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I like this pic. ^_^ Zabuza-san looks so angreh in it... and so hot. ^^ His arm's broken, though... TToTT Nuuu Zabuza-kun let me kiss you to make it all better!! Waaah why can't I kiss you waaaaah!!!! *rolls on floor in hysterics like a rabid fangirl*
lol! You're crazy Laiyo. ^^ But I do the same thing with Gaara, just haven't gotten as far as the rolling around on the floor in a rabid fangirl way yet. ;-P
Oh, don't worry. ^_^ If you're past the stage of wanting to kiss him and having dirty dreams featuring him, then rolling on the floor like a rabid fangirl part is not a long way away!
Yay! ^_^ Then I will officially be able to declare myself a rabid Gaara fan-girl! XD I should get a trophy or something. :-> And I just really looked at this picture for the first time.  Poor Zabuza's hurt! Laiyo! Quit rolling on the floor like a rabid fangirl and do something!!!
...Oh! Right! *quits rolling on the floor like a rabid fangirl* Zabuza-kun!!! Stop-- where are you going-- you've TWO KUNAI sticking out of your arm, you can't just-- !!! >O< ZABUZA!!!! *catches up to him* SIT! NOW! AND let me take care of your arm!!!! >xO *makes Zabuza sit and tries to take the kunai out of his arm gently by plucking them out* Zabuza: ...Y-OW!!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL "GENTLY"??? ...Sadist... TT_TT
lol It sounds like he's feeling better already. ^^
*finishes bandaging up a grumbling Zabuza* Now sit HERE and DON'T! MOVE!! Your battle can wait. -_- Zabuza: ...And I thought Haku was an evil sadist o_O... Oh well... At least Haku isn't perverted, and I don't have to do what he says... -_o
lol!  And Haku's an evil sadist?  I don't know the story behind this one. And here I always thought he was a nice, innocent, sweet little boy. ^^ ...Except for the time he grabbed Gato's arm. That part was awesome! ^_^
Yup!!!  That WAS great. ^^ It was after this that I started liking Haku and Zabuza. And Zabuza says he's a sadistic little brat after Haku pierces his neck with senbon (in the first encounter with Kakashi). Lol. I thought that was a bit funny, Zabuza calling Haku sadistic, considering that he himself is an assassin. ^__^;;
lol Oh no! I must have forgotten that part. I really need to re-watch those episodes. I just end up getting sad and breaking into tears at the end. XD And that IS funny. Here's Zabuza being hired to kill and when Haku saves him he calls him a sadist. ^^ Their relationship was so cute. :->
Yup yup!!! I just hate it when people say that it was a lover/lover relationship. +>_< Grrrrrr!!! IT WAS NOT A LOVER/LOVER RELATIONSHIP!!! If it were, then surely Kishimoto-san, the AUTHOR OF THE SERIES, would have left some clues to that!! But he didn't!!!! So it's not!!! And Haku dressing up as a girl is not 'proof' to anything!!! Pshhht people assuming things and judging and coming to wrong conclusions! -_O (Don't worry Val, that wasn't aimed at you. ^^; I really need to calm down, I know. Heh...)
Oh I completely agree. I never once thought of Zabuza and Haku as 'lovers'.  But people will reach for anything when they're looking for it.  I always thought of it as either a brother relationship, or a father/son kind of thing. But more along the lines of brother for some reason. And instead of the older brother protecting the younger brother, the situation is reversed. I don't know. That's how I always see it anyway. ^_^ It seemed like a perfect relationship to me.
Lolz! That's exactly what my friend said!  Well, father/son or brother/brother, I don't really care much, but never lover/lover!!! >O< *shakes fist at stupid fans that came up with that* Crazy people... Blah, weird yaoi pairings creep me out O_____o;;; Things like NaruxSasu or GaaraxNaru just make me go WTF?!?!? And yet sick people come up with that anyway. -_____-'
Oh my goodness. Don't even get me started on weird couples... I once saw a fic that had TemarixKankuroxGaara. -_-' I did not dare to read it. Honestly. Things like that just should not happen.  And I once saw a SasukexHaku pairing. O.o I don't know where people come up with stuff like that. XP
GaaraTemaKanku? Whoa!!! *twitch-twitch* That's just... uggh.... The days of incest are long gone!!! >O< *shakes fist* I once saw a KakashixZabuza pairing!!!  Gaaah!!! Things like that just make me wanna karate-chop their authors... -_____-
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