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Awww Adorable. Why are Yuki and Usagi Sad?
thxs and well they think their mom ( suki ) will forget about them and their dad too ( dan )
Oh, I See.
yup yuki: sup usagi: wuz up
: Hey! Nothin,You?
yuki: nope usagi: nothing sadly
Kagome: I See. How You Guys Doin?
She's really cute!
yuki/usagi: were doing fine how about u and thxs aki
Kagome: Im Good. Do You Like My New Outfit? [the Newer Flute/Sakura Princess Version]
yuki: cool and ya usagi: its awsome all i have is my white and red dress yuki: .....* why did i have to get a girl twin *
Kagome: Thanks. It Pretty!
Your welcome
^^ yuki: yeah im bored usagi: *sighs * brothers
Kagome: Haha! I Can Imagine...
usagi: yeah yuki: yeah im going home to play video games see ya * leaves * usgai: well BYE!!
Kagome: Bye,Yukiiii!
yuki: * yells back * BYE!! NICE MEETING U!!
Kagome Ha ha! *waves* NICE MEETING YOU TOO!!
yuki: * gone * usagi: yup thats yuki for ya
Kagome: Heh. How Do You Like Havin a New Baby Sister?
usagi: well * sad face * i kinda dont like it
Kagome: Really? Is it Because Your Afraid That Your Parents Will Ignore You?
usagi: yes and she crys alt at night
Kagome: Haha. Don't Worry,They Won't Forget About You.
usagi: yeah
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