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That's pretty KEWL!!!
Yeah... Iruka should know that Kakashi now knows Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura's abilitys better than anyone. He should stop trying to interfere.
Kissed_by_Kakashi I see you on every Kakashi picture ^_^ You're totally obsessed with im LOL
I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH!!! Yeah, I have commented on every one of his pics... I suppose I am a bit obsessed.  Hee hee... but I don't care!
She's not as obsessed with him as much as I am! I have over a hundred pics of him, and I have pics of him all over my room.
Um, same here. And I'm in love with him... and I think about him all the time. But, hey, I'm not getting into an argument about who's more obsessed about Kakashi... that's just sad.
Kissed by kakashi won't be the only one talking on every one of kakashi's pics. I actually saw them all first them posted.
it's true kakshi is the best sensei ever and iruka should learn how to accept that.....hehe even naruto likes kakashi better( in one of the episodes naruto runs up to kakashi and gives him a hug and says"kakashi sensei,i LOVE u!!!!) it was soo sweet!!!!!
Did I say I was in love with him? Sorry, slip of the tounge there.
I'd be a soldier under his command any day. drool
Yipes... someone's crazy!
What I like Kakashi... is that a crime?
No... but that is just, um, a little strange. What you said b4, that is.
how is it strange?
Well, it's a bit weird that you'd want to be a soldier under his command. Think about it... he'd order you around, tell you what to do... wouldn't you rather be his team-mate?
 That is something to think about, but since I'm younger than him then wouldn't he just tell me what to do even if I were his teammate? I guess i would rather be his teammate, but I would also want him to teach me.
Hmm, same. He is very experienced, so his knowledge would be a bit benifit to teaching... still, I'd rather be on Shikamaru's team.
Shikamaru's team? Tell me (for I do not know) is that Kakashi's team?
No. Shikamaru is the super genius with an IQ of over 200... he was the only Genin who became a Chuunin in the Chuunin exam. He has a ponytail and ear-rings. Nara Shikamaru. And how I love him.
Shikamru???? Ohmigod. I want to see him. Is he hot like Kakashi.
Hahahaha... got you going there, didn't I? I'm just kidding. I love Kakashi and only Kakashi, and that's the end of it. I swear I won't change characters again!
Lol...KAKASHI IS REAL...HE IS REAL YOU HEAR?? I AIN'T JOKING...I REALLY AM NOT...If you want to hear the story..pm me.
i agree kakashi is hott and soooooooooo many people are obssed with him like have plusheies, posters, cardboard cut-outs and many motre like i do!!!! i love him!!!!!and so do all of you!! too bad he's not real...  and being harsh (look at picture above) only adds to his hottness. I now declare my self Mrs. Kakashi Hatake!!! and all you are my slaves!!!Muhahahahahahahah!
HE IS F**** REAL...................I DON'T LIE..MY FRIEND DOESN'T LIKE......HE IS 16 WHY WOULD HE LIE????????????????????? *bashes head against wall* Fine, don't believe me. I'll just enjoy it myself......*Hugs Kakashi*
i loved kakashi since the first episode he was in!!!!! super duper hot!!!
i agree
God Kakashi's girlfirend 2231..all you care about is how hot he looks...No wonder he doesn't even want to be your friend. *sighs*
HEY Kakashi is mine too. got that  alright sorry I didn't mean to be mean  and plus i don't think Kakashi even cares..if were his friend or not
 Everyone's obssessed over Kakashi. Oh well, I luv him 2!
...just to be honest kakashi is good looking but he doesn't have a kind heart...well only to those he trust. well when hoshikuru comes out u guys well see what mean.
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