it sucks i know.. but i really didnt have the energi to start all over again -.-
yay thx tasha ^^ but im not pleased with it still... to manny faces T_T
eyah im gonna do one of her to ^^ but not today, im doing shikamaru right now... c ya
can you think of a good joke for her untill then XD
well it cant be so hard, i mean its either about breast or sluggs XD or maby her game addections
Um, just to point out, slugs don't have breasts. Anyway, you're wp is great as usual, G . No matter what you say, I like it!
hey you were the one who putt rbeast on slugs just now kari XD hi ^^ *group hug*
I put breasts on slugs?! I think i would know if I had ever done so. Hi, Tasha, hi, G! *waves* That's great about the card! Was she happy? *hug-attack!*
well that boy is an idiot then... gosh small ones arent bad, they can be nice to *being attacked* O_O omg
um no that would be hard well im just saying small ones isnt always bad
Small ones truly aren't that bad, Tasha. And if this guy has a different opinion, then kick him up to the moon -.- Silly idiot then.
that makes her an idiot to then -.-
Tasha, you seriously don't look ugly in any way. These people just try to find SOMETHING. Don't give a **** about what they say.
its true
guessing ther is no way to convince you then
hey were did kari go?
um thats confusing Oo at some point thats not gonna be so happy
O.O 45!.... well cya
^_^ this image has a nice colour to it...and as usual put together nicely
your good G
shoes betch let me borrow that top betch
random xD
what does it mean
Hey you all on? hnn
in case people ask, no im not tlakin to my self up there, thats imposible to do that here >_> the comments have just been deleted
who knows my alter ego names could be tasha >_>;; or not >.<
anny reson for that?
cool, se ya then
im not here to be nosy..im just asking for a request..can you please not delete the comments of when we first met....your probally just going to curse me out again call me another bad name...but this is one of the things that i request..just a yes or no...
KOOL INO!!! inos awesome!!! nice wallpaper Gaijin_Otaku!!!
boy, why do you keep caring about that? o_O and lover, thanks call me G
......sorry G..but thats something im going to keep to my self.......i knew you would call me a bad name....its just what i deserve....i see..it has bine deleted...^_^..im sorry for bothering you...i will just go now..i know nobody cares for how i feel...everybody konws im just an overreactive person....i will just go to anther pic now...
srry Gaijin......i mean G!!! call me yachiru!!!
oO yashu what now!!? girl, get a easy name for me to remember would ya ^^;;
the boy calls me uri so u can call me that!!! and its YACHIRU!!! just think of the little pink haired girl on bleach!!! shes sooo cute!!! and my name is actually yachiru!!! ^-^ hiya tasha!!!
well........its none of my business so yea.......-nervous smile-
uri yeah thats easy enough for this old man to remember XD
ur not old G!! ur only 21!!!
sorry about that i shouldent have called you that....and your right uri its nun of your bussiness im sorry i shouldent worry you with my stupid problems im very sorry...and tasha..no..i dont love you...but..can you atleast..give me a nice farewell when you leave it would be nice..if thats okay with you...^^
told ya ur not old!!! its fine the boy!! i really shouldnt have gottne in2 this........im srry
okay well bye^^ im going now
thx ^^; guess im not that old then... adn boy you really are the punshingbag of this site you know that o_O
im not getting in2 this again......... its none of my business.........
2 my gallery or somewhere else??? well anyway BYE!!! -hugs-
se ya, im gonna go as well... *hugs*
bye!! -hugs back-
gruop hug! *hugs*
YAY!!! -joins group hug!!!-
hi G sorry about yesterday ^^
shut your mouth..
SHUT UP...ive had enough of you..i wont take this anymore..i want some respect damn it...ive had enough of this, ive had enough of how much you make me feel like crap im tired of you always hurting me...ive had it..you will show me respect..now..NOW!!
hi Tasha!!! hi boyo! fighting again are we?
.....i know you dont care..but that dousent give you the right to talk to me like this..i will make you..bitch..
ouch.... if someone called me a bitch i'd go beserk on their ass
show me..
i believe you! i've seen past fights you've had with boyo or other people and whatever they say you dont seem to care. now i take things different ways when it comes to the point that i dont know what to do with myself
oh boy,not again
ok good... you scared me for a second
a number?
a number can be an insult?
one thing or u're talking about boyo right
no i do not Tasha.....
oh fiddle.... will it be on google?
is it that bad!!! is it something perverted?
lol I'm not saying. It's an insult...leave it at that
oh ok..... *sigh* IM BORED!!! Tahsa i'm gonna make ya somethin', k? what do what?
i wanna make u 2 a picture cause im also bred
koolieo, pics all around!! hey narutnime123 i feel like makin you somethin too. what do you want?
boy, you really took my word for it didnt you o_O and yes i meant people around you, not online here >_>;; ah well seems like you have started to get it, and before you go ranting, you really should learn how to spell, becous its hard to take you serious when one dosent understand you
double whoa
well i guess it wasnt really THAT shocking but ive NEVER seen boyo say anything like that before.....
ouch... golly
oh snap
not to mention how i guess you kinda like Chrissi.... just bringin up a point thats all
-_- i wouldnt mind all this bitching and fighting about some stupid shit, if it was on another album then mine, but it is starting to bother me -_-
maybe you SHOULD take it to another pic....
no it is not..religion is what is keeping this world from going into deeper hell..you use to beleave in him to tasha..but it appers to not be true and geting a girl friend huh? what about you tasha and your adam oh im sorry he isent yours is he..you cant get him to be yours you probally already told your self this so saying anymore about it is not worth my breath and i will not pretend...you are the person who pretends..your just a little shit...
this fight is going no where
i know
its good to know now that there not replying, cuz if thet did they'd fight again
i hate that
theyve moved on 2 another pic
hey I'm busy straightening my hair XD
there was any comments on others from them
im sorry about that i had to do something....im going to stop right here i dont care if you win...im turning my self into something i dont want to be..i want to be a kind person but the more i kept arguing with you i chould feel my self changeing into some kind of beast...ive had enough im in pain and the more things i called you tasha was hurting me inside...im stoping here ive proven i can stand up for my self..so im stoping..im sorry you had to see me like this kim..
multi-tasking AGAIN Tasha!!! kim? where!!!! i haven't seen her in like 3 days!!!
thats what i like about you Tasha! i find it amusing that someone can straighten their hair and type on the computer speaking of typing i might type my story
no..i chould have gone on..but i dont want to..i dont want to turn into what you have become tasha, my head has been hurting all day and i feel like im going to throw up im in so much pain...but i know im not going to get help from anyone..because nobody will help i went into this fight because i was backed into a corner..i dident know what to do i know you are all looking at me as some weirdo...i dont know what else to do...i have no one to turn to,...cus i feel dead inside..and the tears wont come out...
well my hair straightners are too hot so I put them on the case on my desk...i front of the keyboard. This makes it hard to type XD I'm going to be night Michiko *hug* I'm not gonna talk to Boyo again now...bye Michiko Lol I ain't the only one who thinks you're wierd Boyo. I haven't become anything neither
*sniff* bye Tahsa *huggles* have a good night's rest also one day could you tell me what the time difference is in England?
Well now it is 10.10pm ^-^ I'm not going to bed...just coming offlin ttyl ^-^
5 hours i guess...i'm sorry i didn't came on for a long time,but DON'T LEAVE TASHA-CHAN
woooooooooow! i never knew fights on here could be so bad.....well ok it wasnt that bad...but.....i'll shut up now.....
thank u
me shutting up??? o gee thats nice!! srry...........anger issues......or r u talking 2 tasha??
If the anger on this pic was gas....i could light a match and we would all explode
so des ne!!! (that is true) wait!!!!...........I DONT WANNA EXPLODE!!!!!!
i got to say one god thing about your writeing boy... its very... poetic, in a dark and kinda sad way (not the buhu version, i meant sort of the sad as in, "your a sad picture of a human being"... anny one got that >_>;; ) and when i said that you should " stand up for your self", i didint mean that you had to start cursing and shit, and by doing so start this stupid ass fight about basicly nothing on my album -_- and annie, that was... wierd o.O
yes it waz....very weird....
ah well, her natural behavior you spoke a bit jap. there, is it just a random phrase from anime u used or do you know some japanese?
figured it would be something like that ah well im not much beter then that then
My natural behavior -_- *pokes* i was just proving a valuable point...we are all too angry here. We need to eat a cookie and lighten up, perhaps drink a few Lucozades ya know =P
O u did did u G?! I wanna cookie, anime133!!
Its just Anni...UryuuIshidaLover00 ^^ *hands over tripple fripple madripicle chocolate cookie* enjoy
okk!! And Im Yachiru!!! -takes cookie with humungo grin on face- I will enjoy...-walks 2 corner and eats it with the same grin 4 the WHOLE time!-
Yeah thats abit creepy but at least you liked it ^^
yeah it sounded like one of tos things
yeah well im creepy!!
I miss you, G Tell me when you've got some time someday.
yeah sorry kari, havent been on here since our last talk really, havent have anny urge to do so... but i dont know when i got time, right now i got so much in my head i cant keep track of everything, hope to talk to you soon then *snuggling*
No problem, I have SO much in my head at the moment, too. Maybe you can get yourself an account at dA and PM me there once you have time? I miss you *snuggles*
Hailey and Kari!!! Long ime no see! *hugs* How are you two?
i will try as soon as posible to make an acountr there then, hope to see you soon, miss you, *kiss* ;P
Oh, sorry, you two! I had been off again. I have so little time lately It's annoying.
Oooooh! G! Kissing now are we First snuggling and now kissing...whatever next
lmao Anni XD
im sure you know whats next anni
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