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Is she drunk
thats probably what the red over her nose means. but then again........
haha funny
lol Sake, u dont hav to put that many smilies lol, oh man
Wow, in the OVA she really looks like a... well, let's not go there. Mutsumi looked a lot better in the anime
Sorry, lol. Mutsumi is the hottest anime chick ever, so, i can't really help myself, and no, she isn't drunk, she was just in the hot spring too long.
Haha, she looks like kistune coming out of a bar!
man they always have to cover the niple!!! jk lol
i know i love the nipples i just wanna suck um
me too
you... two... are... sick... just look at the ****ing picture! don't post all your sick fantasies!!did you come to this site because u like anime, or because you like scantily clad pictures???
She's totally different in the OVA compared to the series  They made her look desperate from the innocent and light headed girl I've known from the series.
hahahahahahhahahah you two guys back there need to get a girl. a REAL girl.
she's really a bombshell
ron is the most disgusting pig ever
Mutsumi did go through a bit of an overwrite in the OVA. towards the end, she seems slightly bitter at Naru for losing keitaro. although i have to agree with Su on this. She -was- in the hot spring too long. and being of age to, it doesn't surprise me if the sake she had contributed to her dishabile.
Otohime Mutsumi: i just got laid!
*faint from lose of blood from the nose* nice
 Another satisfied customer. NEXT!
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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