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coooooolllll *grabs Masa and runs* MINE!!
thnx and i think he almsot looks kinda sad o.o masa: HEY! PUT ME DOWN! *dissappears*
I wanna hug himm x] Me: o.o Nuuuuuu!!! T-T *over dramatic sobs*
Me: o.o he went "Poof" masa:*appears next to the others*
Me: D= Poof?
oni: *grabs msasa wrist and whispers somethign in his ear* masa: o///o
Me: o.o eh wott?
me: *looks at u* yaoi? o.o oni:*still holding masa's writsts- kisses the base of his neck* me: *.* Junko and her bro:*leave* (omg we should do lyk shipp. anzu see the two guys and reconizes masa :O)
(bahaha evil plan! I like!!) Me: *mumbles* uh oh Anzu's not gonna be happy Anzu: *walks torewards you and me just not really looking at the two* Hey Holly I need you t-....*notices it's Masa and stays dead silent looking down**
masa:*blushing* Oni~ s-sto- ...GYAH!... oni:* licked masas neck* me: O.O >.> 8looks at anzu*
Me: o,o *inches away from her* Anzu: *still looking down*
masa: *trying psh oni off him-hood falls down* O-Oni s-sto- AH! oni:*grabbed masa ass* (wouldnt it look lyk hes tryign to rape him almost?? o.e)
(o.o yah* Anzu: *turns to me voice quiet and as sharp as nails (o.e ouchie)* Like I was saying I need that scroll you borrowed back
masa:*strugglgin to get oni off him* oni:*not letting him go* me: o.O (hey if i dissappear i wne to bed cuz im hlaf asleep as is xD(
Me: o.e r-right it's at home i'll get it for you...um anz are you ok Anzu: *glares at me then turns around and starts walking where she came from* [ouchie for ego points o.e]
(o.o) masa: srr oi *kicks him in the nuts* i disf let go....! oni:*drops to his knees in pain* masas: *dissappears to teh waterfall-slllcruled up around his knes*
Anzu: *walks torewards him a few moments later and sits about a foot away and watches the water quietly*
masa: hmm? *looks at her face and realizes who it is, eye grow cold* teh.....
[ouchie o.e if my friend anthony was here he's be sinnging whyy can't we be friends zD ]] Anzu: *dosn't acknowledge him*
masa: *getas up and goes into the tree-tryign to hide from oni*
Anzu: ..... *closes her eyes tightly trying ot too cry*
masa:*keeps his brathign low- refuseing to let himslef look at her* oni:*comes walkign into the area* now where did my lil sex toy go?
Anzu: *knows he's hiding and hears Oni then flinches*.....I pissed him off and he went that way *points too the opposite way Masa is still not looking at him*
masa:*thinking~ is she actually deffending me even tho i ran away a few yrs bakc with no good byes?...~* oni: well thak you lady... *runs off in the directon she pointed*
Anzu:...yeah whatever *goes silent again*
masa: y did u do that.....? *is still hidden from view up in the branches*
Anzu:...Because I don't need another person I was close to o in my past mad a me
masa:*sihgs* im lucky he couldnt smell my sent, nd im glad he couldnt.... he would have attacked u for lieing....
Anzu: *nods still not looking at him* I could have mannaged
masa: *mumbles -doubt it* .... *gets up and walks to the edge of the branch closets to the water* ....
Anzu: *glares at him out of the corner of her eyes but says nothing*
masa;*sighs then whistles with his fingers to his mouht*
Anzu:...what are you doing?
--a pretty bird noise is heard-- masa: *holds his right arm out* ryo:*flys in and lands on masas arm* ^v^
Anzu: *raises an eyebrow* Ryo?...
Ryo: *sees anzu and makes a happy birdy noise-flys to her shoulder and rubs against her* masa: ....
Anzu: *smiles a little bit and Pets him* Hey Ryo...
Ryo: ~buddy! i miss-ed u o.o~ *rubbs against her again* ^v^ masa: *jumpsd own to the ground* ..
Anzu: ...yeah missied you too *smiles*....*watches Masa jump down*
masa:*not faicng her look out to the lake-crosses his amrs and leans against the tree- hidding hi face*.... (omg lets pretend its the aniversary of amayas death and thats y hes in the village :O)
( =o ok) Anzu: *looks over to him and stands up then walks over slowly* Your back cause of the anniversry aren't you?
masa: ... *keeps his face hiddne- a tear running down his cheek* w-why would u c-...*swollows the lump in his throat*care....? ryo: .^. *flys to masas left shoulder-teh one against the tree*
Anzu: You really don't know??....geez... Traitor or not your were the bestfriend I ever had
masa:*sighs thingin~ now i know how it feels to feel wors ethen i did >_<~ another tear rolls down his other cheeck* ryo: *makes a whiney bird noise*
Anzu: *notices he's rying and her eyes grow softer*
masa:*turne his hea da lil more towards ryo~ hey buddy~* ryo: ^v^
Anzu: *coses eyes and sighs*
ryo:*flys to anzua ahouler* ~hes realy depressed .^. he always is thist im of yr thats y hes hiding from oni....~
Anzu: *eyes become cold again* [I would hide from that prick even if it wasn't this time of year]
Ryo: OvO ~wow strong thoguhts.... masa puts up wiht him its odd, oni uses masa as a sex toy its just not rihgt....~ masa: *is sitlent starring out at the water*
Anzu: [Why do you have to tell me that! ]
ryo: ~ well amyeb u cna tell me y he'd let soemone do that, i dont understad human emotions or actiaons compleely and i refuse to talk with the other bounty hunters...~ masa: *tears starting to overlfow his eyes- slides into sitting at the tre base*
Anzu: *sighs* [I really don't know....maybe he likes it]] *dosn't sound hapy about the idea and sits down next too Masa* It's Ok Masa
--is sunset-- masa:*has his head resting on his amrs and his knees to chest and amrs on knees-starring out to the water shown orange, tear running down his face* ryo:~ o.e but it doenst sound to nice... he usaully want to kill oni afterward o.e....~
Anzu: *sighs in relif when Ryo says that* [maybe he just gave up? and rather then be killed he just let's oni do what he wants even if he dosn't really like it] *looks over at Masa with a small smile*
ryo: ~weird....~*flys to a branch* masa:*same pose tears still running down his cheek**
Anzu: *puts her hand on his shoulder* Masa it'll be ok alright?
masa:*jmups a lil when she touched him* i-i know...*closes his eyes*...
Anzu:.....Do you?...really?
masa: yea.... *eyes still closed* -whispers softly- u cnat change the past... but u can mend it...
Anzu: *smiles wider* Good as long as you understand that ok?
masa: *smiels softly but it fades -whispers to self- ur the one who taught me that.... ryo:*flys off to a branch htinking about shinju*
Shinju: *just finished teaching the acadamy kids for the day and ish walking home* Anzu: *hugs him lightly* I know ^-^
Anzu: *pulls away from him way sooner then she used to with a bit of an odd expression*....sorry Shinju: *humming softly*
ryo: *birdy laughs* masa: *looks out to the lake again*
Anzu: *turns away from him and looks out at the lake again* ....... Shinju: *still waliking*
ryo:*sitll on branch thinkignabout shinjus-depressed feelings cuz he missed him* masa: *is silent-whipes his eye*
Shinju: hmmm wonder where Anzy is? Anzu:.......so what have you been up too for these years?
masa: well, beinga bountry hunter... chasing down traitors to otehr villages heh.. ironci huh?
Anzu: hm... *thinking about Faye* yeah...
masa:*sihgs* we usaully end up after thsoe who r going to turn but dont....
Anzu: ...hm right *looks minimally worried* Shinju: *walking near-ish too tem but heding the other way*
ryo:*can ehar the foot step* OvO
Anzu: *looks up and ryo* hm?
ryo:*fly to where he ehar dhte sound and sees shinju- make s a loud pretty bird noise* ~SHINJU!~ *fly landing on his shoulder-rubbing against him* masa: 8looks to where ryo flew*
Shinju: *looks at him oddly for a second*...R-ryo? o.o Anzu: *looks at Masa* ... he heard Shinju
masa:*nods once* ryo: ^v^
Shinju: *hugs him* >////< I hate you! do you know how worried I was! Dx? Anzu: *turns back too Masa*....I guess you don't know about Faye right?
masa: waht about her? ryo:*is still in bird form* @v@ ~i missed you Dx i'm kina bound to masa~*
Shinju: >///> I dun care! yer mai birdie hmph! Anzu: she went and joined the akatsuki
masa: heh.. i heard there was someon new.... ryo: *find the hug kinda akward him being a bird btu says nothing*
Shinju: *still smiling and laughs the starts walking again holding Ryo* =3 Anzu: *nods slowly* ....because of Daddy *says daddy in a mocking way* [Dun dun dunn]
(o.e?) masa: daddy? *raises an eyebrow* ryo:*cuddleing against shinjus chest*
[ x] exactally!] Anzu:....yeah...Daddy Shinju: ^w^
(lost @.@) masa: *isa bit confused* ryo: *smiley* ^v^
Anzu:....Pein Shinju: hmmmmm o.o wait If your here is Masa too?
ryo:*nods* masa: oh....
Shinju: oh geez that's not good =/ Anzu: *nods* yeah
ryo: ~y?~ masa:*nods a lil* (i jsut remembered i looekda tthe thigny i wrote aobut the bounty hunters in rl- and i realized i put down that hey actually cooperate with the akatsuki, they help them and thats y they dont go after those triators... o.o xD)
((hmmm that would work out well =3) Anzu: *runs her hand through her hair* >.< Shinju: Anzy's way different now when you guys left she got cold =/ so the hokage assigned her a genin team too see if that would help and it did a bit but they are graduates now so she dosn't have as much enthusiasm
(yeah) masa: uve changed.... ryo: ~oh, i gues si kinda noticed~
Anzu: *flinches* and you haven't? Shinju: *nods sadly* it sucks majorlly and when Faye left she just kinda stopped being Anzy even we hardly talk anymore'
ryo: *cuddles agains him more* => ~its gonna be ok~ masa: *lauhgs slightly* u've got me beat... *sighs* my moms gonna kill me and icant imagine what my dad is gonna do... i promsied myself id go to see them but i cant get the courage...
Shinju: *pets him absentmidley* yeah....I wish Anzu: *looks suprised that he laughed* o.o erm I really don't think that's the best idea Masa....your mom would be understanding but your dad....hmm he got mad at ME when Faye went too the akatsuki
masa: well he's my dad and he may not like it but.. *sighs* i promised my self id see them...
Anzu:..... =/ hmmm do you want me too go with you?
masa;*shakes his head* u dont have too, its my responsibility ill take care of it no matter what they do... ryo: ~ ive been in this form so long @v@ idont remember what its like to be human o.o~ ... ~btw u got tall OvO~
Shinju: =_ well love I WAS abnormally short before I 'm just normal now xD annddd maybee if your tired of being teh birdie you should be the kidd that I missed oh so much =P Anzu: ...I know but i'll come if you need me too
ryo: ~but i cant~.... (xD no clothes XD) masa: i think ill be fien if i can live with junko and oni fighting i thin i can survive my father...
Anzu: *giggles then gasps and holds her hand over her mouth* Shinju: hmmmmmmmm thennn hmmm oh! we will buy you clothes =3 *strts walking back too the stores district*
(xD) ryo: *still in shinjus arms jumps to his shoulder* masa: *alsmot laughs a lil* (tehy're acting mroe lyk themselves xD)
Shinju: *smiles* --Skipeh shopping?-- Anzu: *smiles softly* [things are kinda like they used too be]
--after the shoopping-- ryo:*still on his shoulder* masa: *looks otu oteh water*
Shinju: *smiling swinging the bags side too side * hmm almosty home *keeps walking* Anzu: *pulls her knees too her chest and lays her chin on top of her knees and closes her eyes with a smile*
masa:*still has his knees to his chest puts his eha don them* i wonder what ryo and shinju r doign right about now *laughs a lil*
Anzu: Dunno probally eachother *giggles*
masa: *eyes go big b4 he burst out alguh some* ryo: *stil with ryo-can always hear masas thought* ~ anzu and masa r gross....~
Anzu: *still giggling* xD Shinju: hm? *walks inside* how so? *shuts door*
masa:*still lauhgin* ryo~ tehy jsut amde an joke aobut us....~
Shinju: *cocks an eyebrow* anddd?
ryo: ~ masa asked her what she thoguht we were doing, and she said eachother~
Shinju: o///o gyaah! o////o U-um well you sohuld go get changed o////o *walks shinju into the bathroom and sets the bags in there and puts Ryo down and turns around then walks out* >//////< *goes and sits on the couch* stupid Anzu
Ryo:*transforms and gets dressed- comes out his hairs a lil messy-is abotu 3 inches shorted then shinju* i dont look stupid do i? *looks down at himself tehn to shinju* masa: *calms his laugh* ok ill reask, what do u think they're up to?
Shinju: *giggles and shakes head* nope *jumps up then keeps giggling* Buuuttt i'm taller then yew ^-^ Anzu: *shrugs* I dunno Shinju probally dragged him home*
masa:*laughs a lil* hmm,ryo: shut up~ =_="
Shinju: *hugs him& ^-^ least you don't look anorexic like me =_= now THAT'S annoying as shit buttt noooo yer just a bit shorter then me =P hmph
ryo:*hugs him back* u dont look anorexic...
Shinju: =_= *leans away from him and takes off his chunin vest* Look at you then look at me D= yer aall hot and i'm just twiggy Dx I'm an epic failure
ryo: *rols his eyes* i like u no matter how u look *leans up a lil and kisses him lgihtly on the lips thinking~ i missed that~*
Shinju: *giggles and kisses him back blushing*
ryo: *keeps kissign him-arms go around hsi neck* (omg im gonna doa song bakc ground fomr anzu and masa with a song that fit lyk right wen shipp hits :O no one would think to use thsi song either x3)
( x] mkay go for it! =D ) Shinju: *still blushing deep red & kisses him back, hands grip the front of Ryo's shirt*
(wanna know waht song it is?? x3)ryo:*blushing thinkgin~ i misse dkissing him~*
( *nods* yes ma'm =3) Shinju: *moans* [geez it's been so long]
(sallys song form nightmare b4 christmas, if u listen to the word sit relaly does fit the part around when he leaves)ryo:*slides his tounge against shinjus bottom lip-arms still aroudnd his ncek*
(awww =] I like that song but Amy lee's version is mai fav =3 ) Shinju: *saps and opens his mouth a bit in the process*
(omg i was listening to it when i realize dit fit and im listenign to it now too x3 i love amy lee she rox)ryo: *keeps kissing him a bit unsure if he really should step it up*
( =3 I think it fits too ^-^ and amy lee ish ahhmazing) Shinju: *slides his hands to Ryo's shoulders*
(i know it does soo fit and yes she it @.@)ryo: *starts to slide hsi tounge into shinjsu mouth hesitantly-amrs still secure around his neck*
( =3) Anzu: *sighs* i'm bored Shinju: *gasps then blushes a deeper shade of red*
ryo:*roams his mouht- moaning slightly* masa: yeah... *sighs*
Shinju: *follows his lead meekly* Anzu:.... xD I bet Shinju and Ryo aren't bored
masa:*trying nto to burst out lauhgin*ryo:*keeps kising him ~oh god i love kising him its been way to long~*
Anzu: *giggles* oh geez* Shinju: *moans again* v//////v
masa: *laughsing some* ryo: *has one hang gripping lightyl at shinjus hair while the other one is still on his neck*
((Sorreh I had to eat dinner)) Shinju: *wraps bolth of his arms around Ryo's neck lightly*
(is ok and akward pose they both have their amrs aorund achothers neck xD)ryo:*still kissing him*
Anzu: *plays with a strand of her hair* hmmmmmm Shinju: *giggles and pulls away from him* ^///^
ryo:*blushing* s-srry i couldnt resist y-you... masa: *lookas at her sun almsot outta sight*
Anzu: *looks up and at him* what is it? Shinju: *smiles blushing darkly* honestlly I don't really mind  *pecks him on the lips again before turning around and turning on the t.v. and then sitting on the couch* ^-^
masa;*shakes his head a lil b4 looking bakc otu to he water* ryo: *walks voer and sits right next to him on the couch*
Anzu: *sighs* ignoring the question get s yew no where with me cause you know i'll still bother you about it =P Shinju: ^-^ *hugs him* I'm glad your back for now =^-^=
ryo:*hugs him bakc too still blsuhgin some* me too ^-^ even if it snot for long *smiles fades*
Anzu: *pokes him* C'mon tell me please? Shinju: *pulls away from him looking confused* y-you mean you aren't staying?
ryo: *looks down at his lap* masa here on buisness strictly.... teh bounty hunter know someones here... *sighs and swollows a lump in his thrait* we're only here for 5 days.... masa: is nothign really...
Anzu:...it really dosn't seem like nothing pleasee tell me? Shinju: *looks down* O-oh.....*shakes head* w-who is it?
ryo: i dont know.... oni dragged masa off b4 he would tell me .-. masa: *blushing faintly* really its nothin....
Anzu:.....if it REALLY is nothing you could tell me Shinju: *pulls his knee's too his chest and burys his head in his arms*
ryo:*looking dwon fighting bakc the urge to cry cuz he doesnt want to leave shinju* masa: i cant its..... classified *thinign~ yeah classififed my ass i jsut cant risk telling he r...not yet...~*
Anzu: *eyes lit up* your lying..... if it's classified you wouldn't have told me it wasn't important Shinju: *crys silently not letting Ryo see*
masa: its calssified to me and only me....! only one other person knew.... (amaya .-.) ryo: *is about to break into tears- runs otuside and sits on the steps b4 he does*
Anzu: *flinches when he shouts* fine..... Shinju: ..... *stands slowly then goes and sits next too Ryo and hugs him* I-i'm sorry
ryo:*crying against his chest* i-i d-dont wanna... i-i dont wanna h-have to l-l...-leave
Ryo: I-i know... Anzu: ....
(i jsut realized both shinjus and ryo animal form ahev simialr appatites one thing that some to mind is mice xD) masa; im srry i yelled... i better get going... *stands up* ryo:*still in tears agaisnt shinju*
( xD hahaha) Anzu:.... goodbye Masa *looking at the water* Shinju: *strokes his hair crying as well*
masa:* decided not to go "home" tongiht- goes to wher ethe bounty hunters r staying- in his thoughts messaged to ryo ~ ryo, hey buddy enough time with shinju get to the group we're gonna hvea meeting~* ryo:*sigh while crying whipes his eyes* masa wants me home *sniffles-head still againts him* i love you... *still crying some*
Anzu: *walking home* Shinju: *hugs him tighter then let's go*.....yeah........love you too
ryo: *pecks him on the lips and gets up starts to walk home*
Shinju: *still crying watches him leasve and stands up and walks inside slowly* This fucking sucks Anzu: *still walking with a farawy look*
ryo: *walks past anzu still in tears*
Anzu: *notices it's Ryo and turns torewards him and hugs him lightly*...what happened?
ryo: *shakes his ehad* nothing... *sniffles*
Anzu:.... it dosn't look like nothing doll
ryo: its just facts... *sniffles-whipes his eye* its just the amount of time we have *whips hsi eye agiana dn sniffles again still crying( i haev to go, masa wants me home* moves past her grip waving as he runs off*
Anzu: *shakes head and walks hom*
--the next day-- ryo:*excited sitting in the trainign field next to aki(junkos bro)* Junko-Oni & Masa:*all trianing and fighting together*
Faye: *in akatsuki cloak and in the tree's watching*
masa: *dodges both oni and junko at the same time* junko: *missing masa clashing and hitting oni* oni:*misssing masa but hitting and clashign wtih junko* ryo:*in human form sitting on one of the pole thingys excited cuz hes got good new for him and shinju*
Faye:*notices Ryo and smiles the poofs too the pole next too his* ello thar
ryo: *hasent met her b4* oh hello.... masa: *knocks junko bakc then gets knocked to the groun* GAH! oni:*had knocked masa to the ground* HA! *i pushed by junko* HEY! junko:*laughs and starts to fight more* masa: *jmups up and keeps traingng*
Faye: yer Masa's bird friend right?
ryo: uh yea how'd u know? masa-oni-junko:*all still trinaing*
Faye: Shinju told me about you
Ryo: *smiels at shinjus name* oh so then ur anzus lil sister right? masa: *gets knocked bakc into the thrd poel* GAH! *coucghs cuz that really hurt* FUCK IT, JUNKO!
Faye: *nods but watching the fight with a careful eye* Yeah i'm Faye
masa;*dissappear from the bottom of the third pole and reappears within the fight-starst fightign again* aki: ok u 3 enoguh for today! befor u tire urselves to mcuh all-3 of them: *outs fo breath stopepd fihgting*
Faye: *shouts* Well Daddy will be happy with the partners he's made in you all *jumps from her pole too the ground where they were fighting*
masa:*standing outta breath-eyes revert bakc to noramal* oni and junko: *both drop to sitting outta breath*
Faye: *smiles and claps a few times* excellent woek might i say
ryo:*day dreaming* junko: masa ur impossible to hit... *ties her hair back* oni:*laughs drops into laying* y thank you *was tlakign to faye* masa: that was nothing.... *talkign to faye and junko*
Faye: nontheless Masa, Daddy will be happy once I get this report to him ^-^
masa: well atleast i cna say that training was 1 of 3 obsticales i need to tackle outta the way... oni: what are the other two? masa: avoiding u tonaight, and the beast... *talkgina bout his dad*
Faye *smirks* speaking of obstacles has our little problem been taken care of>
junko: who what now? oni&masa:*sweat drop*
Faye: *giggles* Daddy is a bit concerned on time
masa: *looks up at the sky* i haev to go... get the second obsitacle over now b4 anythign else.. *sighs* time to take on the beast... ryo: im gonna go see shinju kk? bye *runss off excited-cuz he knows theres no classes today-so he can see shinju* masa: yea im out, attakc of teh beast and the huggs her e i come *does a hand sign and dissappears*
Shinju: *on a walk in the forest* Faye: *looks at Oni then Juko* welll that's gonna be hella interesting
junko:*giggles* well if he doesnt come bakc we'll knwo where he is... oni: oh hes gonna come back... ryo: *finds shinju and tackle glomps him* x3
Shinju: *meeps and falls down Ryo hit him head on* >////< Ryo! *opens his eyes and looks up at him curioslly*....what is it?
ryo:*laguhs sstill on him* ^_^ were staying longer then 5 days!! *move soff of siting on him*
Shinju: *smiles the hugs him* ^-^!!!
ryo: *hugging him too* ^_^ two weeks i knwo its still not alot btu its a whole lot better then 5 days *still hugging him close*
Shinju: *kisses him then plls away* it's way better then 5 ays though! Faye: *looking around with a bored expresion*
ryo: *smieling* i KNOW! *jumps forwrs a lil huggin him again*
Shinju: *off balance so0 he falls backwars again and giggles* geez ryo *pecks him on the lips while Ryo's still on top of him and winks*
ryo:*blshes but kisses him bakc lgihtly*
Shinju: *wraps his arms around Ryo's neck and smiles* Oh hello there do you come here often? Faye: =_= boring god I hate this place it's so boring I don't know how Anzy stands it
aika: *walkign with akeno* (they obviously had to change their age xD) oni and junko and ki:we're out soemones commign*all dissappear* aika: *blsuhgin faintly-while walkign toward sth traingin feild* ryo: *blushes-hand against shinjus chest*
Faye: *closes eyes and mumbles shit Akeno and Aika *snaps and she's in normal clothes* Akeno: I mean really who does that! ugh how stupid is he gonna get it's lijke he has a death wi- F-faye? Shinju: *giggles blushing a bit* Anzu: *sitting on a stone bench reading a scroll*
aika: *sees faye-blsuhes a lil mroe then usaul-surprised smiel dissapeaprd to shock* f-faye?! ryo:*kiss him on the lip lgihtly* masa: *walkign to "home" walks past anzu-hoodie closed and hood up*
Anzu: *know it him without looking up because of his chakra* Hey.... Shinju: *giggles then kisses him back* Faye: *waves slightly* ermm hi guys.... Akeno: o.o FAYE! *runs up too her and hugs her* your not dead! Faye: erm yah not dead let go please<///<
masa:*freezr for a second glaces at her* hey... *keeps walking* ryo: *blsuhgin but smieling keeps kissing him-hand against his chest* aika: *standing in place-flaickes to clutchign his head* >_<" SHUT UP!! --the demosn aiks see r all tlakign to hm at aonce--
Anzu: *glares down at the scroll and clenches her fist* Akeno: *lets go of Faye* Faye: *walks over too Aika withAkeno following her* you ok Aika? *puts her hand on his shoulder* Shinju: *plays with his hair a bit while kissing him*
aika:*Drops to his knees practiacally tear in hsi eyes-still clenching his head* SHUT UP!! u stupdi idoits! I DONT WANNA TALKE WTIH U! *still yelligna tthe dmeons* ryo:*blushign alot still kissing him* masa: *walks past miyuki-hiidng his face*
Faye: *goes to her knee's and looks at him* C'mon Aika just talk to them they might let up a bit Anzu: *tears in her eyes as she looks down at the scroll*
miyuki: *walking looks bakc at when she passed him* .. huh? ... masa? no.... was it? *shake sher hea dn keeps wlaign sees anzu* hey! *sits next to her* wahts wrong? aika;*clenching his hea da lot* >_<" n-no they wont.....
Anzu: nothin just got something in my eye * manages too sound cheerfull and whipes her eyes* Faye: *frowns* well what do they want?
miyuki: ive know u long enough anzu, just lyk m-*cnat manage to say hs anme* i knwo u well enough.... aikai: *calms his breathign and grabs her wrist allowing her to hear the demons* --the demons all pseaking to and not to aika, about how faye is alive adn that shes hiding soemthing--
Anzu: *shudders because she knew what Miyuki was going too say* I am nothing liike your brother *mumbles* Faye: *closes eye's tightly* [damn it all] ((I'll have too go soon so if I get off i'm sleeping))
Miyuki: serisouly anzu whats wrong? aika:*lets go of her wrist clecnhing his hea dagian* >_<" masa:*chickened out adn is walks back past them hea dturned away* (kk)
Anzu:.....*know masa's walking back* Nothing Miiyuki It's just a reall bad day ok? Faye: *looking down at her lap*.....
miyuki:*sihgs* ur so stubborn.... masa:*walkign past them towards the path down the wood leading to the lake* aika:*breathign slows to normal for him,hands less clenched-*
Anzu: *laughs half heartedlly* I know *watches Masa go down the path* Faye: ....*looks up at him* are they letting up at all Akeno: oh crap guys i'mm suposed to go meet lex see you later! *runs off*
akira: *appears silently behidn faye* well they must be hes stopped yelling.... ryo:*still kissing shinju* miyuki: hmm? who r u looking at? *loosk where shes looking* i swear i walked past that guy b4 and a certian person came to mind,... but it cant be ya'know?
Faye: *looks back at her* I hope... [I don't need suspicion on wher I have been] Anzu: *nods softly*....yeah Shiju: *moans still kissing him*
miyuki: its weir dmy mind must be palying tricks on me i swear he has hte same chakra *laughs almsot nerveously* but it cant be... *shouders droop some* ryo:*mosn a lil too still ontop of him hand grippign the front of shinjus shirt* akira: *kneels next to aiks helpgin him to his feet* calm donw now aika... aika:*hands drop-has a blank stare to the gorund* ....
Anzu: *nods softly* Y-yeah I know I thought it might have been him at first tooo buut....that kid's definatlly not the masa I remember Faye: *smiles softly at him* you ok?
miyuki: that u remember? waht re u talkign about?, i thought u just agreed that it wasnt him... masa: *at the water fall- took off his hoodie and shoes and gloves but went in the water* aika:*close dhis eye for a second takes a deep breathe and while letting it out nods* akira: *kisses the top of aikas head then dissappears*
Anzu:....*realizes what she just said* oh well I just mean that I would remember if t-that was /masa and that person wasn't him cause he's not the person I remember... Faye: *smiles softly*
miyuki:*sighs* wahtever....i just miss him so much.... aika:*oepsn his eye now close to faye- eyes have changed slightly and havea faintl hint of blue to them-blushign faintly* masa: *under the water-just sitting undernieth holding his breath*
Anzu: *sighs* yeah I know the feeling... Faye: *blushing slightly but it's noticble*
aika: *thinking~ GAH! akeno left me with faye! but we were gonna train that chicken hes as bad as tehm!!-is silent still aout a foot between them-blsuhgin faintly but noticeably as always* masa: *same as b4-staying unde ras long as possible* miyuki: *sighs again* well i gotta go find taji and kira, we ahve training to do, bye *hug her quick and walks off*
Anzu: *looks back down too the scroll watching her leave out of the cornerr of her eye then get's up and walks down the path* Faye: *giggles* um s-so how have you been?
aika: o-okay i g-gues... w-what ab-about u? *thinkign~ if she wasnt dead where has she been y didnt she tell us... its as bad as masa-san~* masa:*still unde rthe water eyes closed-holding his breaths-hoodie,glovesand shoes throw i na pile on the ground near the tree* v_v"
Anzu:....*goes and sits near the edge knowing he's under the water* Faye:*smiles softly* Well nothing important
masa:*coems bakc up eyes going open-gasps i nair- breahtiga lil heavy- in kina deep-water to his shoulders* aiks: *nods eyes how the blue a lil mroe clearly*
Anzu: *raises an eybrow* Faye: *tilts her head to the side* hey what's up with your eye's they are blue-er then I remember
aika:*hlaf shrugs* i-im n-not sure,... masa:*can sence he chakara looks at her- eyes somewhat red* what do u want....?
Anzu: *tenses up* Your sister is worried about you...what happened to going too see your family? Faye: =/
masa *swims over to a shallow part and hugs his knees* i chickened out..... waht more is there to say... aika:*blushign faitnly stil* t-thay just were,.. gr-growing b-blueish
Faye: *smiles* I'm not saying they look bad don't worry ^///^ in fact they look kinda cool *giggles* Anzu: .....well that's understandable
aika:*blsuhes a lil more*o///o masa:*sighs-mumbling to slef* im a fricken bounty hunter i take on rouge ninja everyday and i chicken out form goign to see my fmaily... how pathetic....
Faye: *smiling* =^-^= Anzu: *smirks* I'm more afraid of your dad then any rouge ninja *giggles*
masa:*sweat drop* wher u just listenig to me...? seriosuly....? aika:*looks away outta the corner of his eye blushing* (ill brb for a lil while im doing dishes =.= bleh!)
Anzu: *smiles* Yeah and i'm more afraid of your family then any rouge nin so don't feel pathetic yer families a bit...overwhelming XD Faye: *giggles*
masa:*sihgs smile softly but it fades* how true that statement probably is..... *still sitting in the water* aika: *curious as to y she giggles but is silent*
Anzu: hmph Faye: *smiles softly*
masa: what are you 'hmphing' about? aika: *looks at her shyly-wondering y shes so lyk giggle ands miley-still blushing*
Anzu: *smiles* Nothin *looks over too him* Faye: I missed yew *giggles* in fact I kinda missed everyone
aika: *blushes a tiny bit more* i-i missed you t-too *loks at the ground thining~ y wouldnt i she was and still may be my best friend~*
Faye: ....I mean yeah I really missed you but... I can't stay long *looks down*
aika:*eyes go sad-bu soemwhat hiddne* o-oh..... masa:*Falling asleep in the pose-didnt get any sleep the ngiht b4 thnx to oni*(>.> <.<  xD) ryo:*is still ameking out with shinju*
Anzu: *giggles* oh geez Masa don't fall asleep in the water! *laughs* Faye: *hugs him blushing* It's allright Aika... Shinju: *blushing a dark hue of red still making out with him*
masa:*heard her voice and snaps outta fallgn asleep* IM AWAKE! IM AWAKE! *covers his mouth blushing some* aika:*goes bright red* O////O --some lil kdias walkign i nthe woods gigglign at shinju and ryo-- ryo: *heard tehm pulls outta kissing him bright red*O/////O *outta breath*
Shinju: o////////o *mumbles* at least I look like a girl and they don't go too the acadamy >////< *giggles* Anzu: *laughs* nice one Masa ku-.....o.o Masa... Fsaye: *smiling*
ryo: *chuckles lgihtly- leans bakc down near hm and whisper* i dont think oyu look like a girl.... masa:*sihgs* stupid Oni.... keeping me up all ngiht... *yawns* aika: *face bright red cuz of the hug* O/////O
Shinju: *blushes more* I-i know b-but they don't Anzu:..... Faye: *giggles*
ryo: *blushing does a pouty like face* then they're blind .... *leans bakc up and gets off of shinjus sittign next to him*
Shinju: *smiles and sits up and shakes his hair giggling* Faye: haha thatnks for huging me back Aika it's nice too know you care *said in a playfull tone giggling still hugging him*
Ryo: *still pouting some and blushing* i still dont see y they think your a girl.... aika:*blsuhgin laughs a lil and hugs her back somewhat tightly cuz he missed her* masa: *gets up and has a hot uper body x3*
Shinju: *smiles* I know but from the too of us who would you think looks more girlie? *raises an eyebrow* Faye: *giggles and blushes* that's better ^///^ Anzu: *blushes very faintly and looks too the side*
ryo: hmph.... i dont like people calling u a girl tho its so... ugh! *still pouty* masa: *walks over and steps outta the water to the ground grabbing his hoodie and putting it on* aika: *still bright red-whieps kinda out in the open* i r-really missed you (oh yea i f u noticed masa hoddie is the color that his gloves were x3(
Shinju: *giggles* Really i'm fine with it don't get upset *giggles* Anzu: *looks over to him and smiles half heartedlly* Deja'vu Faye: *smiles and turns too* I know I really missed you too
ryo: well im not fine with it.... aika:*still blushign bright red-hugging her kinda tightly* masa: *looks at her-with a familiar, expression* waht do u mean?
Shinju: *giggles and pecks him on the lips* But your not the one eing called a girl so don't get worried kay? Anzu: *smiles* this just reminds me of when we were younger *eyes sparkle with happiness as she laughs* ^-^ and I missed it Faye: [geez I didn't think he'd actually still be hugging me ^////^ ]
ryo: *pouty face* fine.... masa:*blsuhes slightly* oh... aika: *face really red- starts to let go of her soem thinking~ ok this is just a lil akward now~*
Shinju: *smiles* good good ^-^ Faye: *pulls away from him* so are you getting along more with the demons? have you talked too them more? Anzu: *smiles softly then looks out too the lake absentlly*
aika:*already put his amrs down* k-kinda.... s-some m-more th-then others.... masa: *close shis eyes humming amayas lullaby softly*
Fsaye: *smles softly* That's good have they helped you out at all? Anzu: *looks a bit shocked for a second then looks over too Masa*
masa:*has the "new masa" expression but his eye have teh expression of his old self-still humming* aika:*nods* as much as always.... *thiking~ O.O i didnt studder?!~*
Faye: *perks up* Hey! you didn't stutter! =D Anzu: *smiles softly* [...glad too see somethings about him are the same]
aika:*in shcok with himself hand goes over his mouth* masa: *same as b4 cna tell shes looking a tihm thinking~ y is she looking at me?~*
Faye: *smiling* ^-^ Anzu: *looks back too the lake and smiles*
(srry i left b4 i was dragged to meh dads) masa:*stops humming looks at her thinking~ she so beautiful, but i could never say that...~*
((It's fine ^-^)) Anzu: *notices he stopped humming and looks over too him curioslly* Are you ok Masa?
masa;*looks away form her* fine....
Anzu:....*sighs softly and looks back too the water and mumbles Could have fooled me
masa:*heard her* whats that supost to mean?
Anzu: *shrugs* one second you practically can't stand me then it's almost like when we were younger another.... ((brb have too take a shower))
masa:*sihgs* its complicated.... (mmkay)
Anzu:....I wish it wasn't
masa:well we cant change facts.... ts gonna be complicated and there really is no way to change it.... *sighs closes his eyes*
Anzu:...You can't change facts...your right but even complicated things have an answer
masa: ...... *opens his ees and ooks to the sky-sighs*
Anzu: *still looking down*.... and you know i'm right
masa: thing'll never be the same anzu..... they just cant b.. *looks down then closes his eye sighing*
Anzu: *stans up still looking down* Say's you... *turns around and starts walking* *mumbles* but I don't give up
masa:*goes into huging his knees- holding bac tears* (see he emo hes very very emotional) aika:*sittin down tlaking with faye* ryo: *with shinju*
Anzu:.....*looks back at him and sighs* [I'm a giant hypocrite if I walk away like this] *turns around and walks torewards him then sits right next too him*
masa: *has his hood over his eyes-keeping his head to his knees*
Anzu: *puts her hand on his shoulder* Masa?
masa: *jumped a lil when she puts he rhand on his shoulder* ....
Anzu: *smiles softly at him* i'm sorry for saying that...
masa:*same pose-holding bakc the tears in his eyes*
Anzu: *smiles reasuringlly* it's alright Masa
masa: i-im fine.... s-stop worrying.... *still hiding his face againt his knees and with the hood*
Anzu: *looks out too the water with a smile* Well that's immpossible cause I'll always worry about people who mean allot too me...no matter what
masa: *blushes some what* ....... *still holding the tears back tryign to swallow the lump in his thraot*
Anzu: *looks at him from the corner of her eyes and miles softly* Need hug? *giggles*
masa; i-im.... f-...*couldnt finishe his snetence silently crying* (oni nad the other wont let him cry =.= they see it asa weaknes sand what not that y he keeps brakig into tears .-.)
(aww D=) Anzu: *hugs him lightly* it's alright
(yea .-.) masa:*blushes faintly-trying to push away form he rto hide the fact hes crying*
Anzu: *dosn't know that he pushed away from her because Masa didn' want her to see that he was crying, arms fall to her sides and she turns back too the water silently*
masa:*goes back to the pose he was in b4-crying can be heard slightly trying to keep it silently but failing somewhat*
Anzu: *can hear him but dosn't move*
masa:*covering his eyes as much as possible with sobs between words* stupid....stupid masa.... stop it.... u... cant.... u cant cry now...
Anzu: Masa...you aren't stupid and there's nothing wrong with crying alright?
masa:*shakes his head* --running is hear dnear by--
Anzu: *tenses up* who do you think it is?
masa: *gets up quickly near the tre and yells* ONI GET OUT OF HERE! *drops bakc down ot his knees in complete tears* --running ceased and is heard ging the other way--
Anzu: *sighs softly and walks over too where Masa is and kneels next too him* I could have left if you wanted
masa:*shkes his ehad still crying*
Anzu: (dosn't know the whole sex slave thing and thinks that Oni and Masa have 'thing' together) ....no reall if you wanted too spend time with him.... *looking down*
masa: i ..i hate.... him.... *still crying alot*
Anzu: *looks concerned* But when I first saw you two...you guys were...
masa:*looks at her confused still crying*
Anzu: *won't finish the end of that sentance*....remember..?
masa: *thinks* o-oh! *whipe shis eyes cuz its just anxiey(i think htat wha ti is xD)* n-no... hes not... no
Anzu: *looks up at him looking slightly doubtfull but hopefull at the same time* Then why would you let him do that?
masa:*sighs* i let him have his way rather then fight it and ge thurt in return he does as comanded when on our missiosn and what not... i hate him *shkaes his head some* hes a jack ass, and it snothing like waht u think...
Anzu: *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear smiling softly* I'm glad
masa: ur glad? *is still confused-whipe his eyes and sniffles*
Anzu: *nods yeah* I'm glad it's not what I thought *blushing faintly not really noticlble cause it's getting dark*
masa:*whipes hi eye agan ters starting to calm* y-y would u care weather it was that or not?
Anzu: *rolls her eyes* cause your someone I care about cause you have always beeen there for me silly [not really what she has in mind xD]
(xD) masa: *rolls his eyes* im happy u dont hate me....
(x3) Anzu: *smiles* do you really think I ever could?
masa:*looks at her and hugs her* thank you.... (if i dissappear its cuz meh daddehs gf took the laptop .-.)
(oh nue Dx....ok) Anzu: *blushes brightly but hugs him back* n-no problem Masa (xD I think that's the first time he hugged her fist or at least one of the first XD)
masa:*blushing* (yea but its also becuz hes upset and practically everyone looks at him and thinks "traitor" but she didnt)
((( I don't think she could even begin too think like that cause like she said she is always gonna care about all of her friends even if they are traitors and Masa is no exception that's fer sure cause she liked him))) Anzu: [I missed him actually seeming like he liked being around me....this is....nice]
(yeah x3) masa: *still hugging her tears almsot ceased-closes his eyes* everyone calls me a traitor and shun me but u diddnt... than you so mcuh for never hating me
Anzu:*blushing heavily* I don't think I could ever hate you Masa
masa:*thinking~ u idiot! stop hugign her ! ur only gonna make this harder on her and urself!! stop!!~ trying to makhimsle fpulls away*
Anzu: *loooks down when she realizes he's pulling away and lets go*... [and there goes that feeling]
masa:*sighs to himself-realizeing it s alil after sunset* oh ogd, i have to go... *hugs he ronce more and stand up* b- no, no goodbyes jsut yet.... *runs off* (i g2g maybe ttyl .-.-)
Anzu: *blushes faintly and nods* yeah see you soon Masa... (okkk)
(is bakc  ) --the next day-- masa:*laying againt one of the poles in the trianign filed avoiding oni* .... *sighs*
Anzu: *walks up behind him holding kitty shinju* ...Hey Masa =]
masa: hunh? *looks up and sees her* hey.... *isnt in his usual outfit in a weird ut hot outfit*
Anzu: *sits next too him* what's up with the outfit change?
masa: just one of my other ones, Oni wouldnt give me my hoodie so... *shirt is mad eof fishnet and fabric i lky a stripe pattern* ryo: *fly to te pole masa laying againt-obviously in brid form*
Anzu: *giggles* oh geez x] why wouldn't he give it too you? Shinju: *looks up at ryo and swishes his tail softly*
ryo: *sees shinju and make the birdy smile* ^v^ ~hi hi~ masa: er... *coughs into his hand once* he wanted to er... yeah...
Anzu: o.o ohhhhhh <.< Shinju: *smiles* [Ello!]
masa: yeah.... but luckly aki knew i had this one wiht me.... *laughs* im not used to wearing it so its a bit odd wearin git*
Anzu: *laughs a bit* I'd assume so
masa: but its comforable so.... ryo: *still on the top of the pole pacing lyk bird do x3*
Shinju: *watching ryo* [Whatcha doing that for?] Anzu: *smiles softly* [that andd really hott!] so what's up?
ryo:*laughs a lil cuz he heard anzus thought and to shinju* ~ dont know just bored...~ masa:*shrugs* just trying to avoid oni... what about you?
Anzu: *looks at ryo with a bit of a scared expression because she forgot he was there* [C'mon don't tell please?] *laughs slightly nervouslly and looks at Masa* ehh not much getting some paperwork done for the last mission I was on pretty boring
ryo: ~ lips r sealed relax~ masa: arent alor of missions boring?
Anzu: *smiles gratefully up at him* [thanks] *looks back down too Masa and smirks* Not when your a jonin =P
masa:*laughs* well i left b4 i had the chanc enow my missions r mostly A =p *sighs* but my missions go on for weeks of non sleeping nights, and little food and constantly being in shadows im sure urs arent tat bad cuz what i listed is the bright sid eof them...
Anzu:...... [then why'd you leave?] ha....yeah they aren't that bad usually
masa:*sighs* but i guess theres some better things to it now and then..
masa:*head drops and he gets the lil blakc lines lyk in naiem* ok hwo am i kidding... these missions suck dick.... ryo:*laughs*
Anzu: *sighs* then....why did you leave?
masa:*sighs* ...its... well its jst its complicated...
Anzu:......complicated...right...you don't have too talk abou it
ryo: *flys to the ground sitting next to shinju* ^v^ masa: *mumbles to self-ugh my bakc is killing me*
Shinju:*gets off of Anzu's lap and rubs up against him purring* Anzu: Why's that?
Ryo: OvO ^v^ masa: u dont wanna know..... *thiking~ teh one word can be used... Oni...~*
Anzu:..... =/ If I didn't want too know I wouldn't askShinju: ^-^ *purring softly*
masa: u seriously wanna know? cuz im telling you u dont tho.... (srry i disappearsed my dads gf took the lap top Dx)
(Tis finee x])Anzu: *nods slowly* mhm
masa: *sihgs* ill give u one word to sum it up and i know ur not gonna like it..... Oni....
Anzu: *looks downn* care too ellaborate? y'know put a few words before or after it?
masa: id rather not.... ryo: *still with shinju* ^v^
Anzu: *sighs softly* It's allright Shinju: ^w^
masa: *sighs-looks up to the sky-bangs fallng outta his face* ....
Anzu: *smiles at him softly*
ryo:~ is it me or they acting more like friend then b4?~
Shinju: *swishing his tail batting him softly* [that's a good thing right? I can never tell with him]
ryo:*birdy laughs* ~ its good but when it comes time to leave it wont be good or either of them .... ~ .^. ~especailly cuz of the surprise he has for her .^.~ (xD i bet u wanna knwo the surprise right?)
(mhmmmmm!! Dx ) Shinju: [...I know...I told her that but she dpsn't listen too me...and suprise?]
(well u dont get to know until anzu does x3 i'z evil :3) ryo: ~ i wanna tell u btu i cant cuz anzus in heaing rnage i mess up and she hears masa'll have my head- hes still not sure if hes gonna go thru with it~ masa: *yawns*
( Dx *epic fail*) Shinju: *looks down* >.< hmmmmm
(wanna skip to that day and like he already saw his family and it end bad? --the thing i have makes it very very dramatic x3)
((Like skip too the day he's leaving or the day after he see's his family?))
(xD let just skip over the family to the day hes leaving)--day of departure-- ryo:*in human form clinging to shinju* Dx masa: *ans the other waitsin at the gate cuz masa told anzu to meet her there*
Shinju: *abnormally quite hugging him back* Anzu: *walks up with a hppy/sad-ish smile* Hey...
masa: hey... *glances at the others and nods* --the other all head off without him-- ryo:*still clingin to shinju trying tnot to brake into tear* i-i dont wanna leave...
Shinju: *crying a bit* I-i know Anzu:....*looking down a bit not meeting his eyes*
masa:*apraoches her closely lyk hes gonna hug her-tilts he rhead up so shes looking at him* ryo: *starting to cry*
Anzu: *looks up blushing* M-masa? Shinju: *crys into Ryo*
masa:*blushing some- takes his headband adn wraps it sround her eyes so she cant see-leans in more pressing his lips against hers* (HA! big surprise x3)
(cliche but madddd cutee =]) Shinju: *smiles softly* Anzu: *tightens up when he ties his headband over her eyes but loosens up when he presses his lips too hers* [D-did Masa just?] *kisses him back just as softly blushing darkly*
(xD x3 i told my friend cassy about it in school- cuz i was complaining that i was dieing to see her reaction and she was lyk :awww so cute :3- xD) ryo:*almst giggle and mumbles* there's his surprise.... junko:*just out side the gate* c'mon romeo! they're all gonna come after us if we take any longer! masa:*thinking~ oh fuck junko saw this... that means the other probably did to =///= fuck~ pulls away from the kiss and runs off outta the village thinking~ shes gonna hate me for leaivng~*
( xD hahaha cute) Anzu: *waits a few moments then unties his headband slowly*.....gone again *turns around and sighs* [you got what you wanted for like ever! be happy!!..... Yeah but he's gone again what's the difference?]
Ryo:*kisses shinjus longely b4 turning and running to follow after tehm* --few months later-- (big time skip *pokes it* <.<)
Shinju: *out with the acadmy kids on a feild trip too Kohana's histrical monuments* Anzu: *walking behind the kids watching them too make sure they are in line*
junko:*walking with the otehrs comming in thru the gate* hmm this place is soo boring remind me y were here again? Aki:*lauhgs* Oni: we cmae to see the sights its our vacation teim be happy... masa:*is silent*... ryo:*in bird form see sthem up there-flying high up*
Shinju: alright kids this is the memorial stone your name get'ss written here if you died in battle *boys shout cool girls cringe* Anzu: *rolls her eyes* but don't worry about that now ok?!
ryo:*flying over head watching them keeping quiet* masa: *looks around thinking~ ryo, where'd u go off to?~* junko: *talking about palces to visit with oni and aki*
Anzu: *looks up and se's ryo and smiles* Hey kids who thinks class should be over? Shinju: wha? but there's still and ho- Anzu: *glares as the kids cheer* alright! everybody go get yer stuff your dismissed ^-^' *kids rush pst her*
ryo:*flys down perching on shinjus hea dand looks down at him-in the face-tilts his head* .^. ~hi !!!~ masa:*walking with the other adn looking around cautiously*
Shinju: *giggles a bit and strokes him* missed you...
ryo:*jumps donw to shinjus shoulder and rubs against him* ~i missed u lyk crazy!!!~ *looks at anzu* ~HI!! to u too~ ^v^
Anzu: *smiles softly* Heyy Ryo ^-^.... Shinju: *leans his head torewards him* [yeah I know ^-^ I missed you too!]
masa:*is by the water fall- whistles, the callf or ryo* --whistle is sucha high pitch it can be heard where shinju and anzu and ryo r-- ryo: =v= ~gotsa go for a lil bit stupid meetings~ *rubs against shinju once more b4 flying off*
Shinju: *sighs* awww,..... hm I wonder how long theyr'e staying this time? Anzu: *watches ryo fly off*....yeah
masa:*siting against the tree by the water fall with the others- is silent* ryo:*flys in landing on masas shoulder* junko:*ists on a rock arms crossed* c'mon aki! i thought this was a vacation time not meeting and mission tiem.... oni: =_=" YEAH! aki: it is but we have one final meeting b4 we can have our fun...
Anzu: *walking back too the acadamy with shinju*
--meeitng was only 10 minutes-- ryo:*flys landing on shinjus shoulder b4 they make it to hte acaemy* ~hi hi :> ~ masa:*went to the hot spring*
Shinju: *smiles* hey there stranger
Ryo~ *rubs against him* ~i had to get away form the others and depression and silence boy... and i ahd to be with u ^v^~ masa:*in the ot spring-hair grew otu -eyes closed- sitting there* (his hair is lyk in the other pic were doing)
Shinju:*giggles* sh-shutup *blushing lightly*
ryo: ~nope x>~ *looks at anzu* ~ur quiet and since i didnt get to ask... did u like masas lil surprise?~ *had to ask her* masa: *same as b4 head bakc- knees to shest-sighs*
Anzu: *blushes immensly* M-maybe >/////> Shinju: *giggles* that's a deffinate yesss x] Anzu: >////<
ryo: *birdy laughs* ~well to let u know, he feels really bad about leaving after that.... hes actauly who i ment when i siad depression and sadness boy~ masa:*same as b4-thiking about anzu-and how it felt to kiss her*
Anzu: *blushes darkly* I-i know i-i'm not mad at him either
masa:*same as b4-trying not ot go into his tears od depression* ryo:~ he's actually depresse dtho, like as bad as when u know who passed away.... he hasnt talked at all, ive only heard his thoughts not his voice since our last mission a while ago...~
Anzu: I'll talk too him if you want me too
ryo: ~ u can try if u want but i doubt he'll answer u bakc and that fact tha hes in the hot springs....~ *still on shinjus shoulder*
Anzu: *blushes more but walks off* ----in the hotsprings---- Anzu: *in the water looking around* >.< [damn these co-edd hot springs]
masa:*same as b4-head bakc eyes closed- knees not against his chest but still bent-avoiding memory between them that would make him upset*
Anzu: *notices him and goes over there silently* ...Masa?
masa:*opens his eyes lifting his head look over to her and blushs some-then looks down at the foggyish water*
Anzu: *giggles then moves so she's next too him* Ryo said you haven't been talking much and I missed you.... *smiles genuinly* and I got worried so.... what's on your mind
masa:*just shakes his hea dlightly-still strring a the watr- refusing to make eye contact wit her*
Anzu: *puts her hand on his shoulder* Hey it's ok don't worry you can tell me ^-^
masa:*jumped a lil when she touched ihm-doesnt looks up from the water closes hsieyes and shakes his hea dagain*
Anzu: *raises an eyebrow* Masa I can tell when yourr lying iv'e known you long enough *moves his bangs out of his eyes* why don't you just tell me?
masa:*close shis ees and shake shis head lgihtly-blushing* .....
Anzu: *smiles softly* pleassee?
Masa:*still looking at the water shifts into huggin his knees to his chest shakes his hea dlgihtly thinking~ i cant...~*
anzu: ....you trust me right?
Anzu: *smiles softly* then you should be able too tell me anything right?.....right ^-^ *sticks her tounge out at him then giggles* so c'mon tell me and i'll do whatever I can too help mkay?
masa: *shakes his head mumbling very very softly* i cant.... (gtg my bro wants on i may be bakc soon =.=")
((promise? Dx)) Anzu: *frowns softly* I think you can Masa and I won't telll anyone I swear mkay?
(im already bakc  i went to the cop in my room :3) masa: *shakes his head and quietl speaks* i cant tell U...
(x] sorry if it takes me awhile i'm downloading mass songs from lime wiree) Anzu: why? if you trust me you should be able too
(xD) masa: i cant... i just- *sighs and close shis eyes*
Anzu:....*looks down then drops her hand*....
masa: *head against his knees* i shouldnt have done what i did.....
Anzu:.....I didn't mind masa
masa:*blushing*.... *thinking your a fool masahiko, a rotten fool, your only making this harder for both of you...~* n-no its not ok anzu... *flinches lgihtly when saying her name* ....im only gonna hurt you more... i cant stay here wher eim not wanted and once i leave i only hurt people more... and i hurt myself as wel... *head still to his knees-holding bkc tears*
Anzu:...There are people who would still care about you even if you hurt them....and trust me it's harder when you hurt yourself but have no one too help you out because you blocked them all out
masa:*is islent holding out tears*
Anzu: *looks down at the water* [....I hope he just dosn't end up like sasuke used too be] .....
--the door leading to the boys changing room opens and ak iand oni come in-- masa: un *whipes away the tears on his face quickly-is silent again* akia *sits a few feet away from masa-keep an eye on oni* oni :*sits right on the other side of masa*
Anzu: *stiffens up a bit*.... (xD haha I gots an idear) Setto: *boys door opens again and setto walks out* Well this place looks like shit the one in Iwa is allot nicer *laughs a bit then goes in not noticing who's in the water for a moment then notices Oni* Oh god! not you againn =_=
oni:*smirks* oh hello again... masa: *still huggin his knees glances up at setto- eyes still red cuz he was begingn to cry- holding it bakc again*
Setto: *looks at Masa curiouslly but dosn't say anything then notices Akia* who are you?
(oh woops i didnt notice i put akia b4 xD i emnt Aki xD) aki: *sitting still* names aki.... masa: *still huggin his knees hea don his knees thinking~ if oni touches me i swear to god i will kill ihm~*
Anzu: *looks around a tad nervous* =_= Setto: *raises an eyebrow* yeah welllll yer big [[I gots too go D=]]
aki: no duh, im 20... mas:*same as b4* oni:*really close ot masa* (awww Dx bye bye *hugs*)
Setto: welll excuseee me it's not like i'm some super genius who can tell how old you are just by looking at you! Anzu: *inches away from masa a tad*
masa:*thinking if oni lays a hand on me right now he will end up face down in the water....~* oni:*knows the look in masas eyes an scoots away from him* ...
Setto: *goes under the water then comes up and shakes his head letting the water fly* =_= damn I hate pink hair.... Anzu: *still looking down* [It's not just being the only girl, Oni,Aki and that guy with the pink hair scare me a bit...]
Junko:*comes in and getd in with her towl on- sits next to aki* finally i found the stupid door in here =_=" it couldnt be any mroe confusing oni&aki:*laugh* masa: *is wearing a towl lurks off siletna nd quickly to the deep cave*
Setto: Well maybe if you weren't so dumb it would be easier =P Anzu:....[damn where did masa go?] *sighs*
Junko: fuck you, the girsl room is wicked confusing =_=" oni:*looking around for masa where hes sitting* masa: *sitting on a lower ledge-huggin his knees-head on his knees*
Setto: *rolls his eyes* well excuseeee me for not knowing that! Anzu:.....
junko:*was the only one who saw masa run off over to the hidden cave moves over sitting next to her -whispering so quietly on anzu can hear* -if ur looking for masahiko he went in the cave area...
Setto: *looks too Aki* hmmmm you look like her *points too Junko* ....you two related? Anzu: *looks over at her and smiles very softly thanks..*stands up -wearing a bathing suit cause well peverted men and anzu well we know they don't mix Escpecially in hotsprings xD- and disapears into the tunnle then starts walking silently*
Aki: yeah shes my lil sis... junko: *giggles thinking~ she really lieks Masahiko, i could see it in her eyes...~* oni: *sitting starringat the ceiling* masa: *same as i said b4* (did u notice that junko is the only person who doesnt really call him masa she calls him his full name xD)
((haha yeah i did x] )) Anzu: *notices where he is and smiles very softly* Masa?
(its funny sicn eno one else does unless they're beng very very seriosu xD) masa: huh..? *looks up at her*
Anzu: *walks torewards him and sits dow* you alright?
masa:*puts his ed back on his knees* uh.. yeah fine...
Anzu: *sighs and thinks about arguning with him but dosn't*
masa: im just... er, thinking....
masa: *sighs knowing she wont stop with questions till he answers them all* what i did b4 i left.....
Anzu:.....oh *looks down*
msa:*looksing away* im sorry that i did that... i shouldnt have....
Anzu: *shakes head* is it because it was me?
masa: huh? waht do u mean? (is confused meself @.@)
( xD She means is he regretting it because it was her he kissed)
(oooo xD ok then he answers now*presses a button on a remote*) masa: anzu no, if i was gonan regret it i wouldnt have done it.....
(xD) Anzu:....then why do you keep saying that you shouldn't of had said that?
masa: becuz its not right, we're friends we werent anything mroe in the past and .... *sighs*
Anzu: *still looking down with her eyes closed tightly making sure she won't cry* And?
masa:*ighs and swallows a lump in his throat* wih me being a bounty hunter, im not sure anything could ever happen in the futre... *mumbles* and i doubt u even like me like that so y am i telling u this...
Anzu: *hears what he mumbled* Masa....are you that dull? I-if I didn't like you would you think I'd still talk too you after that?!
masa:*blushes- thinking~ she really does listen to everything i say.... >////< b-but she likes me back?!~ bite his lip-still turnning his head away*
Anzu: *blushes * [I can't belive I just said t-that o////o]
masa:*thinking~ b-but wait... how long has she liked me back? O////O~ still lushign and biteing his lip*
Anzu:*blushing darker* [I-i just pretty much admited too liking masa....o////o oh god he hates me now I know it I should have kept my stupid mouth shut!] ((xD haha girl panic attack on aisle Anzu))
(xD) masa;*still biting his lip-bit a bit to hard and is bleeding a lil--just notice* ugh.... *whipes his lip and mumbles to slef* that was smart masa....
(Hey Holly can i talk to u?)
((hmm sure amy ^-^)) Anzu: *cracks a smile* you dork
masa:*small smiles goes on his face and he lickes the blood off his lip* yeah...yeah...
Anzu: *cringes a bit when he licks the blood away*...
masa:*noticed her cringe thinking~ did that really freak her out? hmmm...~*
Anzu: *still looking down & tucks a strand of hair behind her ear*
masa:*looking at her without turning his head to her alot- thinkign~ she really cute when she doe~ STOP IT MASA!!! >////< big idiot stop thinkin that =///=~*
Anzu: *tilts her head torewards him a bit curioslly* hm?
masa: o///o what?
Anzu: *looks down again* N-nothing you were just being quiet...I ws wondering what you were thinking about
masa: o--h... *loks to the celing*
Anzu: *sighs softly*
masa:*sighs* i really missed it here...
Anzu:....yeah I don't come here often anymore
masa:*mumbles almost silently* and imissed you....
(OK sorry i left and now my internet is running slow so it might be a LONG time for me to comment back but Holly, how do u edit with paint.net its ok if you cant explain ^w^
Anzu: *blushes* R-really? ((oh crud it's kinda hard too explain check youtube there video's on paint.net are reall helpfull)
masa:*covers his mouth-didnt realize he had said it outloud till she said that* O////O
Anzu: *looks down again*....nevermind then
(I guess ill try to wing it now xD my laptop sucks when it comes to watching youtube vids xD but thanx anyway xD)
masa: i-i didnt mean to say that outloud >////< ...... *sihgs-opening his eyes and has soft eyes* u always dothis to me.... u get me to say things i dont mean to say outloud without even trying...
(Sorry I couldn't help you more) Anzu: *blushes darkly and looks up at him* I-is that a good or bad thing though?
mas: *closes his eyes and leans his head bakc-his hair falling bak - sighs and smirks playfully* sometimes a bit of both....
Anzu: *smiles a bit then giggles* your a dork *eyes light up*
masa:*automaticly smiles lyk his old self* yeah...yeah... aparently i am u sayit all the time *laughs a lil-eyes actaully happy for once*
Anzu: *still smiling* But hell i'm cool with that *laughs* in fact yer the coolest dork I know ;P
masa:*laughs* ryo:*off with shinju in human form now-cna hear masa thoughts lauhgs*
Anzu: *laughs with him* Shinju: huh? what is it?
ryo:*smileing* tehy're getting along....
Shinju: *smiles brightly* great!
ryo:*laguhs* yeah it is! masa: *sweat drop and black lines ._.III" ryos listening in on my thoughts >_<"III
Shinju: *smiles* ^-^ Anzu: *laughs a bit more* is that a bad thing?
masA; er.... *blsuhing* well,....
Anzu: *giggles then smirks* hmmm??
masa: yes and no.....
Anzu: could you pleaseee ellaborate?
masa; *blushing looks away* id reather not.... (if i dissappear i wnet to bed btw i need help Dx idk what color to make yoshi's hair help!!)
(( x] weellll what color do you have for his outfit or eyes?)) Anzu: nuttt i'm asking you nicelyyy
(his eyes are dark purple) masa:*sweat drop* i really rather not say....
((hmmm then maybe a dark brown or red black would work too but that goes with everything lol I wouldn't doo white otherwise he might look too much like aika)) Anzu: but i'd realllyyy like too know *smiles*
(yah white would make him look lyk aika xD and i think ill do like dark red x3) masa: *blushing* ....
( mkay ^-^) Anzu: *blushes lightly and sighs*
(im working on coloring his hair and he looks almost deadlike o.e xD) masa: *is silent blushing*
(xD don't think that haha) Anzu: pleeasseeeee?
(HE DOES!!! he looks like a vampire xD-hes like grayish pale xD) masa:*sighs* it not the greatest thing i nthe world for him to read my thoughts cuz im thinking about.... *whispers* you....
(( xD buutttt vampires are cool x]* Anzu: *blushes insanley* O-oh *looks down*
(xD i know i think im gonna seceretly make him one >.> <.< btu the special kidna i mad eup that r almsot completely human :3 but they haeva few vamprie traits x3) masa: >////<
((ohhhhh magic vampire! *glomps idea* ^w^ )) Anzu: *smiles and tucks a peice of hair behind her ear again --it keeps falling out--* Good things or bad?
(xD idea:*is glomped*) masa:*blushing alot* g-good.....
Anzu: *smiles and hugs him* good ^///^
masa:*face goes bright red-considering hes only wearing a towl* O////O (gtg to sleep now bye bye)
Anzu: *giggles then pulls away from him* yer a dork =] ((awwww ok D=))
Masa: and now what is my reason for being one???
Anzu: *smiles* cause your just amazing like that
Anzu: *blushes lightyl and laughs* But i'm used too ya haha =P
masa:*smirks and rolls his eye both playfully*
Anzu: *smiles* oh I see how it is! *turns away from him in a playful fake anger way and giggles*
masa:*laughing some*
Anzu: *still faking ange but cracking up at the same time*
masa:*trying to hold his laugh in starting to fail*
Anzu: *turns too him and smiles brightly* Y-know that's the first time iv'e laughed like that in a longg time [[Did you give my new story any thought? =3 ))
masa:*blushes trying to calm his lauhg* m-...me too (i think i may :3 -btw did u ever see the new akg pic i posted earlier?? x3)
Anzu: *smiles* (and really? =3 awesome! =D but I has a question =] and no I didn't i'll go see it now ^-^))
(whats teh question?) masa: *finally clamed his lahg-looks to the ceiling* --a voice is hear-- Voice: *young teenage girl* i swear ti was ryo.. u know that bird aniki always had with him... amsa: O_O" shit....
Anzu: o.o *mutters * oh shit run....i'll cover for you alright masa? *smiles softly/sadly* [[[ mkay if you do join and yer charecters a bod can you pleeasee make him out of paul/shinji? I lurve him =3 and there are allot of rpc's out of ash ]]]
(yeah sure :3 mainly cuz i dont like akh very muhc ididnt plan on makeing my chracter outta him anywyas xD)masa:*looks at he rnod eyes a lil cold but a lil sad too whispers*-thank you.. *uses a justsu cuz they're commign thsi way-transports to the boys changin room* Riko and haruki:*come into view of anzu* riko: oh hey! *waves* ^_^
(( ^-^ great! =D )) Anzu: *looks suprised as if she didn't know they were coming* Oh hi!
haruki:*waving too* riko:waht are u doin here anzu? haruki: yeah ur never here? --later that day-- masa: *asleep in the tree by the lake*
Anzu: *walks up too the tree and sits noticing he was sleeping and smiles softly*
masa:*still asleep-hood covering his head -scrunched up*
Anzu: *watches him for awhile then leans her head against the back of the tree and closes her eyes*
-15 minutes later-- masa: *waking up open his eye and flinches a lil cuz its bright*
Anzu: *eyes still closed with a peaceful expression*
masa:*sees her blushing slightly thiking~ is seh asleep or awake?~*
(tis sleeping but lightly) anzu: v.v
masa:*stays quiet making no noise at all sits up*
Anzu: *head leans so it rests on her shoulder*
masa: hmmm.... *hair still somewhat damp from hte hot springs* ..*thinking~ she looks so-GAH! masa! stop it!! >////<~*
Anzu: *still dreaming flinches and face looks scared for a moment*
masa;*eyes soften thinking~ is she having a nightmare?~*
Anzu: *eyes tighten* [[D= I has too go byee]]
(bye .-.) masa:*puts hsi hand on her shoulder*
Anzu: *flinches in her sleep* >.<
masa: *shakes her lihglty and slowly* anzu....
Anzu: *gasps and opens her eyes* wh-what?
masa: *soft eyes* u were flinching in ur sleep, u alright?
Anzu:*nods* y-yeah....it's just a dream *laughs like she doubts herself* nothing I should be afraid of
masa:*frowns lightly* what buggin u?
Anzu: *shakes her head* nothing....er well it's this dream and I know it scares me and I know when I have had it but i can't remember exactally what it's about.... [[Did yew make the boy thaat's gonna travel with Kasai yet? =3]]
masa: =/ ..... (not yet ive been busy cuz i was over amys last night and this morning x3)
Anzu: see it's weird.... >.< [[ohes... that's ok  ]]]
masa:*laughs a lil* its not that weird..... i know a few ppl that were like that with dreMS*
Anzu: *looks at him*who?
masa: heh... junko is one shes constinatly having the same dream that scares the shit outta her but she never remembers most of it...
Anzu:.....how does she deal with it?
masa: sam way my other friend does..... trys to solve what it means...
Anzu: *holds her head* but I can'temember it....
masa: well, if u really want to remember it maybe it'll come back.... and it may not... u gotta figure out whats causing u to have the dream that what i- er i mean my friend did...
Anzu: ....but what of...I don't want too remember?...and what was your dream about
masa:*sweat dop thinking~ oh god masa u big blabbe rmouth u almsot siad urself but she figured it out anywyas!!!~
Anzu: *smiles softly* hm?? [brb dinner]
(mmmkay) masa: er.....
Anzu: c'mon pleasseee? I won't tell anyone
masa: er...... i er....
Anzu: I promiseee =]
masa:*shakes his head* ....
Anzu: *sighs* why? it's just a dream
masa: *trys to mumbles with out he rhearing* it wasnt me.... *lieing when he siad that*
(( i'm confused xD))
(xD hes saying kinda aloud thet it wasnt him, cuz he made the mistake of saying i, so hes tryign to lie and say it wasnt him)
((oohhhh)) Anzu: *raises an eyebrow* you sure about that?
masa:*looks away* yes....
Anzu:.....hmmmmm well then why do I have a feeling that you aren't telling me the truth? *smirks* [[wanna rp on a picture of Kasai even though you don't havethe guy done yrt? I'm hella bored xD]]
(xD sure i have aname i cna use for him anywyas u go start it tho x3) masa: *sweat drop-sighs*
Anzu: *laughs* See? I knew you were lying! it's a;right...but I really would like too know [[hmm want it too be like right after she gets vulpix in the caf'e? like he's traveling through?
masa: id rather not say its taken me forever to block it outta my head.... >_<" (oki, well go comment on one of the pics of her and we'll start it :3)
(mkay =3) Anzu: *hugs him* ten it's alright
masa:*blushs some*
Anzu:...*blushing lightly pulls away from him and smiles* ^//^
masa:*still blushing*
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