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::snickers:: Good ol' Kagemane-No-Jutsu: The art of me-and-my-shadow. I would love to have that technique.
hehe, lol
That is so cool... even if it looks a bit weird.
Monkey! Oh yeah!
He's so......... words cannot describe how wonderful he is.
Shikamaru: Have you seen a guy with... with ears like these?
HAHAHAHA.....HE HAS GONE MENTAL. Why doesn't that surprise me?
"I'm a little teapot,short and stout..."
HE'S LOOKING FOR KANKAROU! THAT'S IT! Big ears... sure, they're fake, but who cares!
I just bough a whole bunch of Shikamaru things of eBay! Now I'm truley obsessed...
shikaluver:he hasn't gone mental!how dare you say that to my beloved shikamaru-kun!kibaluver:he looks mental to me...shikaluver:*twitches*oh,and kiba isn't a sh*thead with a damn dog.kibaluver:what?!how dare you insult my kiba-kun like that!and your only insulting akamaru because a dog tried to bite your finger off!!!shikaluver:shut up baka!kibaluver:you shut up!
xD He looks so amusing there. Gotta love Shikamaru.
Shika ls awesome xD he is looking for kankuro! LMAO
Get lost. He does not. Shika is the sexiest, most wonderful guy in the world!
Noooo, did my sis get on my account again? I didn't say that...  I would never insult Shikamaru-kun. Im gonna delete that...
Good. Shika-kun is the best.
You got that right!
I like that guy....he...he...he....he is like my crush julius.....but i like shika than him
He's so cool! I love deer ^.^
Ah! So cutie~~~ That's why I love him!!!
Hah, I was just thinking that, Zwei-chan.
IT'S A BIRD! NO! IT'S A MONKEY! NO......IT'S...........shikamaru??
This is why him and Kakashi are my favorites. Shikamaru's lazy, I'm lazy. He likes monkeys, I act like one...
It'a a heart shape! I love you to Shika-kun.
Isn't this supposed to be when his shadow jutsu catches that sound village guy and he makes that pose to make him look goofy?
yeah its all great isnt it  and Shikamaru is so SMEXY! and smart.
LOL! Shikamaru: Im a little teapot!
Do the macarena! n_n XD
I think hes doing the crane.... omg....; im plus karate.... equal sexy! and you can die Kakashis girl!!!!!
he looks a bit like a monkey. . . no offense meant
He looks funny in this pic
he is funny when he dose shadow hold,oh kogasgirl01 u are in need of some help
here is mah handle here is mah spout
I so don't like his clothes. I like HIM but for sure not his clothes  . His later ones are a lot better, though. he looks kinda sweet in the other clothes.
yeah i know he looks soooooooooooooo cute in part 2! shikamaru's like my secong fav character!
 Shika-kun!! I wuv you!! XD He looks even smexier with his hair down!! plus he's really smart and good at go and shogi
shikamarus mine he could put me in that justu any day
tee hee! monkey shikamaru!
when'd this guy learn to krump?
I love Shika-kun!!! he just has an ora of coolness!!
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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