I miss my sensei T_T
Yup.What I don't understand is WHY did he seal the fox demon his own son's body????
[[ steals pic of his sensei]] <_< >_>
so Kakashi was trained by this guy?
Yes... obvious, isn't it? Kakashi, stop giving spoilers to all the girls!
he sealed the demon fox in naruto's body because he wanted the people to think that naruto is the hero but unfortunately it turned out to be the opposite.
naruto is his son?? god danmit!!! i didnt knew!!!..hell!! thats why they are so hot ..bouth of them!
Right -O Naruto's_love, it is a Rumor that this is Naruto's Dad.Really strange way to show love by putiing a Fox In Your Kid.
He looks like Naruto very much! (they're so pretty, no? ^^) This likeness must have some reason!!
Why must he fight that fox not sandaime(3th hokage)?
Now,now. We are all not sure that Naruto is his son. Dragonryder - its not uncommon, I mean, look at Gaara, his dad, and the shukaku. 4th hokage wanted everyone to see Naruto as a hero, but instead, they viewed Naruto as the Kyuubi himself. Thus leading to where we are in the story now. Sad, huh?
who u think stronger itachi or the fourth
yes, If i was thier i would love him, so dose Hinta!
I wonder if Naruto will ever look that good? -__-hmmmmm................mabey not.
who knows mabey he will if so that would be totaly awsome
I agree with the Hokage, the poor kid has deamond in him, he goes through the pain and the villager sit pritty. any way naruto would look cute older
Hello, it doesnt say anywhere thats hes narutos dad, dont say he is if u av no prof!
i agree with fan_of_naruto... you have no PROOF that hes the dad...  just because he looks like naruto(a little) doesn't mean hes the dad!
OMFG the 4th hokage is hot
I think that he is Naruto's father.
i think so too. but who the hell is the mama?!
He's cute... I wonder if he's Naruto's dad... THEY LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! Yeah who was his mom? Hmm...
1. Dragonryder13, actually it isn't strange you would do that to your kid because, who else would you seal it in? You neighbors baby?
2. Actually there is quite a bit of proof their father and son.
i tink tat is naruto dad, but i culd not car if it wuz mum. me nam means sasukes best frind, and i would be naruto's TRUEST frind if he were real.he do find a lover and its sakura.after sasuke run off, sakura finds luv in her hart for naruto, and ino is a teme blone follower and 'fall in luv ' with naruto too. but, as ever, sakura get the good.
 Yuiko, when does that happen!!! I don't think i've seen this episode!!!
teddybear,it's episode 200 somtin....i luv your nam btw...so col  me deh same as sasuke's girl, yuiko
ummm..... is this Naruto's Father??
WTF yuiko!? why would you steal my name??? come on. your name is cool too. so don't change it.  and naruto is cute older, if you want to see, go to photobucket.com, and search for someone named dark_lover_yuki thats me you will find some pics of naruto at age 15....from the manga exept it's in color. it's after his 3 year misson/journey.
Actually I'm pretty sure that this is Naruto's father and I can't remember where I heard this but I heard Anko was his mother... I'm not to sure on the mother part though... But they look EXACTLY like the same person!! Naruto will grow up looking just like this guy!!
LadyNightShade, now that I think about it, Anko might be Naruto's mum and Yondaime his dad... I mean, Naruto looks exactly like Yondaime physically, and like Anko in personality... but what kind of mum doesn't show any interest in her child???? Naruto's getting very confusing!!!
Anko = 24 (Somewhere around there) Naruto = 12-13... Yeah...
lol yeah waaaay off... it was a nice theory though! xP
he looks depressed....sex apeal just increased XD
whoa!!...hmm..buh wid Navy blue hair he would like Sasuke  well i neva kno  anyways he's cute
ok. here's the thing. there's a probability that naruto is son of yondaime. is because: 1. rumors that he name is uzamaki ayame 2. remember the rasengan, that technique was create by yondaime. naruto learns fast to use the rasengan, is ok if kakashi learns that technique but he don't learn the oodama rasengan, that the powerfull technique was create by yodainme too. and naruto was the first one who can use it against itachi. there's a connection here. 3. there are very indenticals.
I agree to all of these coincidences cuteharuna but I still don't see any real proof unless someone pops out and tells naruto-kun hey the fourth was your dad. Im so confused i dont know what to think. it makes me mad!  yondaime is so hot.
I thinks he is narutos dad. they can both summon the same giant frog, both look the same, and yondaime taught kakashi and kakashi taught naruto. If they're not related then thats a lot of coincidences
Okay. you got me. I think he's Naruto's dad too DD.
idiots  he didnt diehes leader of team a or akatsuki
The Fourth sealed the fox inside naruto because he needed a new born baby to do it properly, and naruto was the only one
Just because he taught Kakashi who taught Naruto doesn't mean crap. Sarutobi taught Jiraiya, who taught the Yondaime. Does that mean they're related? Nooo. They both summon Gamabunta because Jiraiya taught Naruto how to summon Gamabunta, not because of some coincidence. Just because they can use the same freakin' techniques DOESN'T mean their related. EVERYONE can use the bunshin no jutsu, does that mean they're related? Deidara and Ino look the same sadly. I highly doubt they're related.
well that was unnecesary red nin
okay, that just proves it! HE IS NOT THE AKATSUKI LEADER!
He's filled with braveness.Don't you think?
yes yes, who else could do wut he did
yes!!! he so brave!!! he rocks!!!!!! ......i wonder if he was naruto's dad, who his wife is??
................*puddle forms*
And saying all that makes you feel good? God, most people already know...those comments were writtent before we found out...now just look at the facts and think before having a go at everyone
pft.....of sourse you should know....btw,who sayed it made her feel good,maybe you should shut your mouth 2
What are you going to do about it? Before getting involved, or starting things, it would be best if you kept quiet
WARNING DO NOT READ THIS COMMENT IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS!!!!!! The 4th's real name is Minato Kamizake and in chapter 382, avaliable on onemanga.com, reveals Naruto's mother's face. Her name is Kushina Uzumaki!!
Thanks, Harpygirl91!!! Now I know, my mind's clear now!
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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