86yghhgg.JPG 720x540(47KB) kimiko's memeory of her and mitsuki-1331 viewsso cute
akuramiko.JPG 773x600(61KB) kimiko running away2-894 views(akura appered out of nowhere)
akura: when we say come back,then come back u discusting brat!!!!
kimiko: no way!!! how did u apperd so fast.....she barly used any chakira...
ami akira1.JPG 720x551(32KB) AMI AKIRA-1948 viewsA GIFT FOR DEATHBYGLITTER-CHAN...
ami uzumaki2.JPG 729x600(55KB) AMI UZUMAKI-773 viewsa gift for nejilover77,....oh just if u're wondering....she's stareing at neji......
amichiko.JPG 640x560(54KB) MICHIKO AND AMI-1525 viewsFOR SAUKELOVER77 AND NEJILOVER77....i just wanted to do this for nejilover's stroy,when ami and michiko fight each other for the last time and stuff
amichiko1.JPG 729x600(54KB) AMI AND MICHIKO-1070 viewsfor sasukrlover77 and nejilover77
angel.JPG 720x556(41KB) ANGEL-CHAN-1062 viewsit's for jacoby-love_forever
boyo3.JPG 639x480(26KB) boyo fighting mozo-1208 viewsmozo: will who cares if u're older then me,and that u're way stronger then me,and that girls fell in love with in just about 1 half a secound and that....
boyo: what's your point.....
mozo:i.....forgot what we were talking about again....oh yea,and u may be way more awesomer then me,but i can still beat u no matter what stupid....
boyo: oh,i'm can't help it when woman fall in love with me,just like your friend mitsuki and kimiko there but if u want to fight,why didn't u just said so dude....
boyo4.JPG 640x500(29KB) boyo serious-1251 viewsboyo: i'm not finished.....i meant that u can't fight ppl like the akatsuki orochimaru was good enough for u're last fight kim.....
kimiko:but if i stop fighting strong ppl then how am i gonna get stronger?
boyo: why do u keep wanting to get stronger what part of fighting orochimaru was good enough for u're last fight didn't u inderstaned?
mozo: all of it.....
mitsuki: no that's just u mozo...
mozo: ture repead it again....
dark: in other words,mozo is stupid....
mozo: ture....HEY!....
boyo4~0.JPG 640x500(26KB) boyo confused-998 viewsboyo; what do u mean got in the village,it's impossible,cause it's in the sky zochi...
zochi; will i don't how it happan,cause it just did boyo,so are u gonna help us or stay here....
boyo;..........i'm comeing,let me just tell something to my friend then we'll leave....
zochi; ok hurry up.....
(boyo talking with mozo)
mozo; what how can the ninjas go up there it's in the sky.....
boyo; maybe they're flying ninjas.....
mozo; maybe,....hey can i come plz.....
boyo; ok but just u....
boyo5.JPG 640x500(28KB) boyo mad at mozo-710 views(16 minutes later and boyo and zochi were waiting for mozo,but mozo came with ppl)
boyo; mozo why are they here
mozo;who.....(looks at every1 behind him).....oh this ppl....
boyo; yes them.....
mozo; idk....
mitsuki;(hits mozo) don't lie,u said that we can come to help them.....
boyo;say what.....
mozo; sorry i gussed that i musted have said it to everyone i know....
boyo: i guess that u are an idiot....but where's kimiko....
mitsuki; she's....
kimiko; right here...
dark and darkness1.JPG 733x549(22KB) darkness and dark little-1305 viewsu have to thx someone who made this picture but i edit it,so here darkness was always sick when he was little and dark always had to take care of him cause they don't have a mom,or dad....
dark and darkness2.JPG 700x491(19KB) dark and darkness scared-643 viewsthis is when they saw they're mom and dad on the floor and there were blood everywhere and darkness almost barf up cause of it.....
dark: what.....what's this.....
darkness:idk,but...i don't like it one bit big brother.....
dark: who did this and why(crys)....i'm gonna kill the ppl who did this to mom and dad....
darkness: but how big brother,i mean....our parents are really strong but they were still killed.....i don't want u to die to.....
dark: don't worry darkness i'll think of something
DARK VS. MOZO_0001.jpg 320x240(26KB) dark vs. mozo-961 viewsit's the 1st macth at the chunin exams and it's darkness and mozo 1st to fight....
darkness: get ready cause i'm not loseing to u...mozo
mozo: me nither,and by the way...i won't go easy on u,no matter what!!!
dark2.JPG 720x540(35KB) dark hirko-870 viewshe's the most popular guy in school,he has a twin brother named darkness hirko, dark doesn't like anything like girls,losers,loseing,or anyone but his brother that's for sure....he's parents died,cause of a super strong technice they tryed to learned,but it killed them...
dark3.JPG 729x600(31KB) dark telling darkness that they're helping him to get kimiko back...-918 viewsdark: darkness,u can't go alone,so we're gonna help u get kimiko back...
darkness: r-really dark.....but.....i thought that....u didn't like me.......
dark: dude,i'm your bro,and i'm can choose not to do this,but i want to,since kimiko means so much to u,and i hate seeing u upset.....
mitsuki: eh....
mozo: huh mitsuki (looks at mitsuki,then back to dark and darkness).....
darkness: thx guys....(crys)....sorry....
dark: dude,don't cry next to me....it's stupid....
mozo: yay!!! let's go..
dark4.JPG 720x599(21KB) dark and darkness spying on the sound ninjas....-900 viewsdarkness: now we can find kimiko.....
dark: don't get u're hopes up yet....
darkness: why they can lead us to kimiko....
dark: yea,or a trap...
darkness: that's true...
dark: look they're leaving,let's go...
darkness: right...
darkkimsuki1.JPG 573x444(42KB) little kimiko and mitsuki hugging darkness-723 viewsso cute
darkmiko10.JPG 720x551(41KB) darkness and kimiko surprised-790 viewsthe sound ninja didn't want to fight them anymore so he gave them a scroll,and left,then kimiko wanted to know what happend cause she didn't rememeber anything that just happend....then she fainted and fell on darkness's lap...
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