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Yup, pretty boring being on crutches (trust me, life experience is talking here), but it's all for the best!
when am I gettin off these freakin things?
Soon, hopefully... don't stress about it.
you'll be ok in no time at all! ^^ just take it easy, ok?
You should be in bed!!
it's ok kakashi you'll get off them soon afterall a couple of crutches won't keep u cooped up for long!!!(but yeah it's boring all right...*flashback to when i was seriously injured* yup very boring.....
Yup, sooo boring. When I was on crutches, I was really annoyed all the time... but Kakashi-kun's probably not as bad-tempered as me, so I don't think he will be...
*brushes hands through his hair* Don't worry...you are tough...you'll heal soon enough.
kakashi: i am fine, KG. you are starting to get on my nerves. i need some alone time *gets up, and walks out of room* don't follow me, KG
let me kiss him to knock him out...
Kakashi: you can't beat me with cheap tircks, Kakashi19, i am way too advanced than you....
...KS...You are too mean..no one likes you..God..You are worst than..- *bagayaro!!!* Oh yes I do know Japanese..Infact...I'm part. *hugs Kakashi19* What a jerk she is..I'm sure that Kakashi would like to be kissed by you..Kakashi?? Kakashi: *nods and puts arm around KG and Kakashi19 and some how...KBK* Do go away KS. You are annoying me...not to mention KG and KBK...
sorry, if i was a little mean to u KG.i guess i just don't realize that i am mean, plz forgive me truce? Friends? besides, i am just kakashi's friend, right kakashi? Kakashi: yes, just friends, i know u don't want to be tied down, ellie. KG, u could be a little nicer to her... she's been through a lot you know.....
*Sigh,* Okay Kakashi, but only for you.. *smiles at KS*
thanx KG, sorry i was mean to u! u know i like kakashi too! so, what should we do next? kiss kakashi? or hug him? ur choice!
MESSAGE TO ALL KAKASHI LOVERS!!! I am writing a KakashiXSelf-insert romance story... go here to read: h t t p : / / w w w . a n i m e g a l l e r i e s . n e t / f o r u m / s h o w t h r e a d . p h p ? p = 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 # p o s t 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 (remove spaces). This is chapter one. Once you've read, remember to post and tell me what you think! I am getting sick of commenting that... I think that will do. Anyhow, yeah, let's kiss Kakashi! And um, hi Kakashi19, I haven't met you before...
i just read the first chaper in the story that u wrote, KBK. it is wicked awsome! plz write more!!
well at least ur up and about, Kakashi
KIss of course...*kishes him on lips..* weeeeeeeeeee Kisehes... o_O As much as I love him..I have to say um..he looks at bit noseless in this picture.
i kno he wears his head-band like that to cover his sharingan-eye,but y dose he wear that black thing over the rest of his face?
Cuz he is too hot..If he doesn't wear the mask, me might get raped on the streets
coz its his style! a hot style at that
Me: take it easy okay kashi? kakashi: I'm fine and please don't call me kashi my name is kakashi so call me that no offense but it's.... to me it's kinda'fa pet name Me: oh sorry....
If you don't wanna called by "Kashi", how about Kash-kash?
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