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he looks so evil and happy  and as long as hes happy i am
He looks soooo SEXY in a phycotic way!!!!!!
Heck yes he does.
back off guys! he belongs to ME!
here we go again with the "he belongs to me stuff"will you people ever learn that no one can have them if they're a cartoon.So everyone is fighting for nothing
4Neji you are right every comment i read is basically mine mine mine which is annoying
He's mine I tell you! Mine!!! Mwuah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!  ...They really need a devil smiley.
you people need to knock it off. he's a friggin cartoon!!!!!!!!!!!!
who cares what all of you say!  GAARA IS MINE!!!
duuuuuuuuuuuh 4neji.. you are as partypooper as the real neji micheelleeoak2 and u shoulsd marry.. and gaara's mine
XDD gaara: heeeeyyyy guess what?!?! I LIKE KILLING!! FWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!me: YUS
Oh really, I had no idea
This facial expression is something else. I think he tripped and is laughing at himself. He does that a lot these days.
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