after this its, Lee, hinata, ino...
......it's allright...I like the Chouji one XD
yeah thats a good one to ^^ thanks J
thanks ^^ the joke is the god honest truth XD
So, who told you that truth? Jira himself? Love the shade of green, btw.
have you read the fine print
I did... Ah... now I get it! That was ironical!
exactly now you get it
^^ Oh man. Why am I always so dumb when I'm talking to you? I'm usually clever. Just explained a math problem to a friend. Had an A-level exam with 1,4 as the final note. (Do you have numbers, letters or what as a mark?)
we have just IG G VG MVG the G being the lowest and IG being failed ( and no thats were i got my name from ><!!!!)
You mean that's NOT where you got your name from. IG the lowest and G failed? You mean IG the best?
IG being failed, G being the lowest and yes thats what i meant >< well thats impresiv that you can do that then, so i make you stupid somehow
Oh. We call the best mark the highest, not the lowest. (Although actually it IS the lowest ). Yeah, you just turn me upside down, I guess.
that made me think some thought i maby shouldnt
If you think what I think now, then I don't want you to think it.
to late! ><
>.< I'll stare until you stop thinking that. >.< >.<
i... cant.. stopp... thinking.. about it...
I like this one ... makes him look hot ... OMg I havent seen hot guys since ever and now am imaging ugly guys has being hot ^__^"
wait... hope thats not include me XD
your the hottest thing I have seen since .... last time I saw you Xd
If G becomes even hotter, he'll start burning.
if he turns too hot, am outta of the room before it's starts to burn dowm O_O
good thing i live in a cold country then
YAY COLDINESS YAY I live in canada and I can feel the heat form here G ... cool your selfdown
Now that's why some girls say "I'm melting"...
^^; maby your exagerating here ok
I DO NOT EXAGERATE !!!! ..... >___> .... maybe a little
^^; but i have a thing you can sayto sound really nice ," Im so cool i make ice jealous and im so hot i make it melt"
That was sweet, G! And smart!
i know
I should go to bed then, though. I said half an hours... That's two hours ago
hahahah yeah i know, didnt mention it becous then you might go and i didnt want you to leave
Awww... *snuggle snuggle*
*snuggles* ^^ hasent been much of this today, missed it
Aww... *snuggles more* I need to go to bed now nonetheless. Good night, dear! *hug* *snuggles a little more* I'll miss yiu *snuggle*.
My boyfriend (no offense G) Is WAY HOTTER! I get an orgasm just looking at him...I am in shock that I actually got someone thet perfect...OMG It must be my lucky day...he is like 6'0 he has a six-pack, he is bisexual and VERY HOT OMG!!!! when he gives me this look I just know whats coming and his eyes and lips are so sexy...but we can't be together in public,he drives by and we leave school for a bit and....well hehe...I will take a pic of him...
non taken ^^, well glad to hear that J, good for you...
Well (no offense J) but from your describtion of your boyfriend, I find G hotter! ^^. I'm not so much a sixpack fan. Besides I meant what I said about caring for inenr beauty. And in that point, G is the hottest man on earth.
gosh, you dont have to exagerate it kari... hehe and here im getting a 6pac
I'm on only for a short moment myself to tell you sth: You asked me for help with some words for Lee: I finally have a proposal: "I wish I would have Kakashi and not Gai as a sensei." Bye!
well... i think i have an idea for it but i wonder what era was his( lee�s) hair style popular?
hi tasha ^^ need it for my joke about him.
Beatles time? (I love some songs of them, btw. "Yesterday" especially.)
yeah thats a good one, hmm your right every one had a hair style like that... thanks, hm but i have another joke but im not sure if i should take it on gai or lee.. hmm it sounded better with lee.. you see soon wen im fone with it
Okay ^^. I'm working on sth right now, too - but I drew it and I'm SO bad at drawing It makes me a little sad because this destroys the whole joke.
a joke ey sounds interesting ^^
My jokes aren't the funniest ones. AND I can not draw. I had a nice one with Lee, but I lost it somehow . Maybe I'll re-find it someday. Hopefully.
well i have a good one that may stimulate you to find a new one perhaps
This wallie is pretty good...oh by the way I have your chouji one as my desktop G!^^
really? was it that good?!
Wow ^^. And sure it was good, G. Well, I know WHAT I made about Lee - it's just sad that I lost it because the drawing there was not as bad as usual. So, is the Lee wp up?
yes its up, i even commented on it ^^ well im sure it was a great pic you made
It's only a comic! I saw it's up - sorry. You and J are too fast for me. You know my computer is slow.
yeah i know well im sorry again
You don't need to say sorry! But you DO need to tell me: Regarding your comment on the Lee wp - what is normal for whom?
hahah i was sort of joking about your reaction there but im glad you liked it so much ^^ thanks kari, it means much to me to hear that sort of comments from you *hug*
That's what I suspected -.- Baka. Of course I like it. It's fantastic. Baka. BTW, my pics are up, too.
dont cal me baka baka
You talked as if I was hyper/crazy/weird. BTW, I like the word baka always. I like it ^^. Feel honoured that I call you baka ^^. No, to stay serious: If it hurts you, then I'll of course stop calling you that way. *hug* You know I don't think you're an idiot, don't you? *rests head on G's shoulder*
i didnt feel hurt by it kari ^^ *hug* and i know you dont think that way... btw i send you a pm, about a forum post i sent in to a site... i was wondering how you stod to what i said there...
I think this is Jariya..... LOOOCCAAAATTTEEDD
another one down then
After all that i never even flipping commented on it XD *slaps past self* ok...loving the colour, i love the writing and the style of it...nice layout and just brill keep up the good work ^_^
haha i know XD it was come on!! hahaha a wel thx now like 5 month later
no problem be glad i came back at all muahahahahahaha
oh, so just becous you had a bit of nostalgia, i should be gratefull
I merely came back to finish what i started...nostalgia has naught to do with it ^_^ so be grateful dammit! xD
oh i was the one that asked you to do this so dont come and say you just wanted it for yourself XP
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