baby star.jpg 640x480(22KB) suki holding star-1256 viewssuki: * holding star * aww she is adorable
star: * sleeping *
dan: * smileing *
yuki:so this is my baby sis hmf * looks away*
usagi: oh this is her huh * looks sad *
suki: yup * looks at them and doesnt say anthing *
beth looking at naruto hurt.jpg 640x480(106KB) beth looking at naruto hurt-876 viewssrry it looks like a flash back
nurse: this way to mr. uzamakis room
beth: ok * follows her *
nurse: * gets there and opens the door * here we go now you can stay as long as you want ok
beth: ok * steps in the room and looks at naruto *
naruto: * shock * um srry you have to see me in bandages * smiles *
beth: * about to cry * n-naruto are you ok
naruto: yeah im fine
beth: thats good im glade
naruto: huh? why are you glade
beth: naruto the reason why im glade is i love you
naruto:* smiles * ^^
beth looking at naruto.jpg 718x540(54KB) beth looking at naruto-809 viewsher trainer: naruto is going to tech u some new move ok oh hes is
beth: * turns around real qiuck and turns mega red * O/////O
naruto: hi im naruto and u are
beth: * really red * O/////O im b-beth
naruto: hey iv heard of u your cousin rules the amni clan * beams *
beth: O/////O yes its true
beth remembers.jpg 640x480(64KB) beth remebers some-15366 viewsbeth: * sees a family portrit * hmm whats this
suki: thats a family prtrait of you me sakura and my parents and i think your and sakuras\
beth: eyes turn all difrent colors and remembers her family and what happend to them* my parents..
suk: your remembering ^_^
beth: i know what happend to them there dead...... but im a....
suki: a what
beth: well i remembered that i qwas in a fancey room with a lot of ppl and mom was up on the stage and dad was too
to be continued.....................
beths calm smile.jpg 431x286(23KB) beths calm smile-1962 viewsi love this one ^_^
nuki: * sees beth * hi
beth: hmm * looks at nuki * um do i know you
nuki: i dont know?
beth: well you look familer too me * has a calm smile *
nuki: you do too you look familer too me 2 well hi
beth: hi
nuki: ^_^
beth: ^_^
plz rate and comment
beths new hair look.jpg 640x480(27KB) beths new hair look-775 viewsshe decided to cut her hair and do something instead of get ble strike she got black and blue ones and she is wearing her not training clothes
its been so long.jpg 640x480(56KB) its been so long-896 viewsok so were in shippuden and naruto is walking in threw the gate and beth appears
naruto: um miss can you tel me where kakshi is
beth: * that vocie can it be beth turns around * ....naruto.....
naruto: how do you know my name * confused *
beth: NARUTO IT IS YOU! * hugs him *
naruto: um who are u
beth: you dont remember me how about this to remember * pulls out a group pic of them when they where 12 *
naruto: * looks at it * ... beth...
beth: yup * does the peace sign *
naruto: YAY! IT IS YOU!!
its shippunden time for beth.jpg 800x600(105KB) shippunden time-1837 viewsbeth: im 15 finally i also have a diffrent outfit
suki: awsome
yuki: yeah wat ever
usagi: love the outfit
enjoy yall
kizunes no. 1 fan girl kite hyuga.jpg 640x480(55KB) kite hyuga-1806 viewsthis is kizunes number 1 fan girl
name: kite huyga
age: 12-13
birthday: march 20th
bio: she is a blonde hyuga and she luvs kizune ( she is madly in love with him )
meet the new member of the family..jpg 490x560(62KB) new little member-1199 viewsintroduceing star yamen
name; star yamen
age: newborn
hair color: black ( like her dad ( dan ) )
eye color: i dont know she hasnt opened her eyes yet
bio: this is little star yamen her mom and dad are dan yamen and suki yamen ( suki amni ) her brother and sister is yuki yamen ( brother ) and usagi yamen ( sister )
she was born on december 25 ( CHRISTMAS! ) she was born 4 days earlyer than planned well enjoy her.
my new charater kizun..jpg 640x480(31KB) kizun-1425 viewsthis is kizun i hope yall like him
name: Kizun Itrui
Age: 13
hair color: white
Eye color: red
bio: kizun never smiles he doesnt have any feelings he even doesnt know how to love thats really sad
nuki nmi.jpg 640x480(49KB) nuki nmi-3772 viewsname: nuki nmi
clan: nmi clan
friends: none yet
crush: doesnt have one yet but is willing to date a boy that is nices
demon: a purple lion
bio: she loves animals is a medical ninja and is beth friend when she was little but nuki and beth doesnt remember her mother is lady 5 and her dad is dead plz enjoy her plz rate and comment and also she got anesa like beth
nuki what.png 640x480(199KB) nuki what-2429 viewsi wuv this one
nuki: what happend!! beth!
beth: there trying to take suki away
nuki: wow but anyway NEVER!!
????: nuki and beth your alive
beth: what
nuki: what i dont understand how do you know my name?
?????: because im your cousin alex
beth: so im related to nuki and you but why are you takeing suki away
alex: i was going to make her tell me where you guys are
nuki: oh wow...
to be continued.................
star !!!.jpg 499x336(33KB) star yamen-765 viewsthis is star in her crib
star: mamu WAA!! * reaches arms out *
suki: aww but no star you have to lay down for a nap ok
star: hmj hine
star and dan....jpg 370x550(24KB) father and daughter-650 viewsdan: * puts star down and walks 4 steps away * come to daddy
star: faddy * puts one foot in front of the other *
dan: thats it girl come to daddy
star: *walks to him * faddy faddy! bloo doo be
dan: thats my girl
suki going into labor.jpg 1000x600(56KB) suki.-1799 viewssuki: dan...
dan: yes
suki: get me too the hospital
dan: O_O * runs and gets the bag gets into the the car too *
suki: * in the car *
suki tammy and star at the hospital.JPG 704x396(49KB) suki tammy and little star-601 viewstammy: * walks in * hi suki and aww she is so cute!
suki: thxs
tammy: and dan is cute to * looks at him *
suki: GRR! tammy let me put this nicely DAN IS MINE!
tammy; fine * noctices something * hey she has blue eyes
suki: * looks at them * i guess she does time to do some research then
star : * looking at them confused * blaa doo de
the annerversery of chrisses death.jpg 600x400(35KB) the annerversery of chrisses death-816 viewsi decided to do the annversery pic i know she looks younger but suki is alot older k
suki: i miss him
dan: me too he was my bro
suki: * thinking: i miss u*
usagi: mom why are we here
yuki: yeah
suki: well this was me and your dads best friend that died
usagi: * sad * oh...
yuki: .... * sad * ...
star: * in dans arms * * crys * waaaaa
suki: shh star its ok
dan: yeah
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