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aw how cute
Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!is the right thing to say dumb darkshadows.Are you man or women just askin?
dude i found out its a girl boys don't say awwwww how cute
Whats it to ya if I'm a man or a woman?
well sometimes you sound like a man and sometimes you sound like a woman. no offense
how do i sound like a man and how do i sound like a woman?
well one time you said awww how cute and men don't useually say that and when your being an annoying doofes you sound like a man
Well then i could say the same about you
only i'm a girl
child molestorer!
I think the SakuKaka would be more like a father daughter thing...
w/e i think sakura-chan's lucky.kakashi-kun's HOT...
I want to ask you something oOx-ino-xOo right now there are people are together of age differce. Kakashi is very young too and it is up to Sakura if she want to falls in love with Kakashi it is up to the creator of Naruto. I belive they make a beautiful couple. Kakashi never hurts her.
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