gaara cuteness!
waaaaaaaay cuteness
Toooo MUCH cuteness!
overload on cuteness!!!!
HAHHAA!! IT LOOKS LIKE HE DOESNT HAVE A NOSE!! LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON! (minus the touching of the little boys)
WAY CUTE! I LUV U GAARA! oh and shut the hell up, Mrs Inuzuka! he sooo does have a nose!
uh.....no u doint! i rock cuz i loves gaara more than any ones!!!! see? *hugs gaara* i loves u gaara! i loves u! *kisses*
yeah right  *i take gaara back from your ugly little jacked up hands and me and gaara go talk about all of those anoying fangirls*cough* naruto_gaara_luver11*cough*  (p.s.- gaara hates all of you crazy people  ) gaara loves me more than what and i dont give a flip about what any of u say  !!!!!!*me & gaara go 'smoochie,smoochie' and ignore all of you krazed-out fangirls* j/k  (p.s.s.- I SOOO ROK!!!! no doubt about it!)
U call ppl fangirls? look at you! your just as crazed and obbsessed as they are!
make me
TRISTEN  sorry quit with the fighting over a goddamn pic...:/
listen who ever said I was a fangirl Im just sayin u rattin on yur own kind
well then y r u on this site fightin w/ me?
if you are refering to me i'm not fighting.....and PS - ur not worth my breath.
Cuause Im the trouble maker
first,you shouldnt even b wasting your breath when you're typing. second,i agree that red ninga is a trouble maker. thats all.
I think u mean I shouldn't bother typing and so far Ive been three fights and it soon maybe turning into 4 or 5 and I think your the FUD
shut it freak
....bah >.< Gaara pup, i have a suggestion for you ^-^
wat is it?
oh very creative..now i have TWO suggestions: one : actually have good come backs...and two: when you die, dont get cremated. You only wanna burn once.
I know wat that means geeze acutlly have godd come backs your gettin beat by a 11 year old
u said hi wat else im supposed to say
well u jackass#1 (red ninga) & #2(u no who u r ),i do have good have good comebacks and i dont feel like wastin them on u, and next i really dont want to talk to some who lives 4 fightin w/ people on the net
red ninga
hey desire'
W.e wat is there in life for a 11 year old to do then bother for fun
red ninga u confuse me
...hmm..nope dont live for that. ^-^ live for my friends. and ty for the compliment gaara pup ^-^ -bows- i worked hard to become jackass#2...and bitch...^-^ so THANK YOU ^-^
sorry ja
are u here red ninga
ninja pounce person, i dont give a flip about what u jes said, but now u confuse me
...well. hmm. w/e ^-^. Still not affecting me. You may insult me, flame me. I will laugh in your face. I take your insults, and turn them into compliments.
stop sayin that k shes my freind and I don't like it when ppl hurt my freinds
yes actually i am happy :].
i agree wit desire
y dont u
^-^ yes me too. I am very happy. Ty once again! Nin-chan my love calm down. again, they're going to get raped by a 50-year-old-russian dude eventually no need to get worried
lol triss
lol :3
well u know what, i'm movin on 2 a different pic cuz u 2 annoy me. so bye-bye jackass#1&2 p.s.- i hope u do get raped in the future!
we hope that for u too
yeah right
thought u were movin wat still mad
i'm not black xP. and thats just sarcasm you visigoth
u got weak comebacks -_-"
well have u herd of sarcasm, cuz thats what desire did nigga!
....nigga = black person. again, even with sarcasm. I am not black. So that word has no affect on me....
Shut the hell up u got nottin on me or her u think u can walk in her with your little fat ass walkin here bitchin around think wrong cause I aint playin u better shut your mouth before I rip it off your tiny little ugly ass face
i dare u
I would do it but yur so ugly I don't want to get my hands contaminted by your ugly ass face ><
Oh people! Stop fighting! Nin-chan, You disappointed me  . Dear, what's the sense of that? One word will lead to the next one and so on. Trust me, fights are not good *hug*. (And don't forget I'm your sensei!  You have to obey me.)
well i have 2 more things 2 say. # 1- red nigga, ur the one wit the ugly ass face cuz i'v had a hell of a lot of boyfriends,and im only 11.( and i bet that u couldnt even get a fugly midget 2 go out w/ u)  and # 2 talee, i know we should stop fighting, but its all that red niggas fault...and u arent my sensei if u were talkin 2 me. p.s.-this is supposed 2 b a place where u comment on pictures, not fight with people
....fire ants are painful >.<....-totally forgot what i fougt about last night XD-
oh, in that case, do u wanna be friends?
sure ^-^ i dont see why not
awesome!  and sorry 4 saying all of those bad things 2 you and red ninga
its fine. forgiven.
Im sorry its just that one of my realitives might die and I'm scared Im really sorry though I completely understand if you don't wanna be freinds at all I'll leave you alone Im sorry! To Triss chan: I won't be on for a while so I won't be seeing u so ja ne
well red ninga, whenever you get back on, if u want to b friends then thats ok 2!
okay! U can call me Nin for short! (I still am sorry I didn't mean it)
LKJFLKEWVNOIWJFWSLK DONT LEEAVVEEE MEEEEE ;O fine i'll listen to the happy song :} -sings along with happy song- I AM HAPPY I AM GOOD
If yur happy and u know it clap your hands XD
-claps- XD
Stick your right foot in- wait wrong song XD
XD lmao....-falls over from loosing balance- FJEWLKFCVJOIJVEWFV i'm ok
lets all play twister!
Right hand green!
-puts right hand green- left leg blue
*Does splits* owie T~TT
your turn u spin it Im having my ouchie moment
..k..-spins- left hand yellow -puts left hand on yellow-
Why do u get the easy ones? *spins* RIGHT HAND RED!? TT~TT
O-O that sucks man
*3 seconds later* Were att the hospital
my bad ^-^"
-innocent face-
hi ninja pounce
hi desire
Hey desire O_o
wanna be friends r u mexican or white or black
aww man! i just got on and now i have 2 get off, so bye-bye people!
bye gaara pup...and sure. I'm white x.x
hey amari sorry but my mom took away my phone i probaly wont be on today anymore  i love chipmunnk
u mean chipmunk
he aint mean
Yay! ^^ All friends again. That's much better. Can I join the 'we-all-become-friends'? And 'Nin-chan' is Red Ninga, btw.
O_o chipmunks...-totally lost now.- i'm just gonna smile and nod so i dont SEEM dumb ^-^ -smiles and nods-
-.- That's mean.
chipmunk is a boy at school that i love and he love me back and his name is jermaine
he doesn't even like you, but we still don't know if he wants to b ur friend yet.  AND I NEVER MENT HE WAS MEAN!!!you just spelled his name wrong!!! (kone kochan  )
Hi Garra Pup!
hey red ninga!
he likes me u liar
i never said he COMPLETELY HATED you.....  j/k
amari wat is numba 3
well the first part is '' a mare is a dark,flat area of hardened lava'' and thats all that i have for now...
tell me when you get the second part
i got it.
wat is it
a crater is formed from other objects hitting the moon's surface
u r welcome
Gaara's so hot
Touch me taste me hold me close to your bleeding heart...
i dont see wats so great about him
.....  how????
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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