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This is a bit better than the last one... wish I was Temari in this pic.
im with you on this one!
EEEE this is my favourite pairing in the world!
Mine Too!! *0* they�re just perfect together
I think he mistakened her for a pillow  But I do thinks its cute
agreed with all of you...this couple is so going to happen..and I admit..I wich I was Temari too
thay look good with each other as i sead before
i don't like this couple
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Never gonna happen. no no no!!!
Yes this is gonna happen cuz like Shikamaru said he likes women with a bit oof meat on them and Ino is a living stick so they will never happen and Shika doesn't act like he likes Ino.
No no no. Shikamaru and temari! thats just sick!!!
*eye twitches* haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!????????????? OMFG!!! what the- and then she- and then he-......confuzzling!!1
kawaii. i like it. temari is so better than stupid ino
One of my favorite pairings! It's nicely drawn too. I admit that i don't what to see them with anyone else. It seems they are meant to be.
So cute! I mean, this is seriously sweet!
This is kind of cute.
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