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whts with the look
XD It's Shikamaru, for pete's sake. He finds everything bothersome.
i just say one word: cuteee
Didn't his mom ever tell him that if he keeps making that face it will stay that way.
Cuuuuuuute! I love you Shikamaru...  SO BRING IT ON!
I can hear him now... "Why me!?"
Hey, that's not funny. Was that directed at me... if so, I was being stupid when I said "SO BRING IT ON!"... going for the Naruto effect.
I hope he will claw his own eyes out.
Lmao he looks so bored here...
DIE Shikamaru!!!
mabey he fall in love with someone........how cute
girls how troublesome
Yeah, and I love Kakashi-kun anyway. So there.
He's stareing at the creepy fan-girls in confusetion.
lol, Kbk... nice... anyway! I'm a major fangirl too. But I'll try not to scare him away. If I do, I got some rope in my closet
shikaluver:so cute!!!!!i'm a fangirl too!!!!I LOVE HIM!!!!hehe...i'm over doing it again...  kibaluver:*eats noodles*i don't belong here...
yo lili_x! kaj ima stara.ovo je guba.upravo skuzih kak se ovo sr.... radi.ipak nisu vanzemljaci napravili ovo tu...nesto
Heh. He's so great. I love his "so troublesome" expressions. xD
me too, but what did cute.devil.angel. say? was it bad or good?
neji_shikamura_ lova_ 231
Maybe Shika's next victim will be Kakashi's girl , but Kakashi will have too many other fan gals to bother with...
a bunch of fangirls.............how troublesome.....*sigh*
man hes cute....
That's the problem of being a super genius. Everything seems so boring to you.
I agree with Shikamaru_lover that ha sto be boring
He is teh pwnzorz.
I love that look of his
Shikamaru's Thoughts: What a drag!
typical shikamaru....heheh how troublesome.....
Hehe I love this expression, how troblesome SHIKA RULES!!!!!
Whether he's smiling, frowning, or somewhere stuck in between, Shikamaru is one of the cutest ninja in the world. Sigh... but I'm devoted to KAnkuro becasue there aren't enough Kankuro fangirls... life is cruel...
that's cuz kankuro's wierd and looks like a cat.
kankuro is NOT wierd and he does NOT look like a cat!thats what a kankuro fan would say and i am a kankuro fangirl!
He looks like a cat! he has a kitty cat hat!!!!!
It's not a damn cat hat. It's a Kabuki hat.
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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