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goshiso-sama desh'ta  i was finished already
he looks cute ^_^
Ramen is awesome! So is Naruto. . .
Naruto can be cute from time to time ^-^
Yeah... he's cool... but a bit stupid sometimes.
He eats so fast lol
Naruto should slow down
Yum, Ramen
he'll die from choking on his Ramen one day...
Oh, when i found a site about naruto, i didnt kno wat it was so i checked it out.I ended up reading a ton of summaries.When i read the one with the ramen, i got a huge craving for ramen,and we have a ton of ramen.So i made like 5 packs of ramen that night, and ate every bit, with a bit of help from my sister, but not alot.
he he he...Little sis you got a long while to be as funny as me! A long long time!
so he goes a little crazy when he eats ramen.... ok maybe not a little, ALOT
u ppl r totally right
He eats Ramen like a coveyer belt naruto:Sluuuuuuuurp Me:I want Ramen too!
I never knew conveyor belts ate ramen... O.o Gaara: Come on, you know what she meant... Um... What's a conveyor belt? Do you know, Choji? Choji: *munch-munch* Hmmm why me? Gaara: You seem to know much about eating... And she said that conveyor belts eat... So... What are they? o_O Choji: Um...? Some sorta... Eating... belts? Gaara: Figures...
-__-.........rrrrright......Phoenix:I DEMAND RAMEN NOW!!!! :I=====I) <----thats a picture of me eating ramen! tehe
Naruto: Sluuuuuuuuuuuurp... Me: Naruto, share!! >.< Naruto: Slurp? Me: *hangs head* He's hopeless... *Gaara running around in the background* Gaara: Will someone tell me what conveyor belts are????? :-OOOO
Oh man, now I'm hungry.
I've a feeling I'm the onl person in the world who dislikes ramen noodles. I'm ashamed of it too because I know how wildly popular they are.
Naruto:Sluuuuuurp Gaara:*running around in the background* Pleeeeease tell me wat a conveyorbelt is!
He sure does love his ramen, that Uzumaki Naruto
I've eaten ramen since I was like, 3 or something. I LOVE IT!!!
mmmm.... Ramen
i dont even know wat ramen is
it's noodles in water and meat
If you look in Naruto's bowl you can see a naruto(and I don't mean the character Naruto, I mean that little white thing [which is meat] with a swirl on it)
~yay RAMEN~
ramens good but naruto likes it way too much
I eat ramen like Naruto.
if he eats ramen all the time, then why isnt he fat
Let's all eat Ramen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. . .
go ramen!
ramen does taste pretty good
mmm. . .ramen
FOOD FOOD FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naruto and Ramen... kant have one with out the other
ewww y does he wear that disgusting clothes he would look way cuter if he wore sumthing else
christilin's right.the kid eats like a garbage disposal yet he doesn't get fat.what happens to the food?the world may never know
such a cutie!
He is so so so cute!
he can be cute sometimes, even how he talk  aw man that ramen luks gu  and the goggles of Naruto luks sad  he doesn't care about you goggles, so let me have you!
AH!! NARUTO-KUN!!! YOUR SO CUTE!!!!! * glomps him*
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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