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Lolz XD
x] niceeee Anzu: o.o' oh shit
(thnx guys xD) masa; >////< let go of my arm!!! miyuki & suki:*giggleing*
Anzu: o////o *lets go of his arm quickly and pushes away from him* >/////< ermmm *fixes her skirt
masa:*sits up and fixes his sleeve blushing-all bangs n his face not jsut one side* /////" suki:*giggles* miyuki: oh wow *giggles* (if u notice dmasas nails r black x3)
( I did x]) Anzu: >///////>
(  hes the new emo ninja x3 -*never mentioned that he IS emo*) masa: ////" miyuki:*gigle and leaves the room* suki:*leave giggling too* (btw this si b4 amayas death im sur eu cna tell cuz his sisters r giggleng x3)
(X]) Anzu:....that was horrible >/////<
masa:* bright red face hidden by all his bangs* //////" . . . .
Anzu: <////< erm...
masa:*thinking- that was soo fucking embaressing =////= - is silent* ..... ////"
Anzu: *stands up and sits in a chair and droops her head into her hands and mumbles something*
amaya:*come sin and sit in masa lap* aniki-!! mommy said u hav to baby sit aika-san tomarrow ^-^
Anzu: *smiles* Hi amaya chan* &still has her head in her hands*
amaya: anzu-chan! *runs over and hugs her* ^.^ masa:*sihgs* so ill be busy tomarrow i cnat go to trainging =/
Anzu: *giggles a bit and hugs amaya back* .... =\ hmmm I could watch Aika if you need me too
masa: nah u dont have to hed probaly hide form any one else amaya:he reawly lisnt shy shy roudn aniki .. *giggles* (xD at this point hasnt she only heard of aiak o.o cuz its hwen they're like 8 still xD)
(mhkayy) Anzu: *smiles softly* weellll if your sure ;]
masa: *rolls his eye but smiles some* yea hes really shy so he hides from most ppl.... amaya: its true hes a shy shy *gigges*
Anzu: *laughs* how does your family know him?
masa: uh well he was born here but he actually lived in the darkness village b4 it was destroyed and my mother halped diliver him .... and she et his dad or somethign a while bacl
Anz:*nods* mhmm
masa:*shrugs* yea.... amaya:*giggles* sakura:*comes in the doorway witha smile* masahiko sweetie aikas on the phone he has big news he wants to tell u *holds the phone out othim*
Anzu: *smiles and waves at sakura* Hello Mrs. Uchiha
masa: k mom *takes the phone ans starts to tlak with aika* sakura: hello anzu ^_^
Anzu: How are you? ^-^
sakura: fine how r u? *in a good mood* kei:*comes behind sakura* mom, dads killing the stove again .-." sakura:*sweat drop*
(will u RP with me on Glaceon Girl xD XDxDxDxD)
Anzu: *smiles* i'm fine *giggles when she here's Kei*
sakura: i have to go see what my husbands doign to the stove- masa bring the phone in the kitchen when ur done *walk soff* masa: that great aika! really thats awsome! kei:*sees anzu-hasnt reall met her* so ur anzu? amaya:*runs off*
Anzu: *nods* Yeah but I don't think I know who you are really
kei: right, im Kei ^_^ masa: ill be right bac*walks to the kitchen to put the phoen away*
Anzu: *smiles* it's nice too meet you i'm Anzu obvioslly
kei: yea *nods a lil* hmm... *looks at her thinking- so this is the girl masa trys to hide the fact about likeing-*
Anzu: *looks at her curioslly* hm?
kei:*sweat drop* oh nothing *hears masas comming back* er nice meeting u *runs donw the hall-bumping into masa on the way* masa: HEY! *was bumped into- comes bakc in the room* srry bout that aika's excited he got all a's on his report
Anzu: *raises an eyebrow when Kei leaves then smiles when Masa comes back in* it's no problem and good for him! ^-^
masa; *sits on the floor against the couch thingy--in a hng out room--* it sno surprise really, hes had the chance to pass the acedmy in his old village but he turned it down
Anzu: *smiles* well it's still good for him ^-^
masa; yea...
Anzu: *smi;es and stands up the walks over too the couch and sits down* hmmm
masa: ''hmmm?'' what?
Anzu: nothin..............
masa; .........*pauses* ......... whatever ...
Anzu: *smile* oh c'mon your going to give up that easily?
masa:*smile shalf way to lauhgin* u actually want me to keep buggin u to spill? (am aske dme to tell u to come join the rp on aisu)
( I just did ^-^) Anzu: *nods happily* uh-huh
(lol.) masa;*lauhgs* ur so weird.... fine... what is it?
Anzu: oh I'M weird? *giggles and sticks her tounge out at him* Now i'mm not gonna tell you =P
masa:*lauhgs* u know around me weird is a good thing...
Anzu: *nods* true true *smiles then tackle hugs him* x] i'm stillll not gonna tell you though *laughing*
masa:*blushes wehn she ackle hugs him* @////@ ur.....evil too
Anzu: *smirks and looks at him* butttt i'm a good evil =P
masa:*laughs a lil* yea u r... *sits up while moving out from her tackle hug*
Anzu: *smiles and leans away from him then sits back on the couch8 andddd sooo I win! ^-^ at life....for all eternity! =D
masa: u can win that all u want...
Anzu: *giggles* I knoowwww
masa; but i win in terms of dark and night
Anzu: =P well you can have all your gloomy nights alll you want but make sure too look at the brighter side of things sometime mmhhhkay?
masa;*rols his eyes and sits bakc where he was leans his head again the couch stareing at the celing*
Anzu: *giggles but then get's a straight face* I'm being serious mhkay?
masa;*sighs* yeah, i know (omg i jsut realized his emoness explains y he sighs so much i mena think about how many time he sighs around anzu)
(xD omg hahaha that's why Anzu get's peppier -hahah funny word x]- when he sighs cause she thinks it's her fault Dx ] Anzu: hmmmm *rests her head on the arm of the couch and lets her hair fall over the side*
(xD Dx wow xD) masa: *yawns*(she must not know hes emo then o.o)
(nope, just a biit quiet too her she dosn't like lables so she dosn't think about that so much x] kinda like me XD]] Anzu: what now?
(xD) masa: *shrugs*
(should she find out?) anzu: *smiles* C'monnn you gotta be able too think of something! =D
) i guess but how >.> <.<) masa: i dont know
(hmmmm does Masa cut himself? that's an obvious way for her to find out if she see's the marks she could be like did you get those in training? and get on his case about it)) Anzu: *sighs* hmmmm
(thats good idea okie- cuz he always take shis sweatshirt off so she would se it ehn  ) masa:*has a tihg short sleve shirt underniether his sweatshirt-takes of his swea shirt cuz hes hot* @.@
Anzu: *sighs and noticed he too k off his sweatshirt then notices the cuts* Masa did you get those in training?....
masa; hmm? *looks at his wrists thinking- shit!-* uh, ... yea.. *put his hands in his jean pockets so his wrists r inwards and she cant see the cuts*
Anzu: *lifts an eyebrow then slips off the couch so she's sitting next too him* really? *looking him deadstraight in the eyes*
masa: y-yeah..... (omg i just realized that this amkes sence as to why he wears long sleeves and the long gloves)
( mhmmmm) Anzu:....*frowns* your lying too me
masa;*looks away thining -shit- hands still in his pockets hideing his wrists*
Anzu: *looks concerned but notin a pity like way* Masa: *says in almost a whisper* does anyone else know? *puts her hand on his shoulder gently*
masa; *closes his eye and sighs then shake his hhead slowly*
Anzu: *looks down*.....why do you do it?
masa: *still has his head turned away eyes closed-stays silent*
Anzu: *hugs him softly not like herr usuall hugs that she does on a whim quickly* it's ok Masa
masa: *blushes-opens his eyes stil turned away thinking- great now she knows,... y di i forget my gloves were off*
Anzu: *closes eyes* I won't tell anyone...but you have to promise me you'll try and stop....if somethings wrong tell me and i'll help you...you don't need too know that ok?
masa: *nods eyes closed agin thinking- ill TRY-*
Anzu: *opens her eyes and looks at him* promise?
masa:*opens his eyes looks a ther and nods slowly* -voice barley more thena whisper- i promise ill try....
Anzu: *smiles* good *looks relived*
amaya:*comes in the door way* aniki! Dx sayuri broke my dollei *running over with a roken in half doll* masa; *quickly grabs his glovesf rom unde rthe bed and slides them on*
Anzu: *frowns* oh no why'd she do that? buying Masa a bit of time*
amaya: c-cuz shes a big meanie!!! Dx masa: *got his gloves on quick-get sup and kneels next to amaya* here let me see, yuki, ill fix her... amaya:*pts the broken plsuh doll ni his hand* masa: *kisse sher cheek then goes over the desk- where there is sewing stuff* (yes he knows the name of that spacific doll xD)
Anzu: *smiles at Amaya* well don't worry Masa'll have your dolly fixed up super quick ok? ^-^
amaya:*whips her tear and sniffles* --few -3-seocnd later-- masa: here u go *kneels down a dn hand sher the doll-kisses her cheek and smiles at her* amaya: Thank chu aniki! *hugs him kisses ihm on the cheek takign the doll and runs off*
Anzu: *smiles* she's so cute and that was great of you too of fixed her doll like that ^-^
masa:*sits bakc where he was b4-shrugs* one of them is always breakign her dolls, or someone ese is and non of themknow how to sew bt me *sweatdrop*
Anzu: *smiles* but still you could be mean and refuse too fix it but you didn't and that's a good thing ^-^
masa;*lauhgs* like i could refuse to her? ur kidding right?
Anzu: *shakes head* there are people who would have...think about it...but like you said you never would that's what I like about you ^-^ o////o erm friend like
masa:*laughs a lil blushing* well shes my youngest sister and then only one who - never mind she still does*laughs a lil* (wow its lyk the whol cutting insidnet didnt happen o.o)
(Case of Anzu's short attention span and cute little girls and broken dollies x] )) Anzu: *smiles and laughs still blushing*
(xD) masa: *yawns again*
Anzu: Your tired?
masa: i was up late traingin with izumi last night....
Anzu: *nods* oh.. well if you wanna slepp I could go... *looks down* Y'know if you wanna, it's nt a problem
masa; *nods* my moms cray about movies, so she buys every movie that come out on dvd *laughs* i havent even watched half of them
Anzu: *smiles* Great!we'll watch a movie! ^-^
masa:*get s up and moves a slideing ting that looked and blended into the wall,* here pic one out ... *has a lot of choices lol*
Anzu: ohhhhhh! *jumps up* hmmmmmmmmmm something scary but not corny hmmmm
masa:*lauhgs a lil*
Anzu: hmmmmm how about....when a stranger calls?
masa; sure never seen it...
Anzu: *smiles and takes it out of the stack* ^-^
masa:*laughs at how egarly she looks*
Anzu: *walks over too the DvD player and put the disc in then turns on the T.V.* =3 Yay! ^-^ *sits on the couch =3
masa:*laughs a lil walking over to the couch* (wait is it day or night time o.o?)
((hmmm night?)) Anzu: *smiles* I loveee scary movies I never get scared! --Mass lie--
(Hey VRS did u make Latios boy yet cause i got no one to RP with)
(not yet AAA working on it i gotta find a piccy @.@) masa: really? u? *souns jokingly surprised-sitting next to her*
Anzu: *sticks her tounge out at him and smiles* shutup the movie's starting =3
masa:waht ever
Anzu: *giggles and hugs him* Y'know i'm just kidding Masa ^-^
masa: *blsuhes and smiles alil rollinf his eyes* i know....
Anzu: *smiles and leans away from him then jumps up* Lights! =3 too watch a proper scary movie you haveeee to turn off the lights *giggles as she goes too fllip the switch then sits back on the couch and pulls her legs to her chest and rests her chin on her knee's*
masa:*laughs a lil* --half way thru the movie--
Anzu: O.O No don't go back in the house!!! O.o!!!
masa:*eyes glued to screen* .....
Anzu: Why would you pick up the phone AGAIN? o.o *meeps and shuts eyes* She's gonna die I know it!
masa:*thinking~ yea she likes scary moveis all right she talking the enitre time and she shutting her eye~ looks at her tehn bakc to the screen still next to her*
( x] She's exactally like my friend Alex she's alwayysss saying she loves scary movies then breaks down ass soon as the first person is about too die)) Anzu: *opens eyes again still in the same position from when the movie started* o.o
(xD lol. im lyk that sometimes.... >.> <.< xD) masa:*thinking ~i hope she doesnt sapzz out~*
Anzu: o.o.........
masa:*stays silent watchignt eh movie*
Anzu: O.O...............*whispers* She's gonna dieeee
masa:*sweat drop*
Anzu: *see's the guy that's after her and sinks down into the couch* o.o *whispers* He's gonna kill her
(i keep thinking '*cling*' xD) masa:*big swae drop*
(Eh wot?) Anzu: o.o......
(i keep thinking lyk in movies when the girl cling hidingxD i did it to my cuzin b4 it was sad) masa:*still silent-doesnt look phased by it*
(mkayyy) Anzu: *screams and clings onto him* o.o I knew he was gonna find herrr!
masa:un... *blushes-and sweatdrop8
Anzu: *hides her eyes and buries her face in his arm* Meep! >///<
masa:*blushes a bit* suki:*knows what they're watchign calles the house phone wich is sitting next to masa*
Anzu: o.o Noo! he's gonna come kill us o.o don't answer!
masa:*sweat drop* anzu its jsut a movie *reaches for the phone still blushing*
Anzu: o.o no! *leans over him and grabs the phone before he can and shakes her head* not answering ir o.o
masa:*sihgs* anzu..... it sjust amovie relax*tries to grab the phone form her*
Anzu: *whines*...if I die it's your fault *hands himthe phone*
masa:*takes the phone-answers it* suki knock it off.... suki:*on other end of phoen* :O how'd u-?! masa: caller id duh....
Anzu: o.o so it's not some crazy axe murderer?
masa:*hangs up the phoen with otu another word and lets it fall outt ahis hand to the couch* no its suki trying to scare the shit outta us *doesnt mention he had goosebumps thru his entire body xD*(im working oan pic of faye and aika studying xD)
( ^-^ mkayy) Anzu:*sighs* I don't know how your not scared, i'm scared shitless o.o omg he found the gun!!! o.o run!!
(it looks funny cuz his spikes arent up o.o xD) masa; y-yeah whatever..... *still ahs goosebumps*
Anzu: o.o oh my god she's so stupid why dosn't she just run! ***keeps rambling making it hard too pay attention***
masa:*sweat drop*
(( I do the same thing when i'm nervous* Anzu: *still talking*
masA:*covers her mouth* anzu the point of a movie lyk this is to watch ti not tlak thru it.... *big sweat drop*
Anzu: *blushes and looks down* >////> sorry....
masa:*puts his ahnd down and looks away blushign some* no im srry i over reacted aobut it.....
Anzu: *giggles nervouslly* n-no it's fine I was talking too much
masa:*still blushign*
anzu: *looks back too the screen still blushing*
masa:*goes bakc to watcingthe movie again*
Anzu: >///////>
masa:*blushing* --after the movie--
Anzu: *half asleep*
masa:*head on knees-knees to chest-on the verge fo fall asleep* --door opens and n ones in hte hall--
Anzu: *see's that happen and meeps* *whispers* masaaaaa o.o
masa:*saw it happen to* O_O" ........ --a ball rolls thru the door way-
Anzu: *blinks a few times and stands up* a ball...?
masa:*looks at the ball* uh..... i ahevnt seen that ball since i graduated teh academy.... (<<<graduated when he was 5)
Anzu: *looks at him curioslly* ....then who's playing with it?
masa:*shakes his head slowly* n-no clue..... *is more freaked otu tehn he goign to admit* --crashigns tuff is heard--
Anzu: *stumbles backwards so she's sitting down again* o.o Masa i'm scared o.o
masa:*sits back ratehr then his eha don his knees* i-it c-cant be anything......... w-were just apranoid c-cuz of the -m-movie *is really freaked out* (<.< yeah~ masa keep tellign urself that)
( xD) Anzu: *looks at him* BUTTTT what if it's not not anything?
(oh btw i posted teh pci of faye and aika studying today x3) masa: i-it cant b-be not n-not nothing.....
Anzu: It has to be something balls don't just open doors magically o.o
--sasuke comes directly from the shadows and yells to scare them-with creepy mask on-- masa: AGH! *jumps scared half to death*
Anzu: *screams then cling too Masa* O-O
masa:*hear tpounding frm beaing scared and breathigns a lil eneven* sasuke:*burst out lauhgsng* masa: *pissed off* DAD~! >/////< THATS SO NOT FUNNY!! *fae red czu anzus clinging to him*
anu: >///< G-geez I just about had a heartattack
skaura:*come running over cuz she heard them scream* WHAT WRONG IS -?! *sees sasuke* =_=" sasuke u better tell me right now... did u just scare these kids? sasuke:*takes the mask off* well, er.... masa: *same as a second ago*
Anzu: *blushes and leans away from Masa*
sakura: *looks at anzu* did he just scare u two?? sasuke:*thinking~ oh god im gonna eb sleepign in the living room tonight -.-"~*
Anzu: ermmm n-no not really X] *still blushing*
(xD i couldnt resist putting sasueks thoughts as that) sasuke:*thinking~ :O I DIDn't?! but they jumped!! :O little liers >.>~* sakura: well u both look scared half to death...
Anzu: >/////> ermmmm well it ws the movie
masa: y-yea the movie... *thinking~ he jsut lucked otu =///= big time...~* sakura: oh all right sasuke c;mon *walks outt athe room* sasuke;*follows and closes the door* (damn his parents actually trust him alone with her and with the door close o.e tlak aobut good trust)
Anzu: *blushes* geez ((Ik my parent's would be all DIE BITCH! Dx))
(o.o xD i'd neevr invite a guy over to my house anyways all the guys i know r idiots-wel almsot all of tehm theres a few if i invited them over my mom owuldnt care) mas: tell me y we just saved my da from sleeping in the living room tonight....?
[ I have allot off guy friends Dx ] Anzu: *shrugs* e-ermm I don't know
(i dont =/ ) masa:*sighs*
[most of them get annoying] Anzu: *giggles a bit still blushing* e-erm
(xD) masa:*still blushing some*
Anzu: erm w-wanna put in another movie? you pick this time
masa:*yawns* but waht kinda??horrors outta the question....
Anzu: *nods * yeahh not horror hmmm you pick it' your turnn!
masa: hmm... comedy?
Anzu: *shrugs*
masa:*holds up a movie* how bout 'license to wed'?
Anzu: *giggles* sureee ^-^
masa:*puts when a stranger calls in its case and puts license to we din and sits on the couch- turns teh light on the side table on*
Anzu: *yawns and leans back on the couch* =]
masa:*yawns cuz her yawn cause dihm too* this movies funny as hell.... *has already seen it*
Anzu: *nods* mhmm
masa: have you seen it b4?
Anzu: Huh? oh no I haven't sorry i'm just tired (new uploaddd)
masa:*laughs a lil*
Anzu:*closes eyes* hmmmmmm
--at the credits-- masa: *fell asleep hea don knees again*
Anzu: *feel asleep leaning on him* v.v
--it lyk midnight-- masa:*still asleep* -all his siblings:*sleeping-* sasuke:*asleep in living room-fell asleep during tv* sakura:*comes to check on them and -holds bakca mothers giggle*
Anzu: *still sleeping with a faint smile on her face*
sakura:**puts a blanket on both of tehm and lets them sleep* --in the morning--
Anzu: *still sleeping huddled up next too Masa*
masa:*still asleep*
Anzu:*opens her eyes slowly and blushes crimson when she see's where she is* o/////o
masa:*same as b4* --sun shinnying thru window--
Anzu: *squeezes eyes shut still blushing but hasn't moved*
miyuki:*came to find masa cuz hin called- opens teh door and sees then knows anzus up* oh wow.....
Anzu: *moves away from Masa then looks up at Miyuki and smiles sleepily* ermmm ello Miyuki san
miyuki:*giggles* ur red....
Anzu: O///O S-shut u-upp
miyuki: so u two fell asleep in here?? how cutw *teasing* x3
Anzu: *looks down bright red* S-sshut up Miyuki >//////<
miyuki:*giggles* relax hes a heavy sleep most of the tiem he slyk stone =.=" xD i used to sahre a room with him i would know...
Anzu: *giggles a bit* r-really? *smiles softly still blushing allot* (g2g)
miyuki:*giggles again* yup  sleeps silently even when hes in deep sleep i ve neevr hear him snoore o.e only talk in his sleep xD and thats rare (mkk :3 buh bye)
Anzu: Talk in his sleep?
miyuki: *nods*
Anzu: *giggles* what's he talk about
miyuki: all depends on what hes dremaing *giggles*
Anzu: *blushes* >/////> r-right
miyuki:*giggles* well anyways, cya later *walks donw the hall-to the living room* masa:*same as b4*
Anzu: *looks over too Masa then at the door and sighs*
Haruka & Riko: *peak in doorway* o.o
Anzu: erm ello there ^-^'
both: *at smae time* hello.... (psst these two r twins lyk miyuki and masa xD)
(mkayyy) Anzu: *giggles* whatha two doing?
Riko: oh nothing really.... Haruka: oh yes.. nothing at all jsut checking on our dear old brother both:*giggle*
Anzu: ummm *raises an eyebrow* err right ^-^'
Both:*giggle again* masa:*eyes still closed* oh god is the twins..... *lifts his head*.....
Anzu: *smiles and looks at Masa*
masa:*moves outt being all curled up to his chest* did we seriosuly fall asleep on the couch *sweat drop*
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