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Oh Kakashi, you're the only guy who would worry about his enemy... you're one nice guy (sighs... that's why I love you)
Haku's doing...
Haku looks and sounds like a girl, but he's really a guy... weird.
yea... I had that girl or boy problem with Haku
[[pokes Zabuza with a stick]] *poke poke* o_o
He's not dead Kakashi. He's just hit in a spot that stops his bodily functions for a bit.
I though Haku was a girl at first. He have eyes like a girl. He is quite cute but not as cute as Kakashi!
Kakashi, stop it!
Kakashi don't listen to her! Do whatever you feel is right.
he's poking a death-simulated Zabuza... what if Momochi were to all of the sudden wake up?!
Let the guy do what he wants
Mmmmmmmm.......... (thinks: why am I wasting my time with these people?)
[[continues poking]]o_o
*stares at the clouds for a while and sighs* I think you can stop poking him now Kakashi.
Zabuza: *looks up and glares* STOP POKING ME!!! *goes back to being unconscious*
 I told you so...
Haku: Umm... I'm gonna take him away... now... if it's all right with you! ^^ *grabs Zabuza and vanishes*
It's not ok with me... but he's already gone. Too bad. Why didn't you just kill him Kakashi? But then, killing isn't as easy as it seems... it must be very difficult to bring yourself to kill another being... mind you, Itachi and Orochimaru don't seem to have any trouble with it... or Zabuza, for that matter.
I agree with KBK..
Hmmm... I think, out of all the characters, I hate... Kabuto and Itachi the most.
And I hate Gato. I'm so glad Zabuza kills him. Heh. Yay Zabuza!!
Um..could someone please put some brain in Laiyo's head:
Hey look, Haku. It's that psycho fangirl trying to insult me again.
i think i like itachi i have not seen ep yet so i really don't know but by his looks i like him he looks like a powerfull and older sasuke.
-_-  *siiigh* Look KG... I'll stop calling you a fangirl if you stop abusing Zabuza. Promise. Not another word about Zabuza, and I won't call you a fangirl ever again. Deal??
DEAL!! *hugs and squeals* ....*thinks to self...stupid Zabuza...I saw him trying to kiss a rock before..what a loser! Good thing Laiyo doesn't know what I'm thinking...* *Smirks*
MAN you guys are taking it out of the extreme just because someone is dissing zabuza or calling someone a fangirl does not mean that you have to hate each other!!!! JEEZE!!!!! just ignore what the other says!!!!!
*whispers sideways to Haku* That KG... I can't believe she said it all out loud... Zabuza - kiss a rock? o.O ...So, should I turn into my werewolf form and chase her around in all my fearful werewolfness? Haku: Nah... Can't you see? Strong obsession... Hallucinations... Thinking out loud... We all know what that sickness is (starts with an 'f'...) Me: *not listening* RABIES!! O.O Haku: *hangs head* In other words, she can't help it, okay? Listen to what KS said. Me: O.O Okay... (yikes rabies!!) Haku: -_-...
Yeah go Haku!!!
Haku: *bows to KS* Thankyou, thankyou!^^ You give good advice, young one!
I wasn't done poking T_T
*takes away stick* NOW you are. >x3
give Kakashi back his stick! whoa that sounded really Really REALLY akward
You are so mean Laiyo!!!!! Lmao.. Okay Deal...I'll never say anything bad about Zab Zab every every again...*mutters something under my breath*
*also mutters something quietly under her breath, then, out loud:* You'd BETTER not... if you like your heart, liver, and other miscellaneous delicious internal body organs... if you know what I mean
You'd better listen to her...or else >:3
Yes. >x3
[[poke Zabuza in the Eye]] X3
*ties up Kakashisthoughts and pokes him in the eye REPEATEDLY. >x3* *With a claw. >X3*
*replpacement juitsu* [[runs away as a kitty cat]]
Phoenix: *Burns the cat to a crisp* Sawries i'm late Laiyo!
*burnt kitty cat keeps running*
*shoots the kitty cat down with a jet from her waterhose* That's all right, Phoenix!
YAY!! Go, Laiyo!! You go, KG!! He?? The fight already over?? Oooww... too baaad...
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