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odd... but cute
in his dreams to be with sakura but he is bettter with hinata
naruto ur w/ hinanta, comprende? comprende (just 2 tell u im not mex)
lol maybe this was a one night stand... I prefer Naruto and Hinata though... nice pic, lots of talent
lol a one night stand. Anyways i perfer seeing Sakura and Sasuke together ^-^ they look soo cute together SakuxSasu 4EVER!!  but this pic is still cool
Is it just me . . . or do they seem a little . . . . cat like?
i think there wasted lol but wauy to go naruto
Go Clarad001  ... NaruHina,NejiTen,SasuSaku!!!
Shannaro, Tigermariah!
I dont like Sasuxsaku.
This is not a good couple  narutos cheating on hinata!!!!!!!!!!!!  but the pic is still pretty
How is he cheating on hinata? They're not even a couple in the show or manga.
sakura is such a whore .first sasuke then rock lee now naruto  shes pretty hot but shes got to stop
Psh she is not a whore. She's a teenage girl.
so true
oooooo♫did he put his tongue in, smmoooooooch???♪
go SAKURA sexy girl
I don't like the pairing one little bit, but a lot of talent and obviously a lot of time went into making this, so my hat's off to the artist.
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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