hes hot
I will have to agree, but he is just a cartoon
who cares if he's cartoon or not!! I'll take him anyday, anywhere, anyworld, and every demension
hahah i agree with angelicvash ^.^
So true.
that pic is so cute but he looks so lonely
Yeah and I'm one of em
i love the pic it's so BEAUTIFUL!!! not to mention sessy looks quite smexxy like that
And all of the RFG's out there love saying it. ^_^
I RIf and i love it WOO HOO...actually i'm more of a RSF Rabid Sesshomaru Fan
Don't forget the vacant look the have in their eyes.
He looks as if he's on gaurd...sort of.
HE'S SEXY! I can take him anytime, anywhere!
 Wow there really is a lot of people who are saying they belong to Sesshoumaru.
 I see....
youlll are very interesting...................
hey anyone here to talk to ?
huh? who is interesting?
That's true my lord. ~loads typewriter~ shall we continue on your biograpy "I am sesshomaru now die bitches...for dummies"
Of course you are Sesshomaru nothings more interesting then you. ^-^
I agree completely I LOVE YOU SESSY.... and Inu too ^.^
O hes soooo hot! who cares if hes not real!
he's my sexy, sexy sesshy.he's mine ya hear??????? *foams at the mouth*
The ccolest demon ever
Mwhahahahahahahaha!! I'm going to catch you fluff boy! * Starts running at full speed, pounces on sesshomaru,pins him down,and plants kisses all over him* Mwhahahahahahaha!!
MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're all mine now fluff boy! * Bounds him tightly with a rope, and drags him to an empty house* MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Mwhahahahahaha!!!!!!! Calling on your friends help? Well that only makes me want you more!!! * gets closer to the empty house * Mwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
AAAAAHHHHH my vrgin ears! there going to start bleeding again!! you're putting imagies in my head!  there goes one now!
Oh no you don't!!!! you're not going to kill yourself while I'm around!! * Turns around, jumps on him, and starts kissing him*
go do something useful and die!!!
(watches as Sesshomaru destroys house) Um.... here you go, (Hands him a bottle of Sake) I think you need it after nearly being raped by sesshy's mate...
I WAS NOT GOING TO RAPE HIM !!!!!!! Hmph! I was only having some fun! Oh fluff boy where are you? * Finds sesshomaru, and pounces on him again *
OWCH!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR???? GAHH!!! *Rubs head furiously*
HOW DARE YOU!! I"M NOT A HANYOU!! I just said I was part dog! The other half is part wolf!! Think you're so tough don't you? Gggggrrrrrr, no one keeps me from my fluffy! * attacks Kahiwa93, and kills her! * Hmmmm, nice sword, I think I'll keep it!
*sighs* dogs
(Steps between Sesshomaru and Sesshy's mate) Leave Lord Sesshomaru alone, you pathetic dog, you worthless Fangirl. (gives Sesshomaru another bottle of Sake) here, use this to protect yourself. (turns back to Sessy's mate and pulls out Sword) Back off.
(watches from shadows)SESSHOMARU-KUN HOW I MISSED YOU SO!!(pounces on sesshomaru-kun and gives a passionate kiss)where have you been?and why is weird girl(sesshy's mate)trying to steal you from me!!  you ready to die wench!(throws bomarang)
SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! jeezs!
in this pic he kinda looks like a girl
wtf your crazy
yeah! doubleyou-tee-eff!!!???
Is any one out there
Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody out there...*singing Pink Floyd*
pink floyd sucks
hey if she likes it it's her choise
true i should not enterfier sorry A/67 and MSI rules
*glares for a moment at the words "Pink Floyd" and "sucks" in the same sentence* thank you. apology accepted.
i know i am right
dont get usd to it im not gonna be that nice for another month
that's okay, i can just kill you instead of asking for an apology. ^_^
u can try
>=) *sits behind Michael so she can scheme* Michael: *turns around and stabs her* A/67: don't bother me i'm scheming! Michael:
he's so cute, too bad he's evil. kakashi is more of my type though. kakashi is awsome
bof soso
*hugs Michael* ^_^ you're fun to scheme with! Michael: *gets up and leaves*
yup he is fun alright more to us because we can lasf when he stabs you
*glares at cool_girl123224 * Hey, Michael! Where are you going! Don't leave me!!! *jumps on his back and tries to get a piggy back ride* ^_^ Michael: *backs into a wall conveniently made out of knives* A/67: nobody could ever stab me this much at one time..x_x...
*lasfing so hard that loungs explodes* ah that was good never lasft so much at once
*spends the rest of the night picking knives out of her back*
you forgot one in your but tere you see
i'm getting it. *winces* argh! that was a big one. *throws it in the trash* No more knives Michael! >=(
Lord Sesshomaru is awsome  Rin is so lucky
- feels bad for A/67 -.....poor u i think u need a vacation from michael....-does healing technique and heals the knife wounds-
i COULD put him back in the insane asylum if he doesn't stop stabbing me... >=) Michael: O_O!!! *hugs her* A/67: i thought so *smirk*
Albel: Hm maybe if I... Karame: yeah right *goes to stab Albel* .... Nah. *huggs him instead* ... Albel: Ahhh! No! Stab me! Stab me! ... Karame: Ummm.... No. *evil look*
(kills Michael...AGAIN) Gawd you're like a parasite! (kicks body off a cliff) Evgeni: is that ex boyfriend of yours still hanging around? >=( A/67: He won't go away!!! Evgeni: okay. (rolls up sleeves and beats the crap out of Michael) A/67: ^_^ typical hockey player. Evgeni: AND IF YOU EVER COME BACK AGAIN!!! Michael: (dead and gone)
he's wearing makeup
He is?! (looks at Evgeni's face) oh yeah, that was from earlier >=) Evgeni: (has lipstick all over his face)
Evgeni: >=( (washing it off) I hate you. A/67: i LURVE you too! ^_^
is hate not the opposite of love
omg omg omg omg  i think i am i looooooooooooove
He looks annoyed and bored there, lol.
I would feel extremly bad for Sesshomaru if he were real, but the pic is cool
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