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Zabuza's eyes... and blood!!!! ...and... electricity? o_O Poor Zabuza-kun... why does he have to get hurt? T_T
Whoa.....he sure got a lot of stress...just look at all the creases on his face!
Yeah... Whenever I'll want to draw a really angry/stressed out person, I can use this as reference xP... And poor Zabuza-kun, of course
Zabuza: I don't have stress....(starts feeling the creases on his face) Me: Awww....(hugs him)
Awww.... Guilty consciousness sucks. >_< But yeah, I know how hard it is to say 'no' to someone... You just feel so bad because you know it's gonna hurt their feelings and they're gonna be very upset and go home and cry into their pillows... TT-TT Blah. Colds suck as well. I have one right now... *cough* *sneeze* *wheeze* X~X
But....he wuz a weird perverted Korean nerd that I beat up since 6th grade. I thought it would be easy to say no but he said that he like me ever since 6th grade so...I felt sorry for him. -__- I'll never forgive myself for that. Now, he's my orchestra partner T_T how ironic.
Lol... I got asked out 2 times, and I turned both guys down... it was very hard as well. I knew one of them ever since we were little (at first, he always beat me up, and since gr. 1 I always beat him up lol), and he was very ugly and annoying all the time, and even THEN it was hard to say 'no'. It was easier with the second one though, cause he asked me through my cousin o_O But he was really upset afterwards, so I felt very guilty T.T
Whoa...I got asked out by two guys, too. The 1st one you already know. the second one wuz a quick answer for me, cuz he wuz UgLy! man....why do I always get the ugly asian nerdy dudes in reality.
T_T That sure sucks o_O Russian dudes at my school are generally okay-looking, but they all have annoying attitudes. Well, except some that I'm sorta friends with, and that guy that I like  He seems to be nice (otherwise I wouldn't have liked him). Why can't guys be more like in anime though, cute and nice AND easy to come up and talk to! >O<
Cuz they aren't real? I don't know...
-_- Yeah... Doesn't THAT suck. T.T
But there could be look-a-likes! *crosses fingers* Maybe even a hottie out there that looks like Zabuza and acts like him! *sighs dreamily* That would be so awesome... Zabuza: -_- U. Need. A LIFE!!!!!!! Me: ^_^;
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