*gasp*!!! he is soooo handsome!!...even though u can only see half of his face
He�s the best!!! AAAAHHHH!!! Kakashi sama!!!!
his sexiness overwhelms me sometimes...im in love with kakashis profile!!!! ^.^
cool and i love hem
oh good,he's so..so..so sexy lol!
wow...he's...so....I think i just ruined my pants....I love him!
ohhh, how i'd love to pull that mask down and.... *drools* is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
BACK OFF. He's with me. And I won't split him either. Kakashi is MINE. Isn't that right, Kakashi? *Hatake Kakashi nods his head while reading a book*
O_o;; I am?
NO HES WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!IM HIS WIFE!!!!HUH KAKASHI!*kakashi tries to make a run for it me:where are you going
[[speeds away on a bicycle]]
RUN KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! (...) (i feel sorri for the girls BECAUSE HE'S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He iz actually in the Uchiha clan like more hotter sasuke......"faint"
[[runs into a tree ]] Xp
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH MUAHAHAHAHHAHA *starts chocking becauuse i laugh to much*
*twitch twitch* Xp
ah hem i think u can stop running now.......
XD *droool* so hotz
Geeze, do any of you guys like him for his character? I mean, yeah, he's sexy as hell, but he's super nice too. And he's not in the Uchiha clan. His Sharingan was given to him.... never mind.
Sorry... I know this may seem *evil* but he got that Sharingan from his team mate before that guy died and he became Jounin
I know... but he only did it because the guy asked him too... he was being a good friend. He's like that. That's why I love him.
Yeah he is soooo funny! There is more to him than meets the eye...
"the eye"  good one... but I bet he misses his old friend
Yes... he visits his grave all the time... that's why he's always late for Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. He's such a caring guy.
I miss Obito T_T
 Poor Kakashi!
[[turns into a gray and black calico cat]] meow T_T
Is that the same cat who made him late?! *takes out Shiriken*
MEW!! O-\\ [[jumps into Kissed_by_Kakashi's arms]]
No! It IS Kakashi! *looks down at him* Don't worry! I'll won't let her throw anything at you.
thanks *mew*
me:oh hellz no!*  grabs kakashi and runs*
O_\\ MEW!
*eats Shiriken* tastes like blood!
*trips missykakashigirl and picks up kakashi and rubs his fur*
*Takes him off Raven43 and puts him on the ground* It might be an idea for you to turn back now. *looks at K R M S* You are a total weirdo, do you know that?
[[turns back to normal half-dizzy]] @_\\
Poor Kakashi! Too popular for your own good...
hey..kakashi you ok hunny? can you go out with me?
[[still half dizzy]] @_\\
eep!*rubs head*thats it!*sgrabs kakashie and squirts u guys with water*uguys:it burns!*me runs off with kakashi
*runs after her and, with my amazing sprinting skills, catches up, and dives infront of her.* Leave Kakashi alone! Actually, I'm pretty impressed that you could run so far carrying a full-grown man... still, he doesn't deserve this sort of treatment. *Takes him hand and leads him back to the group. In very sinister voice* If anyone else grabs Kakashi and tries to run off with him they will wish they had never been born, kay?
hey any of you on this pic write now? cause i got big news about kakashi
What is this "big news"?
That's what I wanna who o_\\
kakashi sweetie, are you ok? and will everyone PLEEEASE stop attacking him? we all know he's handsome, but come on now, give the guy a break..
 huh....gaara is cute!
WHAT?! You are totally nuts! Gaara is a sadistic maniac! Thank you Sachi for saying that... all too true.
[[hides behind Sachi and KBK]]
*looks at Kakashi* Don't worry, we won't let them get you.
Aww, I adore Kakashi.^^ He is on my list of obsessions. ^_~ *plays with his hair*
-is just staring at everyone- 0.0
gaara and kakashi r both cute!
YOU GIRLS MUST BE NUTS! KAKASHI-SAMA LOVES ME!! I EVEN HAVE THE RING TO PROVE IT!!! * Shows everyone the ring* He's engaged to me!! SO BACK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *looks at Kakahsi* Isn't that right Kakashi? Kakashi*puts arm around LBK's shoulder*:Thats right.
Loved_by_Kakashi is a moron who is obviously hallucinating if she can see a ring OR Kakashi's arm around her shoulders. Let's get her to the hospital.
O_\\ HUH
Ohmygod he is soooooooooo handsome. I can't get enough of him!!!! I love his eye, chin, nose....hair...xD. I'm obsessed.Oh and loved_by_kakashi...I'm engaged to his..Read my name..I'm his girl..
-takes the ring and throws in into the fires of Mt. Doom!-
Kakahsi's Girl>>>Wow, calm down. Then again, I feel the same way
I can't calm down...he is too hot to calm down....*hyperventailates*
why does kakashi turn into a cat when he's a dog person?  lol mt.doom that's a good one but LBK is soo possesive...jeeze can't u let kakashi live a little without u (especiallly u )
I'm a LOTR fan... and I agree AEK
Same here. LOTR fan and agree with AEK.
I agree with Sachi, quit harrassing poor kakashi, he can't live a day with u fan girls attacking him>.<,then again he's pretty lucky having all of us desperatly in luv with him :shock:Poor guy, i wonder how many times a day u guys harrasse him
kakashi quote: "if i'm still sane after all this..it would be a miracle..."
Exuse me, 4ever kakashi's, but I am NOT desperately in love with him. No way.
Angel_Eyes_Kakashi- Exactly
I know what you mean...
we have a lot of weird people here
I know. *looks up at the clouds*
tell me somthing I dont know
Hmmm... what don't you know? I know... Shikamaru is 150.8cm tall... I bet you didn't know that!
are you inlove with this guy?
Which guy? If you mean Shikamaru, then yes. I love him more than I thought it was possible to love someone.
Shikamaru rocks! (also does Iruka... other known as Dolphin  )
See, even Kakashi agrees! Shikamaru is wonderful and Iruka is not... a good friend, yes, but not like Shikamaru at all.
Ok he is hot, but he is a fictional character. Ok. Get over it.
He's real to me.
uhhh o_\\ cool?
Yeah, you're real to me too, Kakashi-kun... and I love you much more than Shikamaru... I was a LITTLE confused b4, but please forgive me. I never stopped loving you.
if i'm still sane after all this..it would be a miracle... wait, I'm not sane
Heh... that's why I love 'ya. Mind you, you ARE pretty sane... I think so, anyway.
Well of course kakashi is sane...but most of the people in here(especially the crazy fangirls) are clearly NOT sane..
Yeah, I'm not sane.
lol same here..i'm not exactly "sane" I LOVE KAKASHI-KUN!!!!! ....see what I mean..
I will love kakashi-sama forever and ever...and he is REAL TO ME TO..I DONT' GIVE A EFFIN!! *Kakashi.........*
Sexiest...profile...ever. In the history of the WORLD. *Dies from the exposure to sexiness*
Hmmmm... lots of unsane people here.
Actually, the term is "Insane" not "Unsane", and yes, we are pretty 'unsane' here.
I know... I was being stupid, because I've heard a billion people say "unsane" b4 and it always gets on my nerves.
...ok..anywho..I guess i'm "unsane" XDDD
Mmm....Gah..Hey KE I thought you died from the exposure to all the sexiness!!
Do you guys know how kakashi got his sharigan? no, he is not in the Uchiha clan he got it from an old team mate Obito Uchiha but when he almost died by a rock hitting obitos right side his last wish was that kakashi get his left sharigan. the 3rd member of the group(kinda like sakura) was a surgon ninja and surgically implanted the sharingan into kakashi from Obito
*i love you Kakashi* yummie!!! Although i can't see his mouth.
you guys are funny and i pitty kakashi  BUT........sasuke is 10 times hotter!!!
Wow Kakashi fans are crazy.... If Kakashi saw this whole convo he'd be freaked haha. Anyway... Kakashi is soo freakin hot here, gosh he's hot everywhere. >.< too smexy.
...Kakashi's Sharigan, I already know that, like from the minute I was born...Inuyasha girl...WTF...WHY DO YOU PITTY KAKASHI? I PITTY YOU FOR YOUR DAMN BAD TASTE!
*thinking*......inuyashasgurl is right....they did delete most of the convo.....0_0.....don't mind me........and she does not hasve bad taste....shes just different.....
Okay....She have different taste..I accept that.  <3
good..cause inusgurl is my friend from school...so if you dis her then your dissing me...
...Learn to spell MYIOFY. I can't stand it if I can't even read what you wrote. Please.
it doesn't bother me...so why should i care if you can't read it?
Because then we can't understand what you say and can't help stop doing what we want/
O.o I leave for a few weeks....and this is the turn out? Anywho..Alas I have th time to comment here..again..ppl try and get along..MHIOFY shut up..and listen to KG..if you are not willing to cooperatre witht he members here..than you might aswell not associate with anyone but yourself..
Anywho I am expecting a welcome back AEK! ^^ XP
ok...i'll try to learn how to spell..and wb AEK
calm down IG *hugs her*.........think of sasuke...ok?
Yes, we are smoothering him., But with love! Is that so wrong? ^__^;
lol...well for the kakashi fans..i think it is...but for you two i think its fine...^^
*is thinking of sasuke*...yummy...takes off his shirt...YUMMYER!!!
I_LOVE_U_KAKASHI there is no need to cuss. O.o Oh, and KP yes we are smothering him..but with a passion. ^^; Oh and thankies for the welcome back. ^^
Yes yes..WELCOME BACK AEK!! *hugs* .......lol yup up K_P.. Lol...*cool Ig down with a bucket of water* Hurry up and take your pants off Sasuke so IG will be happy..*looks away as Sasuke takes off his pants*
lol..oh god i don't need to see that...*turns and looks at kakashi* hehe^^
I LOVE SASUKE!!!HE IS THE BOMB!! I LOVE HIM...*thinks of him* hehehehehehehehehehehehe
oy...OH YA!!! i saw you type this at school..i was going to put best but it turned out to be bomest...hahahaha....ok cool down IG *dumps baket of water on her*
*turns into a chibi and Dumps buckets of water on everyone* Yay now we're all wet and confused! *sits happily by MHOFY* :3
*blinks*.....*turns into dog and shakes water off and turns back into human*....don't mind me^^'
...uhhh since when can you do that?
Ack, I'm all wet... o.//
how an earth can that be possible
-uses a wind jutsu and dries everyone off-
lol... Haha. Waaaaaaa.........Is totally wet. Waaa........*gets blown away in the wind. Uses transportation jutsu and arrives at Kakashi's house..Takes his towel and dries off. Then take some more towel and transport back to where everyone is and hand them Kakashi's towels to use*
replying to Kissed_by_Kakashi [Oct 24, 2005 at 07:33 AM] comment he took out his own eye and put his friend's eye in his................. i know sounds gross but that was the honorable thing to do
kakashi's so fine!
one word: SEXY
one sylible: cool
haha so true!
he's sexy and hot i can just only see half of his face...... 
i think kakashi is a pervert too...but he is soo kool
...damn...Kakashi has me in his trance...*grabs Kakashi and Makes-Outs* he smell nicey! If u agree or disagrre add me to ur msn at Pippin_7@msn.com
Kakashi is hot but what is behind his mask?
kakashi is my man....  .......so no one take him from me
u say kakashi like this- (ka-kash-ie) three silibles, not (kaga-she) thats gay ad thats saying it wrong!!
 *still in trance* Someone...get...Hayate-sensei...to stop me from...grabbin' Kakashi...!!
Kakashi is soooooo motherfukin SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha that's funny, but sorry itachi i love that guy too !
Itachi: A RIVAL!!!!!!! HE'S MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!! Me: Good god, we get it already!! You only talk about him 23 hours and 59 minutes of the day!!!!!!! Kisame: <growl> I know. I'm dating him... pain in the ass...
(  ) ...yes, i am a rival(  ), but my honey isn't gay, because he married me! (mwhahahaha  ) * " evil " smile*
Itachi: No he didn't he married that Sakura bitch and she's cheating on him!  Oh my darling Kakashi why couldn't we be together? I tried all I could to win your heart but you never acknowledge my love... But I won't give up! Someday I will be able to call you mine and until that day I shall perservire!!! Me: >_<'
Kakashi can bone my ass anytime... while I'm boning Itachi's!!!! Heh heh heh!
kakashi's sooo cool! he and gaara and neji are my favourite male characters. but unlike some people who comment on this site i am not obsessed.
kakashi can do what ever he wants 2 me all he gottta do i say the word
ahhhh!!! i'm among obsessed people!!!!
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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