcs back... I'll probably be removing that...
All i can say is : OU LA LA!!!!
I wonder what these fan girls would think about Japanese J-rockers...guess what, there are some REAL men that look like anime guys. You people are drooling over ink and paper.
That's cuz we've never seen any REAL people that look like anime guys...
look here http://s4.invisionfree. com/Forumnessity /index.php? showtopic =498
remove all the spaces in that...this thing won't let me post it regularly
Its not like we're drooling over ink an paper... i dont have it on paper. becuase  They dont have manga or anime stuff in Belguim... only  Pok�mon or something like that
omg itachi looks hott!!!! hes hotter than sasuke....
itachi isn't hot at all. the lines under his eyes make him look like he's 50
Lmao they do xD
I think he's hot
*sings* Itachi's so smexy! MINE!!!
i hate him he killed MY caln and almost killed me
IS 100% HOT!! AND COOL !!
typical itachi....
seriously can anyone answer my question from above, pleeeeaaaaasssssseee. i'm desperate to find out
whose the woman that itachi uses and what happened to her/ I think you mean Yuuhi Kurenai, she wasn't used, and he merely banged her up a bit.
Itachi is hot hot hot! He is mine just mine mine
he kinda looks strange here ???
It's his hand thing.
hes kool but if i got the chance i would kill him because he killed the uchiha clan and left sasuke alive to sufer
he looks so emo in this pic
Itachi is so cool.
WOW! �__�
itachi and sasuke are both ugly
-gasp- what did u just type miss christilin
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Christilin did you just call them ugly?!
its mediocre
wow, Itachi's cloak thing looks very cozy...hrm...hehehe....  *steals Itachi's cloak thing* MWAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! .............okay thats not evil, i admit. (mwahaha) ..............huh? wait a sec.....oh crap *realizes she's still holding Itachi's cloak and shrieks* *Itachi sneaks up behind me* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK!!!!!!!!  *faints* ITACHI: wtf? oh well. *takes cloak* hmm....should she die? *ponders* umm...yes? *pulls out sword and tries to stab me* ME:*wakes up*...huh? EEK!!
GAAAAYYYYYYYY. if u disagree add me to ur msn at Pippin_7@msn.com or e-mail me at it too.
claiming an anime character?isn't jealousy one of the 7 deadly sins?well,it's not like your in charge of Itachi,well maybe u r in your own little fantasy world,but in reality u can't have him...no one can...not even me
okaaaaaay...but it is sad that we can't own anyone....very,very sad.
*sigh* i know he won't love anyone here but its not bad to like him OMG my friend HATES itachi!!!  im going to kill her now
ok this is what I think we all have are own itachi in own world and all itachis are different some might have glasses or other thangs but no itachi is ever the same hope this helps
well he is sexy but gaara is sexyER !!!!
hot!! hot!!!
Gaara isn't that sexy he's hot though itachi is sexy
why is it that every uchiha is hot? why?
seriously, he is so much better looking than Sasuke
eww u think sasuke's dad is hot?? lol srry
"extra!" "extra!" "itachi fangirls take over world!"
Slutty-Chi is back!!!! All the men whip out their crankshafts for Itachi's hot waxing!!! Whoo!!!
Mine is!
Itachi is Aswome!!!!!! He's Cool!!!
i love itachi
itachi is really kick ass!i love him(even is you dont think he is hot he is still one of those people that you can think is cool right?!)he rocks!
This picture was taken just before camera man #57 dissappeared and was never heard from again.
ok, gaara_ai, i understand its your story and all, but some people like to engoy the pictures without someone talking about their story, unless its on your album, sorry but it was getting on my nerves
he's gorgeous
I guess for blind people
He's kind hot
Itachi: OMG!!! my hand is stuck!!!!!
itachi is hot, but he's not mine, he's everybody's share the love
All Itachi fans this is IMPORTANT news about itachi from the manga!!!! (Must say I think he is 1 of the coolest characters in Naruto) Itachi did NOT wipe out his clan of FREE WILL. He got a mission from the konahona village to wipe out the village. cause the uchia clan were planning to attack the konahona cant remember totally why. But itachi got the mission. NOTICE the third hokage didn�t want to give the mission but his advisors managed to make the hokage to give it so I would say it�s the advisors tha...
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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