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Kiba's really dog-like in this pic  , but it's cute....
I am falling in love with this couple...damn fan pics!!!
its Kiba and Ino!!!!!! I just know it!
Hey Pink. Are You Sure It's Kiba and Ino?
Kiba and Ino make no sense and Hinata and Naruto are no good together so I think KibaxHina is better.
Im all for KibaxHina!!!!! Their just so cute together!
they do end up together thats what i heard from a guy from youtube
it's cute! Hmm...which one NaruXhina or kibaXhina.... kibaXhina!!!
no the real couples are Kiba and Hinata,Naruto and sakura,shikamaru and ino.
...ok people for the last time....naruto and hinata might have a chance if naruto stop acting so idotic and sasuke/sakura will never happen in your life time and shikmaru and ino is a 67% chance and naruto and sakura may not show it right now but in time skip sakura flirts with naruto
NaruHina. Way better, my opinion. Can't judge my opinion. Yes, KibaxHina is cute, but to me, NaruxHina is cuter.
well.. i heard that hinata runs off with kiba and dumps naruto
MeGaara, SasuTen, KakaSaku, ShikaIno, KibaHina, ShinoTema, ChoKin, GaiLee, DosuZaku, KisaIta, IrukaAnko, AsumaKure.
Kakashi and Sakura???
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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